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why is that some ppl who have an obsession or a girl they really want badly... looks nothing like the girl of their dreams or anything like what they always point out as hot??? like if someone says catherine zeta jones is hot, but they go out with girls who look like ally mcbeal... does that make sense??? i dont get it... explain???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

okay but why is ones dream girl, the total opposite of ones reality girl??? what if the reality girl is the ones dream girl, but looks nothing like the ppl they point as theyre dream girls???

most people are not perfect.

girls who look like shit has a heart of gold. their flaw is the looks.

girls who look hot, but they have a flaw, everyone does... maybe its smelly feet? or hairy toes?

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okay what im trying to say is this... lets say youre walking down the street and said person says "omg look at her shes amazing, i love her..." and hypothetically speaking she is brunnette, dark eyes, dark make up, short dark hair, well dressed... etc... however then the person they wind up dating or want to date or are obsessed with are the exact opposite or lets say blonde, light eyed, no make up, long blonde hair, and poorly dressed... what the fuck is going on there???

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Because hot is hot. But an attraction is an attraction. I know what you are talking about. Cause what I consider hot is not necesarily what I look for in a woman. Me personally I like the Cute innocent looking woman. Kinda like whats her name from Jerry Maguire. I don't know her name. But she has that little innocent look about her...

But like I said. There is a difference between what people consider hot and what they are actually attracted to.

Other reasons. People say someone is hot just to get a reaction from there surrounding people. :D

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Originally posted by dgmodel

why is that some ppl who have an obsession or a girl they really want badly... looks nothing like the girl of their dreams or anything like what they always point out as hot??? like if someone says catherine zeta jones is hot, but they go out with girls who look like ally mcbeal... does that make sense??? i dont get it... explain???

I think the reason for this is that most dream girls are based soley on looks, and in reality you take the whole package. In real life you may meet someone who is good-looking, but doesnt necessarily look like your dream girl, but she has all the qualities you want in a person

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Originally posted by psychosweetie9

I think the reason for this is that most dream girls are based soley on looks, and in reality you take the whole package. In real life you may meet someone who is good-looking, but doesnt necessarily look like your dream girl, but she has all the qualities you want in a person

For real... real people aren't one dimensional... :idea:

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Originally posted by atomicapples

personally i want to be with a nerdy nerdy nerdy looking girl, who has brains yet power...

soo hoot

see this is a perfect example... apples claims this is what he wants, this is his dream girl... correct!? we all agree on this? we read the above right??? yet the woman he loves/obsesses about is none of that, not even close... whats the deal here??? (sorry tony not to single you out, or make this thread about you, but this was a perfect example of what i mean...)

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i understand what marko is saying...ill use me as an example..

i love cute petite girls...with short hair ..prefferably ones who wear glasses...

but only one of my GF's has been close to that....one out of i dont even know how many...(that is me provin how fuckin PIMP i am)

i think people r afraid of the ideal...everyone wants something to lust after...and i guess thats our subconcious way of staying in the lust race...because if we ever settled down with the type of girl/guy we truly want we'd stop chasing..and life would be boring

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Originally posted by dgmodel

why is that some ppl who have an obsession or a girl they really want badly... looks nothing like the girl of their dreams or anything like what they always point out as hot??? like if someone says catherine zeta jones is hot, but they go out with girls who look like ally mcbeal... does that make sense??? i dont get it... explain???

Well there's also reality and fantasy... Yes there are nice normal hot girls who look like Catherine Zeta JOnes... You could very well met her on day... Then you have your Ally McBeal's..... It's also a case of settling. If you are just gonna take what ever walks by, then you aren't going to ever find what you are really looking for. Being "picky" and having certain things you like in a personality helps you elimate all those who you would never want....if that makes any sense...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i love cute petite girls...with short hair ..prefferably ones who wear glasses...

but only one of my GF's has been close to that....one out of i dont even know how many...(that is me provin how fuckin PIMP i am)

the one you let your boys call little boy!!!

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You can't always get what you want

You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes

You just might find

You just might find

You get what you need

Truer words have never been spoken! How can you even know what you REALLY want until you've already had it???

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Originally posted by tastyt

You can't always get what you want

You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes

You just might find

You just might find

You get what you need

Truer words have never been spoken! How can you even know what you REALLY want until you've already had it???

very nicely said :aright:

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i kinda agree with gabo, in a lot of cases, people do take what they can get.

also though, like tasty said, people arent that shallow. my dream guy would be a brunette and im seeing this blond who blows away every other guy (blond/brunette) i have dated. i dont care about being with a brunette that badly.

if you meet someone and you enjoy their company, who cares if they look like your "dream guy/girl"... the reality is that if you did meet the dream person, their personality would probably clash with yours and you wouldnt wanna spend time with them...

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