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What are your favorite scents/things to smell?/?


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1) The interior of brand new leather interior of a car. Mercedes and Lexus have the best smelling leather. Oh and Nissan...

2) Many Diff. Womans Perfumes and Body Sprays

3) The way a baby smells after a bath. I love that baby soap.

4) Pantene and Herbal Essence shampoo on ladies. ( I have a crazy hair fetish )

I cant think of anymore right now...

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fabric softener

i like associating smells with the people i love :love: . for instance, recently i smelled someone who used nivea hand lotion, which reminded me of my stepmother. normally that smell wouldn't do anything for me, but because it reminded me of her, i really liked it.

my favorite body wash: fa peach iced tea. i think it may have been discontinued, though, 'cause i can't find it anywhere :(

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Adriatic Sea at 9am ....i cant even describe it

I always confuse the Adriatic with the Agean... the Adriatic is btw. Italy and Yugo, right?/?

I forgot about the smell of the ocean. When i used to live in long beach, i would sometimes sleep outside on the terrace, and i swear, i carried that "ocean smell" with me that Kramer from Seinfeld tried to market. It's a wonderful scent :D

Oh, and gasoline smells DANG good~! Im gonna feel like a weirdo saying this, but sometimes i'll accidentally spill a drop on myself to carry it with me :tongue:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Oh, and gasoline smells DANG good~! Im gonna feel like a weirdo saying this, but sometimes i'll accidentally spill a drop on myself to carry it with me :tongue:

remeber, you can be very very very very very very rediculously goodlooking, and still get killed by a freakish gas fire9or something like that from zoolander)

anyone know the exact phrase??

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hehehe...gmc...remember I posted this topic like last year... ;)

I love the smell of:


magic markers

paint & plaster


a new car interior

burnt match

freshly xeroxed paper..actually the ones that were made from stencils...the purple ink printed ones...

Photo Film right when you open up the little bottle container that its in...

the inside of New Textbooks...

white out

Party/Club Flyers

Coconut Tanning Oil


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i love the smell of a darkroom :D , but only black and white chemistry (plain old developer and fixer, stop's ok, too). color chemistry (bleach fix replenisher, etc.), which i only know from processors and not hand (but no one does that, anyway), smells like it's melting my nose hairs :eek::no: . but color chemistry is corrosive and b & w isn't, so there's the explanation for that right there.

i have a theory that photographers live long 'cause of the chemistry. historically, many have lived super-long. (don't bring up people like herb ritts to try to disprove my theory; dying from complications of aids doesn't count.) i think it preserves the breed :D:aright: .

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Originally posted by mystify82281

Good topic GMC :D

Smell of brewing coffee

Certain colognes including and especially Japur :drool:

The smell of gasoline - I LOVE getting gas ahhhhh smells good!

That's all I can think of right now.... :)

colognes, gasoline is my fav also :D , my perfume and some others that i cant think of right now

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