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What OS are you?


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Originally posted by djfrosty

IBM wasn't backstabbed, it was Steve Jobs who got b-stabbed by Gates

Yeah right.

Jobs stole the GUI from Xerox first of all, and Gates was working on his own at the same time Apple was. Apple had the superior GUI until 1995, but like today, the platform in general was severely lacking in customizability and hardware options.

IBM and MS were a team of sorts until the late 80s, when MS broke off from them, took the bulk of the research and ran. IBM's always made software and hardware the way it was meant to be, it did the job, and it worked. No frilly "lickable berry" bullshit and using drugged up chicks to advertise their wares. BTW, it was IBM hardware that beat a human in chess, and was scheduled to do it again, but the human canceled the match.


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IBM had it's share of woes, hell Apple and the entire dot com industry are in the shitter now. But Big Blue's been around for 100 years, and will be around for 100 more :)

Sure, when IBM builds it's first AI it's gonna go nuts and try and kill the crew of the ship it's on, but that's just beta-testing :)

Give me a Z-series mainframe running Redhat (it can!) any day of the week over Apple. Actually, give me any OS over Apple :)

Finally, I can be the elitist on Clubplanet. You guys all drop track names and such, I can babble about OSes :)

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OS-X is like Linux Junior. It's got a UN*X core, but it's lacking essetial features at the command line. Sure you can install them, but it's very painstaking due to other limitations of the OS.

Besides, PC hardware is just plain better. Apple has to double up their processors to come close to Intel and AMDs latest.

And as I love to say to piss off the Mac users, I'm using my PC not thinking about how it matches with my decor.

Actually I will confess to being a hardcore geek that the girls will not talk to anyway, it's just a fortuitious accident that the girls at Space, Spin and crobar talk to me...

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