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Club Space 34 - Just a question?


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I have been lurking on here for quite sometime reading about your Roland vs. Ivano debate. A question that I pose is this - why does everyone on this board want to create a situation for two DJ's to battle it out against each other?

There is no question that both Roland and Ivano are talented - they are both weekly residents at one of the best clubs in the world. Roland has his individual style - Ivano has his.

I think that you should all respect both for there skills and not spread the hate as you have been doing. Everyone should realize how lucky they are to have the great music in South Florida that we do!

Just a thought . . .

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I don't think anyone is, really advocating a battle. I can respect that they, both have different styles. unfortunately Ivanno's style doesn't appeal to me, and I make no apologies in stating such. it has nothing to do with hating, but more to do with wanting better. ;)

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Originally posted by sobeton

I don't think anyone is, really advocating a battle. I can respect that they, both have different styles. unfortunately Ivanno's style doesn't appeal to me, and I make apologies in stating such. it has nothing to do with hating, but more to do with wanting better. ;)

YWSS! :D (Yeah What Sobeton Said)

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I respect your opinion on not liking Ivano's style - there is no question that you can't like every DJ in the world.

The "hate" that I have been reading refers to the "petition" to give the patio over to Roland and the "Cheeselini" references.

Last weekend there was only one legitimate review on Roland's set at Space. First you have to hand it to the guy for spinning 16 hours plus. But the patio was nowhere near as packed as it was when Ivano is there, when Roland got the crowd jumping he would bring them down with a weak song, and most of the people who posted left the patio by 9am.

And I am not the biggest Ivano fan but the week before Ivano threw down some sick records that made me look twice before thinking that it him behind the decks. I left there at 2pm and the patio was still jumping.

The bottom line is that both Roland and Ivano are both SPACE EMPLOYEES. You should use this forum to share music, ideas and party information - not to slander a guy because you dislike a record he plays.

Just my $0.02

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Oh Please ! if I'm not mistaken a petition, is a means to express ones opinion. yes "Cheeselini " is inappropriate, however I’m sure it's use was not meant, to evoke hate or to slander Ivanno Bellini. people want a change.. if the means to foster that change, includes spirited discussion and such... then so be it.... you don’t bring about change, by sitting on your arse and being complacent.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

I respect your opinion on not liking Ivano's style - there is no question that you can't like every DJ in the world.

The "hate" that I have been reading refers to the "petition" to give the patio over to Roland and the "Cheeselini" references.

Last weekend there was only one legitimate review on Roland's set at Space. First you have to hand it to the guy for spinning 16 hours plus. But the patio was nowhere near as packed as it was when Ivano is there, when Roland got the crowd jumping he would bring them down with a weak song, and most of the people who posted left the patio by 9am.

And I am not the biggest Ivano fan but the week before Ivano threw down some sick records that made me look twice before thinking that it him behind the decks. I left there at 2pm and the patio was still jumping.

The bottom line is that both Roland and Ivano are both SPACE EMPLOYEES. You should use this forum to share music, ideas and party information - not to slander a guy because you dislike a record he plays.

Just my $0.02

First of all, the backstreet boys have a packed arena compared to Van Halen...but Van Halen are better musicians. Crowd density doesn't equal talent.

Roland is just getting started, his fanbase is growing. I tell you next time he does a 12 hour set, the crowd will be larger because of what he did at the last one. There were people there until 2 PM for Roland as well.

Ivano used to do a good job, what most people on this board do not like is his utter predictabilty, and the type of crowd he draws, which seems to consist of snooty south beach types who think they're slumming it by coming on over the bridge for a few hours in the morning to come down after doing too much coke.

Ivano and Roland are both Space employees yes, but we still reserve the right to critcize the both of them.

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I'm with you, SoBe 2003! If Roly has so many fans, and they spent as much time supporting him on the patio as they do bitching on this board, then there wouldn't be any need for a debate. Case closed. So, turn off your computers and head out to the patio and sit back (sober) like I do weekend after weekend and watch the crowd... Take a nice long look... and stay a while. You just might learn something new.


I don't know of many DJ's who can move a crowd like Ivano. And do you REALLY think he likes the repetitiveness of his sets? Have you listened to him in other venues? He doesn't even like some of the songs he spins but he does it because the crowd demands it -- week in and week out. And the man moves people. Period. :dj:

When Roly shows me that he can keep a crowd there through a thunderstorm with weather advisories like Ivano has proven to do time and time again, then I'll sign your silly petition. Until then, perhaps he might consider staying to see what happens after 6 a.m... It ain't all bad. :beer:

I think Louis knows what he's doing. He's proven it time and time again. Let's let the BIG cheese do what he does best... :cheese:

Now SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DANCE! :direct::bounce:

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Originally posted by mymusicmatters

I'm with you, SoBe 2003! If Roly has so many fans, and they spent as much time supporting him on the patio as they do bitching on this board, then there wouldn't be any need for a debate. Case closed. So, turn off your computers and head out to the patio and sit back (sober) like I do weekend after weekend and watch the crowd... Take a nice long look... and stay a while. You just might learn something new.


I don't know of many DJ's who can move a crowd like Ivano. And do you REALLY think he likes the repetitiveness of his sets? Have you listened to him in other venues? He doesn't even like some of the songs he spins but he does it because the crowd demands it -- week in and week out. And the man moves people. Period. :dj:

When Roly shows me that he can keep a crowd there through a thunderstorm with weather advisories like Ivano has proven to do time and time again, then I'll sign your silly petition. Until then, perhaps he might consider staying to see what happens after 6 a.m... It ain't all bad. :beer:

I think Louis knows what he's doing. He's proven it time and time again. Let's let the BIG cheese do what he does best... :cheese:

Now SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DANCE! :direct::bounce:

In case you didn't notice, there's no posts about Roland when he's playing somewhere, because his fans on this board are all out supporting him in some way. The buzz comes weeks beforehand. How many times do you see a post on here that Ivano is playing somewhere. Ivano doesn't have that kind of loyalty week after week. Ask any random person on the patio what track Ivano's dropping and I doubt they'll be able to tell you. Ivano can move a crowd because his crowd is used to that predictability. They want to hear Touch Me at 8:15 am or else! I'll give you that he's better in other places, like Spin (or whatever the hell it's gonna be called...), and Opium...because a more sober minded crowd can handle the changes he'll introduce. He's in a comfort zone in the patio, and doesn't want to shock the sweaty masses into something new. He doesn't garner much attention on here due to the fact that his audience seems to consist of Beach snobs who pay people like me $100 an hour to install a mouse.

We are out there on the patio supporting him. I'm there as much as I possibly can be, not only because Roland and Biz are my friends, but because I genuinely appreciate what they are trying to do, as do many other people. We're not saying Ivano is a bad DJ, he's really not, what we're saying is that his predictability on the patio gets a little drawn out, and it's time for a new man on the decks outside. Roland doesn't have as many fans as Ivano yet, but his fan base is informed, and effective at making such things happen.

I have to ask both of you a question, it seems you established an account just to post your 'defense' of Bellini...any reason why?

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Originally posted by mymusicmatters

I'm with you, SoBe 2003! If Roly has so many fans, and they spent as much time supporting him on the patio as they do bitching on this board, then there wouldn't be any need for a debate. Case closed. So, turn off your computers and head out to the patio and sit back (sober) like I do weekend after weekend and watch the crowd... Take a nice long look... and stay a while. You just might learn something new.


I don't know of many DJ's who can move a crowd like Ivano. And do you REALLY think he likes the repetitiveness of his sets? Have you listened to him in other venues? He doesn't even like some of the songs he spins but he does it because the crowd demands it -- week in and week out. And the man moves people. Period. :dj:

When Roly shows me that he can keep a crowd there through a thunderstorm with weather advisories like Ivano has proven to do time and time again, then I'll sign your silly petition. Until then, perhaps he might consider staying to see what happens after 6 a.m... It ain't all bad. :beer:

I think Louis knows what he's doing. He's proven it time and time again. Let's let the BIG cheese do what he does best... :cheese:

Now SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DANCE! :direct::bounce:

I have four words for ya ....

get off our tip!

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In response to Pod's remark's about coming to Ivano's defense, it's not that I am "jumping on to defend Ivano"... but I will defend an artist that is deserving, and yes, I did sign on to do just that. :punch:

As such, I have been refering to this message board in recent months to check out the scene and see what folks had to say, but when it became an Ivano Attack Board, I had to add my opinion. And that petition just took it to a whole new level.


There is no need to slander someone with Ivano's talent just to try to bring your friend to the top. No one ever succeeds by using such tactics and his fans should let Roly's skills speak for themself and through his talents, he will shine his way to the top. And I agree that HE IS indeed very talented or he wouldn't be playing at Space. However, last Sunday there was little consistency in his set and he brought the crowd to an ultimate high (which was nice) :bong: but then he dropped them like a hot potato. More than once... :what:

He's simply not there yet. :nono:

I, too, have many, many friends who are DJ's -- very GOOD and talented DJ's who spin at Crobar and many of the big clubs. But we don't try to destroy other DJ's and make up petitions to try to bring ours to the top. If they deserve to be at the top, they will be. In the end, the only thing that really matters is the music... :clap2: I just think positive support is always better.

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To my dear Sobe & Mymusic:

You got to be fucking kidding me.:laugh: Why are you so concerned about an Ivano versus Roland battle? let those 2 defend themselves on the turntables. Instead of coming on here talking more shit. But since you talked the lard of shit, let me sit here and talk some shit with you.

I don't know of many DJ's who can move a crowd like Ivano. And do you REALLY think he likes the repetitiveness of his sets? Have you listened to him in other venues? He doesn't even like some of the songs he spins but he does it because the crowd demands it -- week in and week out. And the man moves people. Period.

Yeah, u mean moving them out the door.:rolleyes: He is a sleeper and he has to play that commercial shit in order to somewhat "move" them. I dont know if you can call that "moving" on the patio at eight in the morning. Those fucked up souls just parade side to side in zombie like fashion. Thats moving alright. Of course its successful, its the only afterhours left in the fucking city!:rolleyes: I find it interesting that you say Ivano moves people. I was at Spin (RIP) the night of their 1 year anniversary and I saw Ivano get sanwiched between Roland and Oscar. It was like a grilled cheese sanwich. Roland and Oscar were the bread and they both melted Ivano. As they say in spanish: "No es por nada" but Ivano came on after Roland and silenced the crowd that night. Even his shinny disco balls anthem couldnt ignite them. It wasnt until Oscar took over that the energy came back to the place.

When Roly shows me that he can keep a crowd there through a thunderstorm with weather advisories like Ivano has proven to do time and time again, then I'll sign your silly petition. Until then, perhaps he might consider staying to see what happens after 6 a.m... It ain't all bad.

No matter who spins, what happens after 6am is every one is cracked the fuck out! :laugh:

I think that you should all respect both for there skills and not spread the hate as you have been doing. Everyone should realize how lucky they are to have the great music in South Florida that we do!

Respect then biatch! You came on here talking about respect, but then you go off saying stupid shit about Roland. Take you own advice.

One last thing for the both of yous. If Ivano has such a "BIG Following" why isnt he at crobar upstairs in the vip room like he used to be?:idea: why wasnt it "the place to be" like it was before? Why isnt he no longer with Crobar every saturday like he once was? Instead Cedric is up there in the vip on thursday nights playing to a packed house. How come when he is playing at Spin no one shows up? and now the place is closed or whatever:idea: How come Livingroom afterhours doesnt exsist anymore?:idea: Why is it that Luna on Saturdays is dead?:idea: The only thing that boy has going for him is his Space afterhours cuz tehre is no other afterhours to go to. and Prive on Sundays, which by the way is always full with wanna be snobs on every day of the week no matter who plays. I walk in there on a friday and they got some kook playing and everyone is acting like hes Paul Okenfold or something. You say Ivano plays different at different venues? :rolleyes: He plays touch me, shinny disco balls, sex, dark beat, haunting me, and the rest of his robbie rivera collection every where he goes. And if he plays for the crowd, hes a sell out!:blown: I can slap records on a turn table and play for a crowd to. go ahead, tell me what you wanna hear and I'll play it. just keep bringing me the paper napkins with your requests. a true real dj plays from the heart and people happen to like him or not. Have Ivano grow some fucking balls and come back when you have something interesting to say.:blown:

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You know, I dont hate Ivano. I could care less about who is spinning at eight in the morning. Or who the best dj in the city is. But, you are one dumb mofo coming on here and posting with nothing but bullshit. you just opened up a can of whip ass on yourself and Ivano.:laugh:

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Ivano has talent and was very good...at one point he was one of my favorites but gotta admit that HE HAS TO GO....his predictability makes me wanna throw up. He doesn't have a following as stated by Cutdacheese. He is no longer at Crobar , Luna is dead, he is out of Spin, the crowd at Prive doesn't know the difference from DJ Laz and DT so might as well put a jukebox there....he is "successful" at Space cuz it's the only afterhours and the crowd is royally fucked up, not all but easy 80% of it is.

Nuff Said!

I will vote again: HE HAS TO GO!!!!!

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Originally posted by laliux

Ivano has talent and was very good...at one point he was one of my favorites but gotta admit that HE HAS TO GO....his predictability makes me wanna throw up. He doesn't have a following as stated by Cutdacheese. He is no longer at Crobar , Luna is dead, he is out of Spin, the crowd at Prive doesn't know the difference from DJ Laz and DT so might as well put a jukebox there....he is "successful" at Space cuz it's the only afterhours and the crowd is royally fucked up, not all but easy 80% of it is.

Nuff Said!

I will vote again: HE HAS TO GO!!!!!


TIME FOR A CHANGE there is never anything wrong with CHANGE

USUALLY GOOD :D NOW PARTY ON PEEPS!! THIS ARGUMENT AIN"T GOING NO WHERE, Rolland is gonna hit the patio and no one will do nutting about it ;)

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It has been interesting to read the responses since I started this thread last night. I didn't know that depth of the music knowledge that some of you have. You sound like reporters for Rolling Stone magazine.

Every DJ - from Roland to Ivano to Cedric to DT assesses the crowd to determine the vibe and to choose what records he throws down. I guess DT and Steve Lawler are sellouts and cheezy if they play "Safe from Harm" - a track by the way from DT's album and a track that I personally never want to hear again.

Perhaps with the new Space opening up, they may give Roland one patio and Ivano one patio to determine who is the real "king of the space terrace". Then the 6 of you Roland fans will have a place to go until 8am Sunday mornings to listen to your non-commercial tracks. :party:

Until as "musicmatters" wrote - EVERYONE SHUT UP AND DANCE!!!

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He doesn't even like some of the songs he spins but he does it because the crowd demands it -- week in and week out. And the man moves people. Period.

This has to be the worst argument in support of a DJ that I have ever heard. The best DJ's I know, (and I know a lot of them), are great because they love what they spin.

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OGMiami and I had a conversation once. DJs would ask him what they should play, and his response was something along the lines of "I'm paying you 5,000 dollars to be yourself, not to play what the Miami crowd is used to..." i.e. if someone who played the hits was called for, OGMiami could have just stuck with a local.

Roland has more than six fans btw. The Sunrise Sessions w/ Bellini gets a few hundred people by 6 AM. The Lunar Sessions gets a few hundred people by 3 AM, and they beef up Ivano's crowd.

Again, Ivano has his DJ technique down, but our major complaint here is his predictability, he's too much of a hits DJ @ Space and not willing to branch out into new territory.

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Well, Pod, I have to agree with you. Ivano might be predictable, but at least he's consistent and you don't feel like you're on a winding road not knowing what curve is up ahead... And he doesn't jerk you around with his mixes. All in all, if I had to choose between predictability and inconsistency, I'm going with a smooth ride... :rofl:

But regardless, there's not need to slander Ivano in the name of Roly. I like Roland a lot and sometimes get to the patio earlier just to hear the end of his set, but this board is creating a lot of Roland tension and is turning what would-be BIG Roland fans off due to the negative ad campaign against Ivano... :punch:

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Originally posted by mymusicmatters

Well, Pod, I have to agree with you. Ivano might be predictable, but at least he's consistent and you don't feel like you're on a winding road not knowing what curve is up ahead... And he doesn't jerk you around with his mixes. All in all, if I had to choose between predictability and inconsistency, I'm going with a smooth ride...

But regardless, there's not need to slander Ivano in the name of Roly. I like Roland a lot and sometimes get to the patio earlier just to hear the end of his set, but this board is creating a lot of Roland tension and is turning what would-be BIG Roland fans off due to the negative ad campaign against Ivano...

bro please....i love when djs surprise u with tracks...being predictable SUCKS!!! for that, get a jukebox that plays a cd...Ivano is good tech.-wise...but thats it...Roly has never been "inconsistent" he is ALWAYS been on point...the only time i actually heard Ivano spin good (this only happened 3 times) was at Spin...and the few times Roly was at Spin...he blew those other times Ivano spun out of the water...bro i will say this story once more...at Spin one night...Ivano played Shiny Disco Balls....3 TIMES!!!!!!! in the same night...bro please!!!! and Shiny Disco Balls was already played out at the point..i understand its an anthem...BUT 3 FAWKIN' TIMES???!!!! as for that comment about Roly fans being turned off by neg. towards Ivano...U MUST BE JOKING, RIGHT? what are u Bellini's agent?? if u are...he needs better public realtions.....ASAP!!!!

Originally posted by pod

Again, Ivano has his DJ technique down, but our major complaint here is his predictability, he's too much of a hits DJ @ Space and not willing to branch out into new territory.


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Originally posted by sobe2003

It has been interesting to read the responses since I started this thread last night. I didn't know that depth of the music knowledge that some of you have. You sound like reporters for Rolling Stone magazine.

Every DJ - from Roland to Ivano to Cedric to DT assesses the crowd to determine the vibe and to choose what records he throws down. I guess DT and Steve Lawler are sellouts and cheezy if they play "Safe from Harm" - a track by the way from DT's album and a track that I personally never want to hear again.

Perhaps with the new Space opening up, they may give Roland one patio and Ivano one patio to determine who is the real "king of the space terrace". Then the 6 of you Roland fans will have a place to go until 8am Sunday mornings to listen to your non-commercial tracks. :party:

Until as "musicmatters" wrote - EVERYONE SHUT UP AND DANCE!!!


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