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Club Space 34 - Just a question?


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Originally posted by ivanobellini

I love to see how many people speak bad of me. All I have to say is come to my dancefloor . And you'll see why I am the real King of the Terrace. I let my music speak for itself.

yo!! can i have one of your CDs?... I only have 18 bucks though, can i pay you the 2 the next time I see you at Space?

Thanks! :D

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Originally posted by laliux

yo!! can i have one of your CDs?... I only have 18 bucks though, can i pay you the 2 the next time I see you at Space?

Thanks! :D

:eek: Damn, take that bellini!!!! Nobody can argue that. I mean, shouldnt dj's give away promo's??? That is what their purpose is for... PROMOTION, not PROFIT< but i guess its not TOTALLY about the music for every dj!!!

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But regardless, there's not need to slander Ivano in the name of Roly. I like Roland a lot and sometimes get to the patio earlier just to hear the end of his set, but this board is creating a lot of Roland tension and is turning what would-be BIG Roland fans off due to the negative ad campaign against Ivano...

When Roly shows me that he can keep a crowd there through a thunderstorm with weather advisories like Ivano has proven to do time and time again, then I'll sign your silly petition. Until then, perhaps he might consider staying to see what happens after 6 a.m... It ain't all bad.

Talk about creating tension. All the tension that has been created was all because of you (musicmatters). You and Sobe2003 were the ones who came on here and started the bashing. So how much of a hypocrite are you when you say his fans are creating tension. Your new to this board as am I. So to come on here and bash these guys you don't even know is absurd. And how much of a hypocrite are you when you say you like Roly but yet start bashing him and his fans. And by the way in case you where away last week Roly played for 16hours and kept the crowd until 2pm. When was the last time you heard Roly play a set in the blueroom. Listen to 93.1's broadcast from Space and tell me if his music can't keep a crowd. Where you there for his New Years set in the patio. I recall the sick vibe Roly had until 8am when he passed it over to Ivano whose 1st track of the night was "Frank Sinatra" by Miss Kitten. And were you there for Roly's opening set for PVD some months back. I don't think the crowd dropped there hands all night. Start basing your posts on facts not opinions. Oh, and your right about one thing Louis is a real genius and knows what he's doing thats why I saw him last week stay till Roly finshed his marathon at 2pm and he was enjoying every minute of it.

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You say Ivano plays different at different venues? :rolleyes: He plays touch me, shinny disco balls, sex, dark beat, haunting me, and the rest of his robbie rivera collection every where he goes. And if he plays for the crowd, hes a sell out!:blown: I can slap records on a turn table and play for a crowd to. go ahead, tell me what you wanna hear and I'll play it. just keep bringing me the paper napkins with your requests. a true real dj plays from the heart and people happen to like him or not. Have Ivano grow some fucking balls and come back when you have something interesting to say.:blown:

ouch!! ivano did what he did and we THANK him for that,now

GET THE FUCK OUT!!! its time for someone new with "NEW" beats to take over.

Don't try to stop it musicmatters its stronger than you,just let it be.!!

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OGMiami and I had a conversation once. DJs would ask him what they should play, and his response was something along the lines of "I'm paying you 5,000 dollars to be yourself, not to play what the Miami crowd is used to..." i.e. if someone who played the hits was called for, OGMiami could have just stuck with a local.

If you want the crowd to dictate what is played, install a jukebox. I happen to like Ivano a lot. Of course, I only get to hear him once a month or so. Any DJ will be predictable if you hear him every night.

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I find it flattering that a couple of u would take the time to register on CP to spill your negative thoughts about Roly in defense of Ivano. Really, thanks for your concerns...:) By doin' so you've turned this into a major fiasco...

This isn't about Roland taking anyone's job. Its's never been.. Ivano & Roland are great djs & both seem very happy in their slots. What I find most insulting is how you've come on here in Ivano's defense to critize many peepz on their opinions. Also, making negative comments about Roland isn't goin' to help your cause any. Roland isn't knockin' Ivano's crowd nor is he knockin' his music. So why knock his?? Feeling threatened are we??

You might think alot of the peepz on this board are of minor importance in your world. However, most of them truly follow the music & the industry & some actually give a shi-t about supporting a dj, venue, etc... You say that Roland has 6 fans. Well, I'll take those 6 fans that actually give a sh-t about Roland’s music & the venue he supports and maybe, just maybe we'll turn those 6 into 6,000...

Roland has earned every single fan he has on this board as he’s earned every single fan off of it. Just sit down and ask some of them. It’s not about anyone’s friends tryin’ to get him to the top. Roland is a very proud dj that needs no pity from no one. He believes in what he does & his fans seem to back him on it. It’s about connecting with the crowd, havin’ them on the same wavelength as you (the dj) on the dancefloor. I’ve seen Roland take a crowd in directions other djs dreamed they could…

Tell me, what is a weak song? Something that’s not along the lines of major club anthem? Is that weak to you??

I highly doubt Ivano would tell you personally that he doesn’t enjoy what he plays. What do you really think you know about Ivano? He seems to be an intelligent guy & I very much doubt that he’d actually think about hiring you as “his public defenderâ€.. Watch your mouth- you’re making the guy look real bad. I suggest you sit down & ponder how to approach someone about negative press. Sometimes, you are better off keepin’ your mouth shut- in your case, that might have been the best option, but it’s too late for that now isn’t it??

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Originally posted by biznation00

By doin' so you've turned this into a major fiasco...

Sh-t! Biz is pissed!!! Hey BIZ - this thread has gotten so upsetting, old-man-Guyman is gonna hit the patio for both DJ's this weekend. I might need another note from you, but hell, I'm THERE!

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Originally posted by biznation00

Roland has earned every single fan he has on this board as he’s earned every single fan off of it. Just sit down and ask some of them.

Damn Biz, I couldn't have said it any better. Roland has EARNED his fans... when I first went to Space Patio to hear this Roland character, I had no idea WHO he was..... I am glad I checked him out becuz I love what he does on the decks!

Ivano has a following... sure.. give him credit. I've heard him a few times spin some tunes I like. But I also heard him drop Shiny Disco Balls 5 times in 2 hours. Come on, mix it up!

Roland loves his job and it shows when he is on the decks... He has built a great following down here and he's fortunate to have a great promoter WHO GLADLY GIVES US FREE MUSIC TO PROMOTE HIS MUSIC. Not this $20 bullshit Ivano charges (please!).

Keep it up Biz.. as for this thread - we are all here to speak our opinions, so if people wanna praise Ivano, let em'....

ROLAND IS DA BOMB;) :eek::D:tongue:


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Biz - I know that you are Roland's main promoter and a Space employee but before you start your own Roland rant I suggest that you look and refer to my previous posts were I state:

1) both Roland and Ivano are talented - they are both weekly residents at one of the best clubs in the world.

2) I think that you should all respect both for there skills and not spread the hate as you have been doing. Everyone should realize how lucky they are to have the great music in South Florida that we do!

3) my respect for other people's decisions on who they like

4) that they should share information and ideas and not slander anyone

5) giving Roland props for spinning 16 hrs plus

Again - your boy Roland has mad skillz - no question about it. I was just referring to the negativity about a DJ at the club you work at. Interesting that 90% of your posts do not list the entire Space roster - coincidence?

I'm not sure how "a fiaso" has started - for the last several weeks it has been an Anti-Ivano sentiment on this board. And I remind you - I AM NOT THE BIGGEST IVANO FAN! Many of the comments regarding his predictibility and his lack of friendliness are totally on point and unarguable.

Last - telling me to keep my mouth shut - why? Then what is the benefit of this message board?

Lets all have fun kids - big weekend in town. There are much more important issues going on in the world.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

Interesting that 90% of your posts do not list the entire Space roster - coincidence?

huh? i dont know what u mean by that last comment...he promotes Ivano and guest Djs all the time...even when he promotes HIS party (the Lunar Sessions) he usually adds at the end about CHEESE RISE SESSIONS WITH IVANO...so i am really lost with what ur trying to say....:confused:

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Originally posted by sobe2003

It's just an observation . . . and let's end it with that. Let's be more positive with ALL ARTISTS AND DJ'S!!!

a WRONG observation...and we will leave IT at THAT...i agree positive about artists and djs...EXCEPT BELLINI, till he changes his "juke box" style....:D

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this topic is getting a bit redundant by now. the bottom line is that roly is a good d.j., and he does a good job with the lunar sessions. but the bottom line here is that ivano bellini has been doing the sunrise sessions for quite some time now, and it never seems to change. the patio is always packed, and people seem like they are having a great time with the music ivano bellini is playing. There is nothing wrong with playing hits. thats why they are hits, cause people wanna hear the hits. i think ivanno, as well as roland, are both good d.j.'s, and they are both very good at what they do, so if the lunar sessions have been doing well, why alter things. we all know that the sunrise sessions with ivanno has done extremely well for a while now, so why try to fix what is not broken. besides, the cp members probably make up about 2% of the crowd that goes to hear ivano bellini, so i would say that u guys r in the minority, when it comes to judging what people like to hear out there on the patio on sunday mornings. there's no arguing success, and the sunrise sessions have been nothing short of extremely successful.

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Originally posted by espacio

this topic is getting a bit redundant by now. the bottom line is that roly is a good d.j., and he does a good job with the lunar sessions. but the bottom line here is that ivano bellini has been doing the sunrise sessions for quite some time now, and it never seems to change. the patio is always packed, and people seem like they are having a great time with the music ivano bellini is playing. There is nothing wrong with playing hits. thats why they are hits, cause people wanna hear the hits. i think ivanno, as well as roland, are both good d.j.'s, and they are both very good at what they do, so if the lunar sessions have been doing well, why alter things. we all know that the sunrise sessions with ivanno has done extremely well for a while now, so why try to fix what is not broken. besides, the cp members probably make up about 2% of the crowd that goes to hear ivano bellini, so i would say that u guys r in the minority, when it comes to judging what people like to hear out there on the patio on sunday mornings. there's no arguing success, and the sunrise sessions have been nothing short of extremely successful.

what is true is that the majority of the people in the patio for the Sunrise Sessions are fucked up (rolling, k'ed up, coked up, drunk, or anything) so they don't care who is spinning. I bet that if DJ Niko is there on a Sunday morning, people would still go to the patio cuz it's the only place to go for afterhours.

A good example is Nikki Beach... you think people go there because of the "great" music?...they go cuz it's the "in" place on Sundays and because of the eyecandy for men and women.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

Biz - I know that you are Roland's main promoter and a Space employee but before you start your own Roland rant I suggest that you look and refer to my previous posts were I state:

1) both Roland and Ivano are talented - they are both weekly residents at one of the best clubs in the world.

2) I think that you should all respect both for there skills and not spread the hate as you have been doing. Everyone should realize how lucky they are to have the great music in South Florida that we do!

3) my respect for other people's decisions on who they like

4) that they should share information and ideas and not slander anyone

5) giving Roland props for spinning 16 hrs plus

Again - your boy Roland has mad skillz - no question about it. I was just referring to the negativity about a DJ at the club you work at. Interesting that 90% of your posts do not list the entire Space roster - coincidence?

I'm not sure how "a fiaso" has started - for the last several weeks it has been an Anti-Ivano sentiment on this board. And I remind you - I AM NOT THE BIGGEST IVANO FAN! Many of the comments regarding his predictibility and his lack of friendliness are totally on point and unarguable.

Last - telling me to keep my mouth shut - why? Then what is the benefit of this message board?

Lets all have fun kids - big weekend in town. There are much more important issues going on in the world.

You speak of me as if I were the ring leader of this Message board. Before you make such ridiculous assumptions about what or who I'm bad mouthing or what I'm ranting about, I suggest you check the facts. I don't ask anyone to reply in any such manner, nor do I speak of Ivano to any of the peepz on this message board or anyone else. It's really none of my business.

About the Fiasco, yes, you started this whole fiasco, from coming on here & ripping on Roland, to accusing me of making all this up & "brainwashing" these peepz to post what I please. If you would of left this alone, you would have realized the whole thing would of faded. There's alot of hype on boards, some good some bad, but the more you beat at it to "try & make things better" as you've tried to do, the more you actually make things worse.

Funny you say that I don't list the entire Space roster. Well, in case you didn't know, my main priorities & concerns are House Sessions & Lunar Sessions @ Space. Just as your main priorities might be Sunrise... Aside from that, I promoted my heart away in maintaining Spin on Friday nights. I did it with pride & you can ask any one member of the Spin staff about my production & they will tell you. I'm also proud to say I was the last man standing on Spin's last week when not many others cared. I did my job & I produced as I've done week in & week out, but most of all I left the place with my pride. I've had brief conversations with Ivano & I've complimented him many times on given performances. If I recall the main resident @ Spin was Ivano, & I did all I could to make people aware of it & make it a happening party. In which I believe I somewhat accomplished...

When I first came on this board I wasn't liked much & neither was Space for that matter. That was well over a year ago. I earned my reputation with many of these people as I've earned my reputation with many of the people I've always worked with- thru keeping my word, doin' my job & treatin' everyone EQUAL!! You can assume all you please, I don't have anything to prove to you & I have a clear head about nearly all things in life. Because I try to do to others, as I would want others to do to me.

Sure it's easy to blame me, I spend alot of time on this message board & by the looks of it all, it would seem like these are my closest friends & family members. But, like I said before, I had to earn my reputation on here as I've done elsewhere. So don't come on here with your false claims making me look like the asshole... While we are still on the matter, why don't you reveal yourself & show me who you really are??

Your assumptions make you look like a BIG ASS!! at least in my book...

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