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Does any1 know anything about BiPolar disorder?


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Originally posted by nympho69

stay away from anyone who has it.....

my (ex) best friend has it... i guess she's had it all her life but it never really was apparent until we were in 11th grade, something in her snapped and she had to be institutionalized 3 times. i helped her through her depressive episodes but the manic ones were way too much to deal with....

she's on meds now and seems to be back to normal... its not an easy disorder to put up with, for the person who as it as well as the people around them.

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my fiancee is bi-polar...her whole family from her mom's side has it....very tough condition to live through day in and day out..her brother committed suicide because he took the meds they gave him and he stopped taking them and he was addicted to drugs and it fucked him all up....that happened two years ago and it made our relationship stronger...but it also solidified the fact that my fiancee would never take the meds, which is tough because the moods change so frequently...ive really learned how to be a better person because of it and ive made a difference in her whole families life so i can't be negative about it...and to the person who said stay-away....What if it was you? it would be a mad lonely world if everyone stayed away from you if you were affected by it, right?

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Originally posted by clubrat88

my fiancee is bi-polar...her whole family from her mom's side has it....very tough condition to live through day in and day out..her brother committed suicide because he took the meds they gave him and he stopped taking them and he was addicted to drugs and it fucked him all up....that happened two years ago and it made our relationship stronger...but it also solidified the fact that my fiancee would never take the meds, which is tough because the moods change so frequently...ive really learned how to be a better person because of it and ive made a difference in her whole families life so i can't be negative about it...and to the person who said stay-away....What if it was you? it would be a mad lonely world if everyone stayed away from you if you were affected by it, right?

i dated someone with it

it actually felt like i was dating two people

im a very positive person and i thought i could help but its something that just drained me as a person and basically sucked the life force out of me

yeah my comment may be rude but i wish someone would have warned me what i was getting myself into

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nympho..feeling your pain on the warning for sure..it is really tough..def feel like you gotta make peace with two different people all the time and def drains all my energy but at least you tried to help that other person and thats what counts...i changed my whole career though to nursing because of meeting my fiancee because nothing is better than being paid to help people live normal lives and carry-on everyday activities...walk out of work with a smile everyday instead of moaning about my prick boss who only cares about his monthly bonuses and shit...

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Wow, i appreciate all the replies :)

psychosweete, i'll be pm'ing you soon;)

nympho69- yeah, it's funny, b/c i went on a date with this girl this past saturday (i've been on and off with her for the past 3 yrs), and it REALLY felt like she was another person.

This girl i speak of has been on medication in the past, has had depression, and after reading a website on bipolarism, it seems that she has all the symptoms.

It's a shame, b/c i've shared a lot with her, and i know she has strong feelings for me. But i've had to put up with so much crap, her dumping and coming back at least a dozen times, and just plain nonsensicalness, that im just not sure it's going to work anymore :(

It seems like she keeps coming up with excuses to deal with her problems, but she doesn't seem to want to face the fact that she might have bipolar disorder.

I want to talk to her about it, but i don't want to hurt her feelings. Do any of you have any advice on how i can approach this??

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the guy i was seeing was bipolar. It's actually not so bad if you know how to distance yourself.

The main thing you have to learn with people who suffer from it....you're not going to save them. They can't even save themselves. They go from one extreme to the other with a blink of an eye. In some cases there is medicine to regulate it, in others, you just have to wait until they snap out of it themselves.

To me, being bipolar is sort of like rolling (( altho we all know there really is no comparison )) ... it's like,

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Well, i just spoke to someone else, and she agrees that this girl might be.

It's always been hot and cold. She'll tell me all these wonderful things, then disappear for a week, a month. Then the cycle will begin again. It's really getting ridiculous :blank:

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by sugarnspice69

meet my boss u will know everythign, she is bi-polar x 1,000 crazy bitch :screwy:

that smilie never fit so perfectly

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Originally posted by marcid21

the guy i was seeing was bipolar. It's actually not so bad if you know how to distance yourself.

The main thing you have to learn with people who suffer from it....you're not going to save them. They can't even save themselves. They go from one extreme to the other with a blink of an eye.

exaaaaaaaaaactly... the more u try to act like someones savior, the more ur gonna frustrate urself. its a very tough situation and the only thing YOU can do is be there for this person... and suggest that they get help if the situation is really that bad. but people are in denial and refuse to get help sometimes... but dont let it discourage u. there really isnt anything u can do.
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Originally posted by linabina

exaaaaaaaaaactly... the more u try to act like someones savior, the more ur gonna frustrate urself. its a very tough situation and the only thing YOU can do is be there for this person... and suggest that they get help if the situation is really that bad. but people are in denial and refuse to get help sometimes... but dont let it discourage u. there really isnt anything u can do.

i hear ya, Lina~

She has told me that she doesn't want to depend on me, and she wants to rely on herself. So you're right, there's only so much i can do...

I think she knows she's got some issues, but she's been trying to solve them by distractions, like school, dancing, etc... It seems like she's not confronting the problems head-on.

I guess right now is not the best time 4 her to be in a relationship. We have been back n forth so much, and she has told me she loves me (as i love her) . It's just hard when it hits her hard, she shy's away and leaves me hanging...

:confused: :worry2:

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Hi, I'm new here but been reading messages for a while. I just have to thro my 2 cents in on this one. Having dealt with depression and bipolar most of my life, on meds for 3 yrs, I can understand some of what your GF is going thru. When you are going thru a bad spell the last thing you want is to keep from hurting the ones you love, SOOO you distance yourself from everything, family, friends, work if you can.....Everything.....so you can concentrate on yourself or just ride it out. Sorry it is something that is so hard to understand, for the one with the disease and the ones that love em. If you realy want to make a go with this girl all you can do is follow her lead so to speak. You can't change what is happening to her and you can't realy make it better, you can just be there.

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Originally posted by deverslady

Hi, I'm new here but been reading messages for a while. I just have to thro my 2 cents in on this one. Having dealt with depression and bipolar most of my life, on meds for 3 yrs, I can understand some of what your GF is going thru. When you are going thru a bad spell the last thing you want is to keep from hurting the ones you love, SOOO you distance yourself from everything, family, friends, work if you can.....Everything.....so you can concentrate on yourself or just ride it out. Sorry it is something that is so hard to understand, for the one with the disease and the ones that love em. If you realy want to make a go with this girl all you can do is follow her lead so to speak. You can't change what is happening to her and you can't realy make it better, you can just be there.

Well, im glad you came out of the trenches and spoke, devers ... very smurfy of ya ;)

Well, all of what you said seems what me and N. are going thru. She's done it before, her phone has been off since tuesday, and it seems she doesn't want to speak to anyone...

Im not sure where this is headed, but i think for now it would be more healthy for the 2 of us to just be friends. Im not sure how that will work, but i'll bring it up the next time we speak.

Also, devers, how can i bring up the topic of her possibly seeking some help and finding out a diagnosis in a gentle way :confused:


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all you can do is talk to her. Let her know that as friends or lovers that you are there for her. Tell her how much you love her. That you want her to be happy no matter what. Let her know that this is something she can learn to control. There realy isn't an easy way to breach this subject because it is so misunderstood.Tell her you want to help her and be there for her but that she has to make the first step in recovery. For myself I will live the rest of my life on meds because of the type of Depression I have, she may not. I know when I first started in treatment I felt that there was something wrong with my mind, that I was crazy or something. I did not like the idea of being dif. But since then I have done a lot of reading and talking and now know it is a medical condition that can be fixed to a degree. I know I haven't helped a lot but I do wish you a the luck in the world with this. I also hope that you can find a way to help her along the way.

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Thanks devers... i really appreciate it ;)

I hope she calls me back, i mean im sure she will--- just when she's ready.

And when she is, i would rather meet up with her and tell her in person than tell her over the phone. She has told me recently how much i mean to her, and all that good stuff. But now she's in her funk. So i just have to wait it out---

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Well, im glad you came out of the trenches and spoke, devers ... very smurfy of ya ;)

Well, all of what you said seems what me and N. are going thru. She's done it before, her phone has been off since tuesday, and it seems she doesn't want to speak to anyone...

Im not sure where this is headed, but i think for now it would be more healthy for the 2 of us to just be friends. Im not sure how that will work, but i'll bring it up the next time we speak.

Also, devers, how can i bring up the topic of her possibly seeking some help and finding out a diagnosis in a gentle way :confused:


Oviously she probably knows something isn't right.....The fact that she dissappears then calls you out of nowhere imo is her trying to tell you she needs help or needs to talk but doesn't know how to come out & say it..Next time you speak to her...Bring it up ask her how she's been feeling & that you notice her not acting her normal self..See what she says...If in fact it turns out she is bi-polar....Don't try to UNDERSTAND her condition (it's confusing enough as is) just be supportive & listen to her...The last thing she needs is someone who she cares about & doesn't want to hurt turn their back on her...

Good Luck

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Originally posted by sweetie029

Oviously she probably knows something isn't right.....The fact that she dissappears then calls you out of nowhere imo is her trying to tell you she needs help or needs to talk but doesn't know how to come out & say it..Next time you speak to her...Bring it up ask her how she's been feeling & that you notice her not acting her normal self..See what she says...If in fact it turns out she is bi-polar....Don't try to UNDERSTAND her condition (it's confusing enough as is) just be supportive & listen to her...The last thing she needs is someone who she cares about & doesn't want to hurt turn their back on her...

Good Luck

ok. I have brought this up to her, but she always says she doesn't know where it comes from.

And she has sought a psychologist in the past, but she wasn't so hot on the idea. But i think now that it's at the point where it's affecting not only ours, but all of her relationships and social interactions, it's a very good idea.

I'll just wait 4 her to get back to me, and be a good listener, but also tell her that it's not normal behavior the way she's been (i need to be careful.... i know)

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