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Originally posted by joeg

mystify: go pose for playboy, you have nothing to lose... you know everyone on here will buy the issue... :)


You were so insightful with most everyone else... Is that the only impression I give off? Wow, I feel like you think I'm shallow or just about looks :(

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Originally posted by joeg

thx max :D

linabina: grew up very close to where i did... kinda doubts her appearence, probably due to the rediculous impressions imposed by pop culture, though shes constantly swarmed with compliments from male and female alike... she'll probably grow from a hot girl to a beautiful woman in the next couple of years... has more attitude than she lets on (in a good way)... also has a lot more on her mind than she lets on (also good)...

awww how sweet :)
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Originally posted by Mystify22


You were so insightful with most everyone else... Is that the only impression I give off? Wow, I feel like you think I'm shallow or just about looks :(

awwwwwwwwww i didn't mean it badly... i was just getting tired of writing...

ok, here goes another:

Mystify (revisited): also someone who probably wouldn't talk to me without introduction, but not because shes stuckup, just because shes a little shy and a little unsure of herself (though she has no reason to be)... i would guess shes almost the antithesis of misk which is why they make such good friends... and being that shes friends with misk, i'd venture to say shes trustworthy, and very forthcoming... doesn't bs you behind people's backs... she also seems very sweet, in a sincere way... not just because thats the way she was raised or because she wants something... also has the pop culture complex which boggles my mind and probably everyone elses given the pics shes posted... and to put a more serious spin on my prior statement, i'll rephrase: "if you really want to do playboy, you should go for it... you don't just have a great body, you're a very pretty person, great smile... the whole deal.... anyone can go to a gym and lean their body out, but not everyone can be beautiful... and you are certainly the latter" definately has a lot more on her mind than most people would suspect... i can definately see her doing something professional as a carear (lawyer, executive, management... etc...)

hope this one was better :D:heart:

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Originally posted by browneyedqt

:confused: Cars??? I love cars but i don't remember talking about them....

i think i fucked up the sn... i feel like a tool and a half now...


bleh... i'll do some more later...

i just checked... i meant "brwneydtrouble"

<---- TOOL

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by scaredgirl

Gabo... probably is one of my best friend , i have a great relationship with him , very nice person when it comes to serious issues , nice heart , very sexual ,VERY gorgeous , completely my type of man in all aspects...

suthrnbell.very beautiful girl , have a gold heart , always sincere ,good friend and would love to have a 3 some with u and gabo one day ...

holy mother of god!!:eek:

I am the coolest guy on cp right now!

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by joeg

gabo/spragga/phatman: gets a lot more ass than he wants people to know... i think he somehow mastered the "i don't get ass" routine to actually get ass.... not sure who started it,or if it was a joint calaboration... oh, and gabo is the president of the cry baby waa waa club.... ( :tongue: )

uhhh... i'm done... maybe more later....

I really dont get any ass... and yes i am the ceo of the cranky baby club!

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Originally posted by joeg

awwwwwwwwww i didn't mean it badly... i was just getting tired of writing...

ok, here goes another:

Mystify (revisited): also someone who probably wouldn't talk to me without introduction, but not because shes stuckup, just because shes a little shy and a little unsure of herself (though she has no reason to be)... i would guess shes almost the antithesis of misk which is why they make such good friends... and being that shes friends with misk, i'd venture to say shes trustworthy, and very forthcoming... doesn't bs you behind people's backs... she also seems very sweet, in a sincere way... not just because thats the way she was raised or because she wants something... also has the pop culture complex which boggles my mind and probably everyone elses given the pics shes posted... and to put a more serious spin on my prior statement, i'll rephrase: "if you really want to do playboy, you should go for it... you don't just have a great body, you're a very pretty person, great smile... the whole deal.... anyone can go to a gym and lean their body out, but not everyone can be beautiful... and you are certainly the latter" definately has a lot more on her mind than most people would suspect... i can definately see her doing something professional as a carear (lawyer, executive, management... etc...)

hope this one was better :D:heart:

Awww This one was much better :)

Oh and right on about Misk and I -- we always say that she's like the devil on one shoulder, and I'm the angel on the other -- :D But actually, we're a lot alike in many other ways ;)

Thank you so much for the nice compliments :kiss2:

Oh and I hope to go into PR

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Hey Misty...What happened to your usual avatar??..You gave up on it?.....

(just thought the other one was much more mysterious and cute....) But the new one is Ok,.....I guess we just have to get used to it... But I liked the other one best...:D

just ma $0.02.... dont make it rite :D

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Hey Misty...What happened to your usual avatar??..You gave up on it?.....

(just thought the other one was much more mysterious and cute....) But the new one is Ok,.....I guess we just have to get used to it... But I liked the other one best...:D

just ma $0.02.... dont make it rite :D

I didn't give up on it, I just got kinda bored of it ;) So I decided to give this one a try. Also, it annoyed me that people thought it was Christina Aguilera

Anywho..... Where have you been?

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joeg : tool

dgmodel : can cook a mean steak

nympho : should wear a turtle neck

suthrnbell : want to model for me?

darth : cant read his post a work

ghost : funny bastard

djjon : when we lifting?

bina aka labina : pictures dont justify the beauty...

Z : get back on the internet

cintron : knows his cars

spragga, siceone : whitest black guys i know...

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I didn't give up on it, I just got kinda bored of it ;) So I decided to give this one a try. Also, it annoyed me that people thought it was Christina Aguilera

Anywho..... Where have you been?

Christina?... IMO.. the image doesnt even come close... what was the relation people gave you ? The hair?..maybe... But definitely not the facial features.. they are a little different..

But its Ok if you like the new one, just try and SELL it... :tongue: .. Its just a matter of time..

P.S Why arent you clubbin 2nite?..its Friday nite.. (atleast I got the massive snow as an excuse...you bailing out on Metro missy? :nono:

jk btw...lol..:D

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Christina?... IMO.. the image doesnt even come close... what was the relation people gave you ? The hair?..maybe... But definitely not the facial features.. they are a little different..

But its Ok if you like the new one, just try and SELL it... :tongue: .. Its just a matter of time..

P.S Why arent you clubbin 2nite?..its Friday nite.. (atleast I got the massive snow as an excuse...you bailing out on Metro missy? :nono:

jk btw...lol..:D

Yes it was just her mouth, so people thought it was that dirty slut Christina ;):tongue:

A little different?!??! Don't go there MG :hat:

I'm not out tonight because I went out last night ;) It was fun, but I was kinda hung over today, thank goodness for the snow - no classes!

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i got some pretty decent responses..leme try this..

clubkat- my klubkedday!!..my disco dancer....awwwwwesomest chick in the world...funny as fuckkk

gabo-intense..i duno why dude..u just come off as mad intense..but in a really good way...sorta like Bruce Willis in Die Hard ahahaha....

fierydesire-ahaah this is the woman right here...if u wana know something..she'll tell u the truth..and wont sugarcoat..BK WHA WHA!!

djmoonshine- laid back..nonchalant..relaxed MADWOMAN!!..always can make a person smile..

Nycchic24- love this girl...feel like she's my older sister ..always there when ya need someone to talk to

nympho- strong willed..intelligent..decisive...goal oriented...fucking slamming hot latina

spragga- only met the old man on a couple of occasions..cool mofo..quick witted

djjohnstephen- i hang out with him too much to write anything

dgmodel- ahhh...the kid from around the way..typical wise ass ..fast talkin..hilarious motherfucker...always knows what to say..just doesnt give a fuck

atomicapples- gentle giant is what comes to mind..but not in a pussy ass way

joeg- one of those guys who knows how to put a smile on ur face...has no problem takin a joke..but if u bust on him be ready for the backlash

gmccook- overall good guy...tries to do the right thing..thinks about things too much....has a problem with letting go

LinaBina- one of the sweetest girls u'll ever meet..sometimes rubs people in the wrong way..but not intentionally..once u get to know her a lil better u realize who she really is

marcid- very insightful..somewhat of a romantic..sometimes lets romanticism clout her judgement

ronin- another one im too cool with to type anything..jus wouldnt seem right

mssabina- sweetheart...energetic...yeh..that sums her up eheh

tastey- DUDE...STOP TYPING SO MUCH...Get MavisBeacon Teaches Typing if u wana practice your english typin skills...:D

..thas about it for now

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