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Info on SF.....

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Originally posted by asianvixen

hey retard, my point was its not about being stupid enough to "get caught" its about seeing strung out people everywhere and jars on the floor and all the other bullshit that's been going on lately with security doing nothing about it.

whatever, talk all you want, but i know that when we reopen your ass will be there, and you will still continue to bad mouth a place that you obviously go to either way.

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Originally posted by plasmiksf

ok, so if and when we reopen , just remind me on all your telling me now.

Twilo was closed then reopened. Tunnel was closed then reopened. Being reopened doesn't mean shit. Once the NYPD is hell bent on shutting down a place permanentyl it will happen EVENTUALLY.

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Originally posted by girly

yeah sure they were.. taking people and spraying them down with hoses was trying real hard to get the drugs out of there... LOLLL..

well not quite.. but they actually were tough on drugs in all seriousness.. relative to factory they ran a tight ship...

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Originally posted by plasmiksf

whatever, talk all you want, but i know that when we reopen your ass will be there, and you will still continue to bad mouth a place that you obviously go to either way.

honey i've been going for 6 long fucking years. i wouldn't even be surprised if i knew you. but the bottom line is the place has turned to shit, and i'll never set foot in the place again, *if* it reopens. ;)

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I have so many good memories from sf that if it was to close for good(which looks like its gonna happen) i would be fine with it.

im totally sick of the people that say they go to SF for the music, but still they are doing crystal to stay til close and sniffing k the whole time. if people really LOVED sf they would stop using and dealing drugs inside the club and just dance with no drama attached. drugs will always be a part of the club scene, but the clubs should do a lot more to keep them out. like paying a bouncer to stay inside a club when u get caught with the drugs???? thats just retarted..and ive seen it happen. sf has been raided before and they havent done anything about it. (maybe they have, but myself, a long with everybody else i know, hasnt noticed change). Its just gotten worse.

Its a shame what happened to SF and NYC nightlife, and its the clubgoers themselves who are to blame...not the city or the law enforcement..they are just doing their job.


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Originally posted by PFloyd40

well not quite.. but they actually were tough on drugs in all seriousness.. relative to factory they ran a tight ship...

no pretty quite. And from what i saw and read, they didn't run a tight ship as compared to factory..I saw factory throw alot of people out for doing things.. This place just threw them in the back and tried to hose them off when they went unconscious..

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Originally posted by girly

no pretty quite. And from what i saw and read, they didn't run a tight ship as compared to factory..I saw factory throw alot of people out for doing things.. This place just threw them in the back and tried to hose them off when they went unconscious..

i don't know how often you were there, but i know i was there a lot and thats how the bouncers were.. they were tight on drugs b/c i knew plenty of people getting kicked out left and right... that is not at all the way it was in factory.. but continue to harp on one isolated incident that was all over the press... fact is that someone died in factory too.. and the same exact shit could have been going on behind their closed doors... were there a ton of drugs in both clubs, of course... but the difference was, you could still do your shit blatantly in out in the open at factory and not at twilo....

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i am gonna stop responding cause of course i know that you are wrong and you have never liked factory.. when the truth of the matter is TWILO and TUNNEL were just as big of drug dens as anywhere else.. the stories are all pretty much the same when it comes down to it.. and if you are gonna sit here and say they are not cause you like one over the other then:blown:

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Originally posted by girly

i am gonna stop responding cause of course i know that you are wrong and you have never liked factory.. when the truth of the matter is TWILO and TUNNEL were just as big of drug dens as anywhere else.. the stories are all pretty much the same when it comes down to it.. and if you are gonna sit here and say they are not cause you like one over the other then:blown:

this is why i normally don't even bother responding to arguments w/ you b/c you constantly fail to see the point... I NEVER said one was worse w/ drugs then the other... go back and read it again b/c i can't be bothered to retype it for you..

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I know what you are saying.. the fact that you said the security at other places tried harder to keep the drugs out more then SF.. When like i said i have seen tons of people getting kicked out of there and I am sure that the security everywhere else did just as much of the same because guess what THEY ARE ALL CLOSED DOWN NOW.. and it all boils down to pretty much the same shit if you ask me...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

factory is done

exit.. probably the same

the only reason i say factory is done is b/c they have more looming shit from the past.. they where shutdown w/ tunnel back in the day.. have had a death in the club, just like twilo, and the same deal w/ people being taken out in ambulances all the time...

I beg to differ, NYPD has got a lot more on exit then factory. Remember exit was shut down around the same time factory was in 99 and exit was only allowed to reopen with an independant person monitoring their efforts to stop drugs from entering the club and he had to report back to the city. Exit has MANY more skelitions in their closet then SF does. Exit also used to (that practice was stopped after they got a lot of heat for it) have a private ambulance on standby outside the club just in case anything happened inside, so they wouldnt have to call 911 and draw police attention to the place. The only reason that the story of this 19 year old (why do I have a feeling that she has ruined it for a lot of people that used to frequent factory after 5AM...PLEASE tell me i'm wrong...) got factory into trouble is because they did the RIGHT thing and didnt have a private EMT and ambulance waiting to take her away and not have any paper trail to link her to the club, but rather choose to look out for HER best interests and call 911 for her.

Exit is in MUCH deeper shit then factory. All of the arrests that NYPD spoke up happend at Exit and NOT at factory, and the press conference to announce it all was at exit and nothing at factory. It seems to me that factory is just getting a slap on the wrist and exit is gonna take the fall for everyone. They'll close up for like 6 months to a year (in the mean time the party will probably move to limelight) and SF fridays will be starting up, so they will get a big boost in attendance no doubt. and a year or so later 'Exit 3' will be born....


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Hey as long as sound factory is open on march 7 i really dont care what happens to exit dont get me wrong its not a bad club music wize and yes i did say music i dont think draper is that bad well anyways but nothing beats sf its like the house of clubs for me and my friends im just sad i havent been in there in so long. and nothing against sf sats i hope they are open this sat jp is one of the best it just sucks that its 21 and im 19 but anyways

Long live soundfactory Long live soundfactory

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by dolcemimi

what is fake cocaine ??

Maybe - they're trying to pass it off as coke

ALSO - how come there's no posts like this on the SF or the JP website ?? They acting like everything is dandy and it's all good over threre !

its the same thing the webmaster did on the twilo board when they got shut down. and look how that ended up. uhg this whole situation just sucks big time

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Originally posted by plasmiksf



I am going to address you out in the open as well. This is a message board. People post about things that they have heard all the time. This is not something new. Specultaion is going to happen in cases like this. I just don't understand why "managment" like you said is so concerned about what people are talking about on a message board. If that was the case then why did you not come here when all this first happened and post some information of your own. I think that this would have eliminated this problem don't you. Didn't you think that possibly people were going to talk about this???

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Originally posted by msoprano13

this chick i knew used to dance at factory a few years back and she said they could just go to the back rooms and go to a table and pick from the buffet of drugs....

Now that i know is bullshit, no such thing is possible. And who is this so called Dancer you are speaking of, because they were probably just overexaggerating

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Originally posted by berniec

I beg to differ, NYPD has got a lot more on exit then factory. Remember exit was shut down around the same time factory was in 99 and exit was only allowed to reopen with an independant person monitoring their efforts to stop drugs from entering the club and he had to report back to the city. Exit has MANY more skelitions in their closet then SF does. Exit also used to (that practice was stopped after they got a lot of heat for it) have a private ambulance on standby outside the club just in case anything happened inside, so they wouldnt have to call 911 and draw police attention to the place. The only reason that the story of this 19 year old (why do I have a feeling that she has ruined it for a lot of people that used to frequent factory after 5AM...PLEASE tell me i'm wrong...) got factory into trouble is because they did the RIGHT thing and didnt have a private EMT and ambulance waiting to take her away and not have any paper trail to link her to the club, but rather choose to look out for HER best interests and call 911 for her.

Exit is in MUCH deeper shit then factory. All of the arrests that NYPD spoke up happend at Exit and NOT at factory, and the press conference to announce it all was at exit and nothing at factory. It seems to me that factory is just getting a slap on the wrist and exit is gonna take the fall for everyone. They'll close up for like 6 months to a year (in the mean time the party will probably move to limelight) and SF fridays will be starting up, so they will get a big boost in attendance no doubt. and a year or so later 'Exit 3' will be born....


guy, exit wasn't even open the majority of '99.. the grand opening was in september, and they were not shut at all.. so try again..

i didn't even read the rest of your post b/c i cant be bothered.. if you think factory is better off, your wrong, end of story..

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

guy, exit wasn't even open the majority of '99.. the grand opening was in september, and they were not shut at all.. so try again..

i didn't even read the rest of your post b/c i cant be bothered.. if you think factory is better off, your wrong, end of story..

Your right on the year, your dead wrong about everything else- as taken from the press release, which you can view on the NYC web site

"The nightclub was previously the subject of a nuisance abatement action, in September 2000. After extensive negotiations with the club owners at that time, Exit was allowed to operate after club management agreed to institute numerous anti-drug policies, including hiring an independent private-sector inspector general, or IPSIG, to monitor and report on club activities. The IPSIG agreement covered a nine-month

period, from October 2001 to June 2002."

Hopefully that will set you straight, and indeed exit is in much hotter water then factory is.


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Well you know what? If they reopen it will not remain open for long. If they become strict on Drugs the people will go somewhere else and the club will be sold b/c it is just another had been. Or maybe it will get out of hand again causing it to get shut down again for good. Or maybe it will take another overdose and another life lost.Who knows the outcome. Maybe some juicehead will commit a crime in connection with the club. Kind of something like the Limelight murder and someone might write a book about it. Instead of it being called Disco Bloodbath it could be called Juicehead Bloodbath.JSJ%20Book%20Cover.jpg

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