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Trust No One


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Well, I have to share (vent)...I just got back from the most wonderful trip to Ireland/London. I'm ready to move to Dublin and stay for good. Anyway, before I left a friend of mine (well, this guy I met a week before thru a friend) - needed a place to crash for the night, so I let him stay at my place. He of course he found out I was leaving town the next day. But since I had only known the guy for a week, I didn't feel comfortable offering my place for him to stay while I was gone. The morning I left he was still there, but promised to make sure the door was locked when he left. (this is where I was stupid). I said ok. SO....yesterday, I'm driving home from the airport and call to check my messages, my cell dies, and then once it was recharged, it rang. It was a call from my home number. I answer and he says, "yeh, someone just called me from this number"...and so...to make a really long annoying story short...this guy stayed in my apt all week long, left the door unlocked or scaled the balonies (up to the 4th floor) to get into my place. Ok, that's bad enough. But to add to it he had a couple of afterhours parties there as well. Food was in my bed and dishes filled the sink, my refrigerator and pantry were both empty. Only a couple of random things were missing. Thank goodness. And of course once I got home, he was gone. I did talk to a couple people who were there partying, and they assured me there were only a few people. Ugh. Yeh, and then the messages on my voice mail from people trying to reach him saying things like, "hey, get out of the shower, the girls are here and are ready, so if you don't let us in, I'm leaving with them". Ok, I really didn't want to come home after a 10 hour flight and have to think about washing my sheets from some other people!

Ugh. So the moral I learned...and I really hate it...is that you really can't trust people.

Some of my friends have told me it's just that I hang out with the wrong kind of people...those who like to party. But the fact is, I'm one of those people too. It all just makes me sad. (of course I'm completely exhausted right now, so emotions are running a little stronger!)

Ok, that's it. Thanks for reading.

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First off: WELCOME BACK!! cwm12.gif

Lisa, what a horror story but atleast a lesson was learned and you had a blast on your trip. smile.gif

You going to Giant Sat.? We are! cwm12.gif


"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

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That sucks what happened to you. Try hard liquor, less of a hangover and does the job.

As for that guy, I know a few people in the scene that do that. It's not that you can't trust anybody, it's you can't trust anybody in the scene you've known for a week. Don't lose all your faith in everybody because of some jackass. I don't mean to come off mean if I am, i am just trying to give a little advise. So keep smiling, and be careful with people: they are all crazy.




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Originally posted by hardcore:

That sucks what happened to you. Try hard liquor, less of a hangover and does the job.

As for that guy, I know a few people in the scene that do that. It's not that you can't trust anybody, it's you can't trust anybody in the scene you've known for a week. Don't lose all your faith in everybody because of some jackass. I don't mean to come off mean if I am, i am just trying to give a little advise. So keep smiling, and be careful with people: they are all crazy.

yeh, I know you're right...don't think you're coming off mean at all either! And yes, I'll still trust people...but they'll just have to earn it!

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cwm22.gif ok, that really sucks. it's creepy to have someone you don't really know taking charge of your place, calling 1-900-SEX-FARM, using your toothbrush, wearing your clothes ... cwm31.gifcwm31.gif

i guess the consolation is that it could have been much worse. you could have come back to a bare, empty apartment.



kid_wearingdadsclothes_md_clr.gif wait, who's supposed to be an adult?

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Originally posted by juniorla:

it's creepy to have someone you don't really know taking charge of your place, calling 1-900-SEX-FARM, using your toothbrush, wearing your clothes ...

yeh, I only had one funny thing that has disappeared...um, too embarrassed to say on the board! hee hee hee...

i guess the consolation is that it could have been much worse. you could have come back to a bare, empty apartment.

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Girls can be so naive sometimes. cwm10.gif

You were leaving the country. Not for the market. Not around the block. Not for the night. Not the state. And please don't say things like "..people in the scene, etc...". This was a Lisa Dumbdumb thing. You got pretty lucky. Check for important shit. Check your long distant bills. any left over credit cards.

Next time, just be sure to kick his ass out before you leave for a whole frickin' other continent. cwm13.gif


cwmddd.gif My definition of an educated man is the fellow who knows the right thing to do at the time it has to be done…. You can be sincere and still be stupid.


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Originally posted by herbalist:

Girls can be so naive sometimes. cwm10.gif

You were leaving the country. Not for the market. Not around the block. Not for the night. Not the state. And please don't say things like "..people in the scene, etc...". This was a Lisa Dumbdumb thing. You got pretty lucky. Check for important shit. Check your long distant bills. any left over credit cards.

Next time, just be sure to kick his ass out before you leave for a whole frickin' other continent. cwm13.gif

yeh yeh yeh...I know...DUMB! Give me a break please! cwm36.gif

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