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told u guys it was bullshit..all fabrications..."informant" my ass

WASHINGTON (Feb. 14) - A senior government official said Friday the administration now believes some of the information which led to upgrading the nation's terror threat level last week to orange, or high, was likely fabricated.

Authorities drew that conclusion based on polygraphs given to terrorist suspects interviewed by the government, said this official, speaking on condition of anonymity. The apparent fabrication was first reported by ABC News.

But that information was not the sole basis for the decision to raise the alert status, the official said, adding that the change of the status from code yellow to orange was based on multiple intelligence sources and not a single tip.

Eying a jittery public, President Bush planned a speech Friday at FBI headquarters to highlight steps the federal government is taking to increase security, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said. Bush was making the short trip down Pennsylvania Avenue primarily to talk up the new Terrorist Threat Integration Center.

First announced in Bush's State of the Union speech, the center will analyze foreign and domestic intelligence gathered from a wide array of federal agencies and report to CIA Director George Tenet. In some cases, the center will also decide which intelligence should be collected at home and overseas.

Meanwhile, business is going on in the nation's capital, but signs of preparation for possible terrorism are everywhere. Members of Congress are being told to have necessary supplies ready in the event of evacuation while the government warns key industries about potential attacks.

''Everyone in (the Capitol) has remained calm but cautious,'' said Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, chairman of the House Administration Committee. ''There is not a panic situation here.''

Even so, lawmakers were told to gather up supplies, sensitive documents, medicine and a laminated list of key phone numbers in case they have to leave quickly. Congressional staffers this week received training in how to operate ''escape hoods'' that protect against chemical and biological substances.

Justice Department officials said Thursday there were no plans to raise the terror threat level to red, or severe, meaning an attack was imminent or under way.

The official also said federal authorities have identified between 20 and 40 people in the United States that trained in al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan. Of those, ''less than a dozen'' are believed to have had recent contact with al-Qaida operatives overseas, this official said, commenting on a report first broadcast by NBC.

Authorities also are keeping tabs on roughly 600 al-Qaida ''sympathizers'' in this country, said the official, who cautioned that there may be many more who are unknown to law enforcement authorities.

Visible anti-terror security measures around Washington included officers carrying rifles in the Capitol complex and the deployment of anti-aircraft missile batteries.

A new bulletin from the FBI and the National Infrastructure Protection Center was issued to companies involved in such industries as telecommunications, energy, and banking and finance, as well as operators of water systems and electric utilities, law enforcement agencies and emergency services.

Officials believe al-Qaida could target these entities with chemical, biological or radiological attacks. Such an attack, officials say, could prompt terror and mass casualties and disrupt the regional or national economy.

For people who might be faced with or respond to an attack, the bulletin recommends reading the Chemical, Biological and Radiological Incident handbook available on the CIA Internet site.

The FBI bulletin urges people who come in contact with a suspect substance to ''cover their mouths with a cloth while leaving the area, avoid touching surfaces and wash their hands thoroughly.''

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Originally posted by ou812

Well duhhhhh, didn't we all know this already.

Bush needs to rally up support for his war machine. What better way than plastering propaganda of impending threats of terrorism against the country.


Sadly enough it works...

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Originally posted by xpander


Read the first post carefully.

Well then I guess I am a fool. I'll turn my back to terrorism from now on.

I thought CNN and these other news sources were so "unreliable"...Everyone seems to have the inside scoop, yet forth this is put forth?

I would suggest reading Swan Song by Robert R. MCcammon. Very good read and pretty impactive.

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Originally posted by Legend

Well then I guess I am a fool. I'll turn my back to terrorism from now on.

I thought CNN and these other news sources were so "unreliable"...Everyone seems to have the inside scoop, yet forth this is put forth?

I would suggest reading Swan Song by Robert R. MCcammon. Very good read and pretty impactive.

Actually I didn't comment on the factuality of CNN or whether you should not heed terrorism warnings. Rather, all I was pointing out was the fact that your post was based on outrage formed from nothing but government warnings without any specifics.

Just trying to demonstrate the irony in ou812's comment, that's all.

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Originally posted by xpander

Actually I didn't comment on the factuality of CNN or whether you should not heed terrorism warnings.

That was not directed toward you in any way. It kind of got caught up in the mix of what I was saying.

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Originally posted by Legend

Well then I guess I am a fool. I'll turn my back to terrorism from now on.

I thought CNN and these other news sources were so "unreliable"...Everyone seems to have the inside scoop, yet forth this is put forth?

I would suggest reading Swan Song by Robert R. MCcammon. Very good read and pretty impactive.

What do you mean turn your back on it? Is this to imply that you were previously out there on the front lines combatting it. This is the thing that irritates me sometimes is how people can be so gung ho about our country killing off thousands and thousands of people, while they sit safely at the comfort of their own desks.

If someone picked up an M16 and handed it to you and said "Here, go and fight" would you do it? Honestly??.............I know I sure as hell wouldn't (and not only because I don't support this war).

Like ghhhost said in another thread until you're out there living in a war-stricken, terrorist ridden country, don't for one second take for granted the safe and sheltered life you live here in the US, while overseas innocent people die everyday for needless shit (some of which the US is guilter for though you'll never hear on CNN), and then smugly say something like we should go erradicate all of those people, you should have a little more value for human life, instead of discounting everyone in that region as a terrorist, or a threat to your way of life.

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