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i fucked up....


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Originally posted by somebitch

yeah i am fine... i was seeing this guy for a while & everything was going well. we only hang out like 1-2x a week or so... the other day he said he needs space or something along those lines which is completely stupid because we dont even see eachother a lot & i dont call him constantly or anything. so i got pissed and called up this other guy from the past and asked him to hang out... but yeah, i fucked up.

i think he fucked up MORE asking to give him a space ....

i mean come on u guys are not even in a relationship and he asking for space ????????????

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Originally posted by somebitch

yeah i guess u r right. i mean we are kinda in a relationship but its just not too serious. i told him i would liike to just date & he is the one who wanted a relationship, now he wants space. he is confused or something.

Give him all the space he needs....I find that when you're not around, people change their minds really quick, especially when they think they may have lost you. If he doesn't come around f him, he may have ulterior motives for the space (another girl)..:blank:

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Originally posted by browneyedqt

Give him all the space he needs....I find that when you're not around, people change their minds really quick, especially when they think they may have lost you. If he doesn't come around f him, he may have ulterior motives for the space (another girl)..:blank:

lol. yeah but i only told part of the story. i guess he deserves what he got asking for space when im not even up his ass... what is wrong with men!!
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Originally posted by somebitch

lol. yeah but i only told part of the story. i guess he deserves what he got asking for space when im not even up his ass... what is wrong with men!!

I wish I knew the answer to that, but just when I think I may understand one, they go and do something that makes no sense...oh well, they'll be more where he came from :tongue:

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i fuck up all the time. i'll find a nice girl, and we'll hang out. and i'll be really interested, we'll spend a lot of time together. but for some reason my mind always drifts and i forget that i'm invloved. i'll go off and start talking to other girls and hook up with other girls. sometimes when they're still in the same room or venue even. lol. i can't help it. i don't know what it is. i'm certain i have embedded emotional problems from when i was growing up, but i REALLY do wanna just settle down and find one girl and be only with her. someone help me. :( these are also the reasons i'm sure why i'm 23 and have never been in a relationship for more than 3 months, and i've only been hurt by a girl once and that pain only lasted 4 days. and, furthermore, i can truly say i've never loved a woman. one day i will. for now, i wait.

ps. i really am a nice guy. i just don't know what it is.

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