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california, here i come!


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i'm coming back!!!


i just bought a one-way ticket back to l.a. and i'm ridiculously stoked!

i'm originally from nyc. i went to school in l.a. for four years, then made the HUGE mistake of returning to new york. i've been rotting in the big apple -


but i'm comin' back to the city of angels in mid-june, and i can't wait to meet the west coast board people (we east-coast boardcats and kittens rock)!

see you around these parts

and in your neck of the woods soon,

weyes cwm1.gif

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so, anybody got anything to tell me 'bout the l.a. scene? i was a raver when i left, years ago, and i still am, here in nyc. how's l.a. doin' in that dept.? i posted a topic here on the l.a. board a long time ago asking how the trance is out west, and i was told not to worry. skylab 2000 visited the big apple in november and they were pretty dope; they're returning in may, representing l.a. - represent, represent...

and hey, i already know trancekyd from the l.a. board, and he ROCKS!!!


if you haven't met him yet, make sure you do! and i can't wait to meet dlish and dstgeorge2!

but you three are only the ones of you i know of, so far... i look forward to getting to know all you guys, and getting back to the most kickass city i know.

rock on!

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Originally posted by weyes:

i posted a topic here on the l.a. board a long time ago asking how the trance is out west, and i was told not to worry....and i can't wait to meet dlish

you must have our dlish confused with another dlish...the dave I know would cringe at the mere thought of the west coast trance scene...though that shouldn't keep you from meeting him, cause he's all that and a bag of chips from what I've heard



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lordamercy, you kids are sure gettin' worked up!!!

yeah, gumby76, i know that dlish prefers house, but that doesn't mean that he can't talk about other things.

and sassa, i'll get back to you tomorrow; i can tell you a bit about my bicoastal life. right now i'm heading out the door to see armand van helden and paul johnson.


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Originally posted by sassa:


Anyways,sorry about that..my friend and I who is also from the East have realized that the only way we're going to be sane after college is to meet people who are not from California or haven't lived there for more than 5 years..and I'm sorry if I'm insulting anyone in here indirectly,but I seriously believe in what I wrote...we're just going to be stoned all the time whenever we interact with people here...LOOOOL.

well, sassa, there's a lot i can say about all that. here's what i find to be so about l.a. and nyc and their differences.

in l.a. one can say "good morning," "hello," and other such nice phrases to cashiers in supermarkets and have them respond to you, even verbally (imagine that)! in l.a. people will hold doors for you. you can even smile at someone and get a smile back in return.

i've heard the whole "l.a. people are only concerned with their image" argument before, but that is true everywhere. when i go to clubs in nyc, people are too busy trying to look all mean and hard to talk to anyone else or venture outside of their own little cliques. people in l.a. may be just as fake and not venture outside of their own little cliques either, but at least theirs are cheerful. you see, there are superficial, fake people everywhere. the thing is, not everyone is like that.

the difference you may be noticing is that there is a phoniness in l.a. that is very hollywood oriented. if you're not involved in any of the arts (being entertainment or even otherwise), you may be more annoyed with it than you would be by the phoniness of the nyc fakery. there is more diversity, professionally speaking, in nyc, so there is all kinds of phoniness going on. you may miss some of it because some is much less obtrusive or annoying than others. that hollywood stuff can get really tired, and you can either get driven crazy by it or just laugh. me, i just think it's a hoot. besides, i'm a photographer, and l.a. is well-suited to that business.

anyway, i can't deal with the hardness of nyc anymore. i need to be in a place where people are a little warmer, the weather is kind to the heart and soul, and i can afford a home that's roomy and in a neighborhood that isn't scary - even in the daytime. i need wide open spaces, good produce all year round, and a town where people don't think it's ok to have to dodge dogshit and human piss everywhere you go.

well, that's just my take on it. that's what's right for me. i hope you find what works for you and i wish you luck.



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It depends on the kind of scene you're involved in. Sassa lives in San Diego. She doesn't come out to LA often. When she does, she may only go to a certain type of clubs that ooze the type of negative flavor that she talks about.

There are two separate worlds of clubbing in Los Angeles (much like NYC) ~ You have your overground scene (Sunset Room, Las Palmas, SkyBar, La Colonnial, etc.) and a real underground scene that promotes the music and also our culture, which places fun and good times with friends on top of everything else.

In the last six months, I've met a better set of people in the underground scene than I had in six or so years of partying in the trendy LA world. I still frequent some of those trendy clubs, but it's like being in the matrix and understanding that all the things that are existing in the world in front of you (the people, the superfitiality, etc.) are just part of a big costume game. That thought will bring a smile to your face and suddenly all the things that seemed to bother you just make you chuckle.

I'm sorry if I seem hard on Sassa's lack of experience in the LA scene. But she always slams everything about our existence here and she's having a really shitty time here but then she never goes to the type of clubs that promote the type of scene she probably would welcome. Hence, she might as well not wait out the two years and just get in the car and go back to the east coast now, because all the negativity is sure as hell not going to make her time here any better.

That's my 2.5 cents worth...


cwmddd.gif My definition of an educated man is the fellow who knows the right thing to do at the time it has to be done…. You can be sincere and still be stupid.


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Originally posted by herbalist:

It depends on the kind of scene you're involved in. Sassa lives in San Diego. She doesn't come out to LA often. When she does, she may only go to a certain type of clubs that ooze the type of negative flavor that she talks about.

There are two separate worlds of clubbing in Los Angeles (much like NYC) ~ You have your overground scene (Sunset Room, Las Palmas, SkyBar, La Colonnial, etc.) and a real underground scene that promotes the music and also our culture, which places fun and good times with friends on top of everything else.

In the last six months, I've met a better set of people in the underground scene than I had in six or so years of partying in the trendy LA world. I still frequent some of those trendy clubs, but it's like being in the matrix and understanding that all the things that are existing in the world in front of you (the people, the superfitiality, etc.) are just part of a big costume game. That thought will bring a smile to your face and suddenly all the things that seemed to bother you just make you chuckle.

I'm sorry if I seem hard on Sassa's lack of experience in the LA scene. But she always slams everything about our existence here and she's having a really shitty time here but then she never goes to the type of clubs that promote the type of scene she probably would welcome. Hence, she might as well not wait out the two years and just get in the car and go back to the east coast now, because all the negativity is sure as hell not going to make her time here any better.

That's my 2.5 cents worth...

Thank you Dr.Freud!Actually,you are not far off from the truth.Perhaps I haven't given this place much of a chance,but still...I'm not just talking about the club scene...it's everything.I've been to LA actually a lot,but not just for clubbing.I guess I just don't understand it.The vibe here for me is really weird.I guess I'm an East Coast girl.It's where I was born and lived a part of my life in.I guess it all depends on what you're comfortable with.I'm not comfortable with LA or California,but the West itself is not bad at all...I definately am happy I moved out here though for the time I've been here because I've mellowed out a lot more than I would have still living in NY.Well,good luck with moving back to LA weyes.



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it's funny how much people romanticize the east coast. i spent nearly 30 years up and down the right coast, worked there as well as in the UK and one thing is certain--something sucks about everywhere you could possibly live in this world if that is how you want to look at it. if you're a "glass half-empty" kind of person, you're going to focus on the things that suck over the rest. then you look back at life in the east and think it is somehow better. it's not necessarily better, it's different. you think it's better because you are familiar with it, you know the rules, you have friends there, it's a comfort zone, fewer challenges, you play into your strength (a la tom cruise). the great thing about being a relocated east coaster in LA is that you are challenged. things aren't the same here, the rules are tweaked. personally, i like challenges. i liked that i would have to come out here, not knowing anyone and build from the ground up. why let life be easy? plus, these are the kinds of challenges that are capable of conquer. think about the real challenges you might have to face--living with disability, fighting disease, being homeless... those are the things that are really tough, the things that i would allow you to complain about.

people are nicer here, the weather is unbeatable, san diego is BEAUTIFUL and affordable, you could ski and surf within two days and 4 hours, there's a diverse population (even if there's not a lot of mixing), rich cultural resources... i dunno, that's what i see.


ok, those are my $.02.


kid_wearingdadsclothes_md_clr.gif wait, who's supposed to be an adult?

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I've lived on and loved both the east and west coast. Each have their advantages and pitfalls. And really, everywhere there are assholes. There's really no escaping that, unless you know ten people you love very much and you live in a hole. In NYC, they just happen to be more direct about it. I know it's hard to be homesick, but f this is the only time you're going to live here, you should try to enjoy the natural beauty the beaches, the amount of sun.

Sassa, check your PM.



"the decision

to hear the song

or to be the song - "

[This message has been edited by rothko (edited 04-16-2001).]

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Damn, I know there are a lot of pretentious people in LA, but I agree with Rothko...there are shitty people everywhere.

You can't beat the weather out here, you always meet a circle of friend's that have the same interests, then it really doens't matter what you think of other people, they shouldn't even be an issue.

And SD is a beautiful town. I can't believe you don't like it. There used to be an amazing underground scene there. I'm sure all those promoters have grown up (I guess I need to one of these days) and don't throw anything anymore. I used to hit a bunch of things in SD that were fun as hell, Taxi, Geraldine, Smile, Bone, Romper Room, Playschool...but I'm sure those are all just memories.

Sassa...aren't you in school? SDSU?? You should be having a blast...these are your last years that you have when you really don't have any issues or worries. Enjoy the little things, don't stress on them. And if you smoke a lot, you should fit right in with everyone in that city. Enjoy it while you can.

I love NYC too...I just don't think I could live there...well, maybe for a couple years. Fuck waking up and having to shovel your car out of snow. I like to snowboard for a week in it, then get the hell out.

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Originally posted by navid73:

i love NY thats my home so dont go there...but that dont mean a nigga can't rest in the west. see some nice breasts in the west..make some nice sex in the west

BIGGIE RULES cwm11.gif

Who are you refering to? If you read carefully, you'll see that nobody is dissin' NYC, but actually giving it props. So, maybe you should chill, espcially on our chill'd board. We don't need that NY drama over here.

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If I seriously could pick anywhere in the world to live,it would be Italy.Fuck the US! smile.gif And you can't do anything in SD unless you're over 21 or have a very good fake ID.A lot of people I know go to TJ all the time because of this.It has beautiful weather here,granted,but weather is not going to do anything if you are surrounded by morons.Anyways,this topic is getting kinda old.



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