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funny attraction


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is anyone else attracted to the funny guy

even though they're not really ur type as far as looks

like jim carrey and a bunch of other comedians?

I think conan o'brian is the complete opposite in what I typically find attactive

but for some strange reason his funny crazy personality makes him attractive to me

am i the only one????????

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Originally posted by nympho69

is anyone else attracted to the funny guy

even though they're not really ur type as far as looks

like jim carrey and a bunch of other comedians?

I think conan o'brian is the complete opposite in what I typically find attactive

but for some strange reason his funny crazy personality makes him attractive to me

am i the only one????????

:laugh: Funny you mention that....I was watching the repeats they show of Conan on Comedy Central....The guy is hysterical!!! He isn't my type AT ALL physically but for some reason his funny personality really attracted me to him idk..I thought I was the only weirdo :tongue:

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Originally posted by sweetie029

:laugh: Funny you mention that....I was watching the repeats they show of Conan on Comedy Central....The guy is hysterical!!! He isn't my type AT ALL physically but for some reason his funny personality really attracted me to him idk..I thought I was the only weirdo :tongue:

yeah I watch those repeats all the time

I dont know why Im attracted to him, but I am

I would so date Conan, lol

him and his sexy string dance...

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i found the key to this is showing several "levels of deepness" that gets the attraction going.

i usually use the following overall "framework", which works pretty good i must say :D

1. be someone that is funny and the party guy, busting a girl´s balls, spinning a reality for you both to play in, be fun to be with, be playful.

(on a sidenote, i think you mean "playful" when you mean "funny", nympho?)

but there is no real attraction yet (at least that´s what my findings were) more than the ONS or something through that.

2. show "depht". opening up, sharing insights with her about anything that´s important to YOU (not her, that comes later, let her have part in YOUR reality first), "your view of the world", showing some vurnability (sp?). this makes her think she "seduced" you into opening up, that she´s the one that managed to break through your "shell" and can now look beneth and discover the REAL person behind that.

(also notice how women always say about jerks they date: "you guys don´t even know him, he´s not like that", which is true, a jerk doesn´t get ass by acting like a jerk, he gets it by opening up to her and showing her his inner side which he shows to NO ONE else but her and making her feel special and loved through that. also she gets the CHALLENGE to get more of that REAL person out of him, get it?)

3. make her qualify for a position in your life. always let her know subtly that she´s good but not perfect, "that she has potential". give her an image to live up to. never be completely content. know what you want and communicate it. that is a challenge for the girl and if you did the first 2 steps right she is already atttracted enough by now that she will want to LIVE UP to this image... to seduce YOU :)!

voilá, there you go. that is my formula for attraction :)

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Originally posted by tastey

i found the key to this is showing several "levels of deepness" that gets the attraction going.

i usually use the following overall "framework", which works pretty good i must say :D

1. be someone that is funny and the party guy, busting a girl´s balls, spinning a reality for you both to play in, be fun to be with, be playful.

(on a sidenote, i think you mean "playful" when you mean "funny", nympho?)

but there is no real attraction yet (at least that´s what my findings were) more than the ONS or something through that.

2. show "depht". opening up, sharing insights with her about anything that´s important to YOU (not her, that comes later, let her have part in YOUR reality first), "your view of the world", showing some vurnability (sp?). this makes her think she "seduced" you into opening up, that she´s the one that managed to break through your "shell" and can now look beneth and discover the REAL person behind that.

(also notice how women always say about jerks they date: "you guys don´t even know him, he´s not like that", which is true, a jerk doesn´t get ass by acting like a jerk, he gets it by opening up to her and showing her his inner side which he shows to NO ONE else but her and making her feel special and loved through that. also she gets the CHALLENGE to get more of that REAL person out of him, get it?)

3. make her qualify for a position in your life. always let her know subtly that she´s good but not perfect, "that she has potential". give her an image to live up to. never be completely content. know what you want and communicate it. that is a challenge for the girl and if you did the first 2 steps right she is already atttracted enough by now that she will want to LIVE UP to this image... to seduce YOU :)!

voilá, there you go. that is my formula for attraction :)

all that you described above

I am not attracted to

and when i say funny

I mean funny

otherwise I wouldve said "playful"


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Originally posted by nympho69

well dont you need to be smart to be funny???

at least somewhat???

This is true, but if you think about it (and here's another one of those gray areas ;) ), there are different types of funny. Witty's very good, it's one of the more intelligent types of funny.

I love a guy who can make me laugh, the thing is, I have a quirky sense of humor and there's not a lot that will give me more than a smirk or giggle.

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Originally posted by tastyt

This is true, but if you think about it (and here's another one of those gray areas ;) ), there are different types of funny. Witty's very good, it's one of the more intelligent types of funny.

I love a guy who can make me laugh, the thing is, I have a quirky sense of humor and there's not a lot that will give me more than a smirk or giggle.

but u definitely giggle a lot, lol

i remember...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

so it looks like only me and some other chick find conan attractive, ha

anyone else?

i think im going to start a fan club...

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Originally posted by nympho69

but u definitely giggle a lot, lol

i remember...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

so it looks like only me and some other chick find conan attractive, ha

anyone else?

i think im going to start a fan club...

When I was younger I had a crush on Dennis Miller. More so after he performed at my university. Tres, tres intelligent and witty.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

I'd take FUNNY over good looks anyday !!

What about funny girls ? If a girl can make you laugh til u pee ur pants would you find her more attractive then a hot girl with no personality ??

FUNNY GUYS RULE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hell yeah. i like a girl with a sense of humor. and by sense of humor, i mean she should laugh at all of my jokes, and i should get hers.

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Originally posted by tastey

i found the key to this is showing several "levels of deepness" that gets the attraction going.

i usually use the following overall "framework", which works pretty good i must say :D

1. be someone that is funny and the party guy, busting a girl´s balls, spinning a reality for you both to play in, be fun to be with, be playful.

(on a sidenote, i think you mean "playful" when you mean "funny", nympho?)

but there is no real attraction yet (at least that´s what my findings were) more than the ONS or something through that.

2. show "depht". opening up, sharing insights with her about anything that´s important to YOU (not her, that comes later, let her have part in YOUR reality first), "your view of the world", showing some vurnability (sp?). this makes her think she "seduced" you into opening up, that she´s the one that managed to break through your "shell" and can now look beneth and discover the REAL person behind that.

(also notice how women always say about jerks they date: "you guys don´t even know him, he´s not like that", which is true, a jerk doesn´t get ass by acting like a jerk, he gets it by opening up to her and showing her his inner side which he shows to NO ONE else but her and making her feel special and loved through that. also she gets the CHALLENGE to get more of that REAL person out of him, get it?)

3. make her qualify for a position in your life. always let her know subtly that she´s good but not perfect, "that she has potential". give her an image to live up to. never be completely content. know what you want and communicate it. that is a challenge for the girl and if you did the first 2 steps right she is already atttracted enough by now that she will want to LIVE UP to this image... to seduce YOU :)!

voilá, there you go. that is my formula for attraction :)

rumor has it girls love guys who write/talk a lot...

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