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Originally posted by davidstone

Im with you man.

When I see Turbanators drool on my new threads and ask me in those busted accents "DOO JOO HAVE SAWMM EEEKKSTAACY?!" Im like whaaa-the-fuuuuckk how about you take that cabbie medallion and skeet your ass back to Islamabad you carpet-riding motherfuckers

sorry had to vent

you are one fucking stupid herb...what the fuck are you?

And to correct your ignorant post, Islamabad is a city in pakistan. You are a perfect examaple of the American education system

YOu think all South Asians are cab drivers? next time when you go to the ER or go see your docotor look around...then come back and talk shit

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Originally posted by blunty

If i seen some1 in a turban in a club id get paranoid they wanna blow up the club or somthing im not trying to be racit but thats just the world we live in these days

then you going to be getting paranoid a lot

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Originally posted by beenaround

Taub - Relax with your Anti- American statments.Regardless if their about our educational system or whatever!..

i am supposed to relax? i am relaxed and having fun

you are very funny and thanks for proving my point about the american educational system, thanks for the laugh.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

typically the ppl who are not having a good time... b/c i know for myself if i am having a good time (and or drunk) i am too busy to be bothered with the crowd let alone have time to critique them... its typically the insecure, jealous and or bitter ppl who sit/stand against the wall, and have nothing better to do than talk to their friend who is doing just same...

:aright: and wow does this statement pertain to other scenarios that have come up on here a million times also..

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Originally posted by davidstone

Simmer down brownboy. Let me tell you a thing or two about the turban-peepz and what they've done to this fine country of which I'm so proud to be born and bred. I battled my way through tough classes and all those goddamned tests adn the bullshit and those peepz still fucked my shit up when i applied to school and WHY you ask? because of the bullshit policies endorsed by a country who back then was too fucking scared of racially imbalanced climates that they had to institute EOE/AA which single-handedly fucked the integrity of this nation and delivered upon these fine pasture lands the talibans, arabs, missile-throwers and other equally quack fucks so now we're sitting like rhesus monkeys 'brother in hand' trying to save this very land we ruined to outsiders. I live my life in a daily malaise of unrest and dejection praying for the year 1704 to show itself at my apt. door each morning.

fuck you people

p.s. all my doctors are white

Hey fuckface...again you show your ignorance! This country is based on racial diversity, so if you don't like it, get the fuck out of here! The "taliban, missile throwers, arabs" or whatever did nothing to fuck up your shit when you applied to school because, guess what, they would have applied as INTERNATIONAL students. International students are not considered minorities, and are NOT given preference over Americans. Blame your not getting into a good college on your dumbness, not outside reasons. Obviously, there are others who worked harder than you, and reaped the benefits of their hard work!

And jennifera - go fuck yourself coz I know you HAD to put in that second post because your first one did not raise the drama you wanted!

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Guest beenaround

Raver and Taub - Hmm...Its readily apparent that your bomb belt wearing smelly f**ckin towel heads......You c**KSUCKERS shouldnt complain about anything. Next time you begin your rant just think what you would have been in your own country!.......Either driving a cab or....oops i guess your doing the same here!.....but at least they have grocery stores here! you have options!

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Originally posted by davidstone

Simmer down brownboy. Let me tell you a thing or two about the turban-peepz and what they've done to this fine country of which I'm so proud to be born and bred. I battled my way through tough classes and all those goddamned tests adn the bullshit and those peepz still fucked my shit up when i applied to school and WHY you ask? because of the bullshit policies endorsed by a country who back then was too fucking scared of racially imbalanced climates that they had to institute EOE/AA which single-handedly fucked the integrity of this nation and delivered upon these fine pasture lands the talibans, arabs, missile-throwers and other equally quack fucks so now we're sitting like rhesus monkeys 'brother in hand' trying to save this very land we ruined to outsiders. I live my life in a daily malaise of unrest and dejection praying for the year 1704 to show itself at my apt. door each morning.

fuck you people

p.s. all my doctors are white

You sure are good at being ignorant aren't you?

Dumbass your forefathers migrated here to so shut the fuck up already, its not a new concept. Native Americans should be the ones who should be bitching about all you european fuckers comming and taking thier land away form them.

I guess you dont get out much either since you dont seem to notice that this country has a huge diversity. The world is getting smaller and smaller every day and i hope you get your ass beat soon by someone for having such nice ideas about other races.

Also on the fact regarding you not getting into college, there isnt a section for middle eastern or south asian on college applications until recently. Asian = people form eastern and south eastern asia. Middle eastern people and south asians are know as Indo-aryans so we get piled up with you dumb white(aryan) folks just beucase our languages have the same backgorund.

As far as me being being brown i am fucking glad that i am brown, since i dont waste money and my time in tyring to make my white skin look brown by going to tanning solans and by baking in the sun. Glad to have this natural tan all year long



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Originally posted by jennifera

it was on a post I read earlier....something about too many asains...

but what really does bother me is seeing people in turbans on the dance floor....I love everyone, i really do EXCEPT for them.....what is up with all them lately>????

Im Waiting for you to say Ali & Sharam from Deep Dish are your favorite DJ's! And that you were totally loving their set @ Exit

I would love to see this bitch say this shit to Saeed & Palash, Behrouz from Narcotic Thrust, and Deep Dish!

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Originally posted by Taub

You sure are good at being ignorant aren't you?

Dumbass your forefathers migrated here to so shut the fuck up already, its not a new concept. Native Americans should be the ones who should be bitching about all you european fuckers comming and taking thier land away form them.

I guess you dont get out much either since you dont seem to notice that this country has a huge diversity. The world is getting smaller and smaller every day and i hope you get your ass beat soon by someone for having such nice ideas about other races.

Also on the fact regarding you not getting into college, there isnt a section for middle eastern or south asian on college applications until recently. Asian = people form eastern and south eastern asia. Middle eastern people and south asians are know as Indo-aryans so we get piled up with you dumb white(aryan) folks just beucase our languages have the same backgorund.

As far as me being being brown i am fucking glad that i am brown, since i dont waste money and my time in tyring to make my white skin look brown by going to tanning solans and by baking in the sun. Glad to have this natural tan all year long



"dumb white aryan folks" You just clumped all white people as dumb. That is like saying that all Muslums were responsible for 9/11. That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard.

Get off your high horse and GFY. There are only people. Some come from different races, and different places...but people are people and should be judged on their own merits.

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you people are lame....call me a dumbass bitch all you want....yea that's real cool

i know i'm being a hypocrite between the two posts

and no i'm not really trying to start any drama, just stating an opinion

i still don't get all of the asian comments all of the time

i've seen plenty of other kids puking all over so an excuse of them being cracked out isn't acceptable

i guess it was stupid for me to say 'do you really care about someone's race' & then complain about people with turbans

i guess i felt that there was no need for all of the asain complaints because i feel like they have done nothing wrong

and then about the turbans all experiences with people of that race have been negative ones so that's why i get so mad that they are there...to me, it just doesn't seem right, so maybe if the people that make all of the asain complaints have had negative experinces also then i can see why they get upset

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i don mind asian chix in clubs asian chix r hot

IMO if not for the asian chix some of the clubs would have no good looking girls watsoever

Wut sux though is that a lot of them seem kinda stuck up and unapproachable

I saw a guy in a turban dancing at Arc when Matt Hardwick was spinning for the Gatecrasher. It was funny all the sudden he introduced himself and started talking to me about something. I think he was rolling.

He was wearing this really warm looking shirt thingy and i think he said somethin bout how it sux that he cant take it off or something....

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No one gives a shit about what you find "acceptable." Your few posts have revealed that you are too fucking stupid to even know what is "acceptable" or not.

Secondly, when you say "people with turbans," you lump quite a few different cultures together that have very little to do with each other, both religiously and ethnically speaking.

Your opinion, if that's what you want to call it, is a half-assed one, and you expressed it like a mindless little child.

Even more dumb is your explanation of the stupid shit that you posted.

Take your fingers off of the keys and do something more useful with them; stick them up your ass and go sit in a corner with a duntz cap on.

Little Piss-ant.

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