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another club king on ropes

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EMBATTLED Manhattan nightclub kingpin David Marvisi, beset by money woes and police pressure, is in danger of seeing his fledgling empire collapse.

Marvisi, the power behind four of the city's biggest nightspots - Exit, Spa, Capitale and Estate, as well as the hip restaurant Butter - could be headed for a fall as spectacular as that of his predecessor, Peter Gatien, who ruled New York nightlife during the pre-Rudy Giuliani glory days, suggests this week's Village Voice.

Among writer Frank Owen's findings:

* The FBI has questioned Marvisi as part of an ongoing money-laundering probe.

* The police closing of Exit, Marvisi's most profitable club, for drug sales dealt a devastating blow to his clubland clout.

* Marvisi is famously cheap, but is also a spendthrift who shells out hundreds of thousands of dollars for big-name deejays like Junior Vasquez and Paul Oakenfold.

* After escaping from the Iran of the Ayatollahs, Marvisi came to America and made a small fortune peddling car stereos, roach clips and feather earrings. Today, he drives around in a $500,000 orange Bentley (one of three he owns) wearing matching orange shoes and shirt and a diamond-encrusted watch on his wrist.

"The effect that he creates is more Vegas-like Siegfried without the Roy than downtown cool," Owen snipes.

Marvisi declined to meet with Owen. But his spokeswoman, Claire O'Connor, confirmed to the Voice that the beleaguered impresario is aware of stories that he is the subject of a federal investigation, and added:

"I think it's a tragedy in the current climate in which we live that someone who has done so much for New York City both in terms of generating employment and providing entertainment is now being taken to task based on the sour grapes of a few disgruntled employees."

Further compounding Marvisi's woes, his business partners in the stillborn Estate on the old Limelight site - launched last November but already temporarily shuttered, except for the lucrative Sunday nights, because of a distinct lack of customers the rest of the week - now want him ousted, the Voice reports.

"Marvisi is out, that I can promise you," said an important player at nightspot. "As far as I'm concerned, Estate will not reopen unless Marvisi is gone."

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dave got it all if he was smart he would get rid of exit and move to ibeza and open a club at least there he prob wouldnt have such a hard time but just like the one said haters when u got money everyone wants to get you and thats the same thing in davids case exit was the best club and i mean best club in its time before all the camras and bs i loved exit so much i miss the snow and venga boys kisssssss that was the song i misss the old exitttttt :(

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Originally posted by iliana

What's worse than being poor and middle class all your life, is being poor, then filthy rich, then losing everything.

I've seen alot of people go through that and I'm pretty sure Marvisi will get there.

It's not a pretty picture!



with the way things are going in the market lately, i hope that doesnt become my reality... i think i would seriously kill myself... (not that i am extremely wealthy or wealthy for that matter, however from where i came from the difference is night and day between the two worlds......)

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ALOT of people know him....

i know him, EVERYONE knows him.....

He is the leading cause in why clubs suck in ?NYC...

anything he touches sucks, and the only things that were Decent were things he dosne thave pull in. such as SPA an ESTATE>>>

Reasons why ESTATE is not running on friday or saturday...HIM

Untill he is gone.....or gives up right's to there Night's u will not see Fri or sat @ L I M E L I G H T....untill then...

AS i said before....

BU BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by dgmodel

with the way things are going in the market lately, i hope that doesnt become my reality... i think i would seriously kill myself... (not that i am extremely wealthy or wealthy for that matter, however from where i came from the difference is night and day between the two worlds......)

Well, i wasn't speaking about everyday people like you and I. I was speaking of show-offs like Dave Marvisi. You and I are a little more in touch with reality. He thinks he's invincible but he might need to sell his three Bentley's soon.



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