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~Venting~ why are men so 2 sided?


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Ok, so i hung out with this guy about a month and a half ago...

After the first day we met, he was allready asking me where i think things are going... I tryed to tell him, its to soon to tell blah blah blah, I dont like to rush things, he asked me to kiss him, but I dont kiss on first dates...

So anyway, the guy got very annoying, thought everything should be his way, begged me to hang out all the time, and asked me if i like him every other minute..

So eventually I told him, we can only be friends..

This kid all of a sudden hates on me, tells me that im fat and ugly, this that and the other thing, blah blah blah, after he sweated me so bad!

Why do men have such issues taking rejection?

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Guest gabo

I dont think its all men, I just think he was a sore loser!

he only hated on you cause he couldnt have you.

women are even worse if you can believe that... its cause women do 90% of the regecting and when they get regected themselves they its that much worse for them, cause no guy will deny a girl unless he really isnt attracted to her. I am not even talking about looks, cause I have said no to some really hot women, I just wasnt attracted to them for some reason... does any of what i am saying make sense or should i go back to bed?

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I don't see how that's 2 sided, but rather more immature and that he did that to feel better about himself.

And like gabo said, he couldn't have you, so he took the loser's way out by bashing you.

It's good that you told him you want to take your time, though. SOme guys expect everything at once, and if they don't get it, they get pissey. But letting him know upfront should have told him to take it slow (which he obviously didn't get)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I don't see how that's 2 sided, but rather more immature and that he did that to feel better about himself.

And like gabo said, he couldn't have you, so he took the loser's way out by bashing you.

Damn.... exactly!

this helps explain my drama today :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

Ok, so i hung out with this guy about a month and a half ago...

After the first day we met, he was allready asking me where i think things are going... I tryed to tell him, its to soon to tell blah blah blah, I dont like to rush things, he asked me to kiss him, but I dont kiss on first dates...

So anyway, the guy got very annoying, thought everything should be his way, begged me to hang out all the time, and asked me if i like him every other minute..

So eventually I told him, we can only be friends..

This kid all of a sudden hates on me, tells me that im fat and ugly, this that and the other thing, blah blah blah, after he sweated me so bad!

Why do men have such issues taking rejection?

truly a kid behaviour , move on he dosent deserve u ......

PS:ask him when did he graduate from kindergarden LOL

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

im seriously debating dating women...

im perfectly happy single though...

but men are such drama bitches

Um.... Women have just as many faults as men. Maybe different ones. But you have just as many.

As far as this whole situation. Obviously it is just him trying to save his own respect by trying to turn it around. But obviously he has made himself look like a complete asshole. But dont base your opinion of all men on him.

You are also talking about a short term occurence as if to say 1 or 2 days that you hung out. Along with saying he said he wanted to hang out with you all the time. I don't know maybe I am reading it wrong. If he annoyed you that much. Why would you even offer friendship?

Another thing. You refer to men as " Such drama bitches " Kinda stating an oxy moron. You want to date women. But you are refering to men as females???

Please don't take offense to anything. Just asking about what I am reading.

Just a few pennies from my pocket. :)

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Originally posted by elementx

Um.... Women have just as many faults as men. Maybe different ones. But you have just as many.

As far as this whole situation. Obviously it is just him trying to save his own respect by trying to turn it around. But obviously he has made himself look like a complete asshole. But dont base your opinion of all men on him.

You are also talking about a short term occurence as if to say 1 or 2 days that you hung out. Along with saying he said he wanted to hang out with you all the time. I don't know maybe I am reading it wrong. If he annoyed you that much. Why would you even offer friendship?

Another thing. You refer to men as " Such drama bitches " Kinda stating an oxy moron. You want to date women. But you are refering to men as females???

Please don't take offense to anything. Just asking about what I am reading.

Just a few pennies from my pocket. :)

im not reffering to men as fems, im reffering them as female dogs..

and i didnt just like talk to the guy for 2 days

i said we hung out 2 times.. we talked for a while after that.. but it was to much for me

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

im not reffering to men as fems, im reffering them as female dogs..

and i didnt just like talk to the guy for 2 days

i said we hung out 2 times.. we talked for a while after that.. but it was to much for me


Hey what ever. All I am saying is you should not base your opinion on some asshole. And don't generalize men when talking about issues. Everyone has issues. Male/Female/Cross Genders/ Gender confused... Etc... Etc... There is no way out of it. I don't think it is the sex that determines the issues. I think it is based on experience and emotions. And shit that each person has been through and delt with.

A person who has been in and out of relationships and has had there fair share of rejection and/or rejecting usually know how to take it and take it fairly well. When on the other hand is some people who have not been through that many relationships etc... Dont really know how to react when rejected which normally results in an act that is imature. ;)

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I'll be whatever you want me to be baby....

when am I finally going to meet the tastiest bitch out there???

I still get amped up from your sig and your pics....

If you are in the area... I am workin at Euro on Thur.. and Taste on Satuday...

Come by for a few drinks or somethin....

hopefully a little summttin summttin....

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

I'll be whatever you want me to be baby....

when am I finally going to meet the tastiest bitch out there???

I still get amped up from your sig and your pics....

If you are in the area... I am workin at Euro on Thur.. and Taste on Satuday...

Come by for a few drinks or somethin....

hopefully a little summttin summttin....

...u work at taste??.....i almost went sat...but plans changed.......your loss man!...lol...............HOLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:tongue: :D

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lol. they always say bad shit when they know they cant have u.


wtf would they try to kiss u if they werent attracted to u?

it is so petty. they should just take it like a man and say OK we can be friends or listen friendship wasnt what i had on mind and walk away... the funny thing is if they said the latter, i bet the girl would go running back.

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