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My greatest Shadow Lounge memory.....

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

whatever happened to Danny the guy who worked the door?? last time i saw him he was at Space....also Hassan, that guy was super cool!!! i think last i heard of him, he was at Nikki's but that was years ago....

Mr Matas:

Danny -is doing well. he is now a partner in a Club Just outside of Boston which is where he is originally from .and i keep in touch with him. the biggest news with him is that he is now a daddy

Hassan- was one of the nicest guys in the biz and he joined shadow after he managed Chaos. He still lives on south beach and i see him all the time running his erands and grocery shopping and stuff. he is still bar/Gm at Nikki Beach........

Now for Dade!!!!!!!!.............:rolleyes:

maybe if you showed up to Spin for Acostas cd party and other nights you wouldve known who this is. you even replied once on her to me "yeah yeah i know ive been lame ill go next time" and never went:mad:

anyway Ill PM you with my info so we keep in touch (if i figure out how the hell to PM someone)

like i said THE BEST JUICY stories will remain ..........:arrow: inside ;)

but here is a few.

My best Shadow moment was (see if you remember this one Dade) we hosted a party for Hip Hop Mogul Russel Simons birthday and it was celebrity infested..... Oliver Stone, Cameron Diaz, Mariah Carey,RUN DMC, and im leaving some more out im sure.....well the point is they had this ultra exclusive table and i managed to wedge my way in. I Guess Mariah thought if i was in there was because i was some big shot. The REAL reason was i work there!!!so they cut Simmons birthday cake and Mariah starts feeding me cake and dancing and groping me all over and dirty dancing. I had to cut it short cuz i was afraid Dade or others would catch me and i get canned:laugh: then i remember saying this story on monday to my friends not lucky to get in and they didnt believe me or didnt want to.


Dade we used that little storage room behind the marketing ofifce as our motel 6.


at first only a few of us knew about it to use it.....then before you knew it i would go in there and i see barbacks and bartenders and bouncers getting friendly with our patrons

i even saw little black sonny getting his freak on!

and one Dade story........

Dade was more my type of owner he was a behind the scenes deal. not really a publicity whore. very hands on. so not many people knew he was an owner unless u knew him.

so when the door was jammed outside of people aching to get in. I mean really busy those slammed bundled up pick me pick me type lines. Dade would ask us how we were doing (tipwise)

then we would say not that good yet.

he would say "ok"

he stood in line as if he wanted to get in and it would go like this....

dade: "what is the cover today and how late are you open"

us: "20 bucks open till 5 AM"





he would slap us a 50 and walk in we turn around give right back to him and everyone in line was emptying thier pockets.

thanks for the xtra dough.


keep the memories coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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oh by the way:

i didnt get the name Klubvetran by accident. I earned it !:eek::laugh:

so in that case for funny and embarassing stories of:

1) Biz Martinez type1

2) Louis Puig type 2

3)Oscar G + Ralph F type 3

4) Edgar V type 4

5)DJ Roland type 5

no way no way id ever sell out on my pals. besides they have more dirt on me than i do on them

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Originally posted by ogmiami

First of all...do you really think I didn't know about the Motel 6 in the storeroom? The real stories happened in the office...

oooooh i can imagine:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

you guys had an apt in there with big screen tvs and couches and the ever popular "hi im one of the owners" line:laugh:

hey. we had to settle for motel 6 there and we were damn happy for it!!

read your pm's

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i had many great memories at shadow lounge....I would look forward all week to sat. night at SL.....as cheesey as it seems now, when GA would drop "world in my eyes" that place would go nuts...however,

back in SL's heyday, i was going out with this columbian chick..she was one of the Shadow Lounge VIP posse...anyone that would regularly go to SL knows the posse of hot columbian chicks that would hang out in the VIP..the only problem was..i was to poor and cheap for the VIP so our sat nights would go like this..

1. pick up columbian chick at her house..wait a hour for her to adjust fake boobs

2. drive to beach with window down due to heavy perfume odor

3. pick up Sobeton at his house

4. wait for Sobeton to complet his "ritual"

5. sit in silence in car because columbian chick is pissed that we stopped to pick up Sobeton

6. get to shadow lounge and when we go in, chick heads for her friends in VIP and tony and head for bar

7. tony and I spend night basically getting f***ed up and columbian chick spends night ttrying to get into VIP to hang with her homegirls..

8. columbian finally gets into VIP and gets me and Tony it and we sit there spaced out in a midst of tits and ass

9. then around 3am, the air conditioning would mysterioulsy go off

9. we hop in the car for another uncomfortable ride of silence to space...

i have to say that after the Mix closed, shadow was the only place to go where it kinda of felt like something special....havent really felt like that since...

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Damn, I can only imagine the motel six...I was fairly anonymous during the Shadow Lounge days, but Bobby and Dade did invite me once or twice into the little apartment-esque office to share a drink or two with some friends. Shadow Lounge was where I cut my teeth, turning from a total schlep, to a total schlep with an SLR of some sort slung over my shoulder. Give me another 3 or 4 years, and the schlep part will be gone :)

The nicest part was I barely knew Dade and Bobby, but I was always greeted well even after I just met them. The true epitome of hosts in this town.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

james954 - That same night we had a camera in the booth. Just as Sasha came on we turned on the projector and the first image was of Sasha shoving a pill into Dave Ralph's mouth.

BAHAHAHA!!! you know dade, that was the best set i think i've ever heard sasha play that night. i still get goosebumps when i think about it. for those of you that were not there, think sasha GU013 ibiza disk 1...

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Originally posted by edgarv

The first time Taucher played his remix of the first rebirth!!!!!!!and also the first time he played bizarre!!!!!

Taucher was out of control during his sets at shadow!!!!!!!!!

one time Taucher was at Shadow...and the dude had on: a red white and blue cowboy hat, american flag patterned robe (like what the boxers come out of the locker room with), red white and blue boxer shorts and boxer boots...and it was all the shiny sequenes (sp?)....he looked like an American Flag Disco Ball...guy was nuts!!:laugh:

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Originally posted by ogmiami

I have to tell you that I am actually touched by this thread. Thanks...all of you! It really means a lot to me.

no thank u for giving us Shadow!!!! i lived there Friday and Saturdays of 99-2000...99-2001 is where i would ALWAYS be on a Saturday....GA's last night i was there at Shadow...that night was like 99-2000, the vibe and music-wise....all the old SHADOW HEADS came back for that night...many had disappeared for a while, but came back for this event....many people talked about the Edge being the craziest times...i just talk about Shadow and people understand (the old school people at least)...things that stick out about Shadow:

1. Dade/Bobby smoking cigars in the entrance or 2nd floor bars (Dade was always with hot chics)

2. Bobby every week saying "Hi" to me and the next week he forgets my name... :laugh:

3. Edgar V always chillin by the stage that they had near the entrance walk-way

4. The "cluster-phobia" i got from Shadow during the summer months...(if u had to pee and u were near the front of the club...i feel for u)

5. The AC being broken during the summer months...:mad:




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anyone remember the original biss parties at shadow with slacker and dave seaman?? those were one of the best nights I can ever remember. I remember dave seaman having too through Oliver Stone and his lady friend out of the booth for being too drunk and sweaty.. It was the first place I heard dave seaman drop "one of the people" - one of my all time classic tunes for sure.. Hey, thanks too dade and the old shadow staff for all of the memories and for giving Bliss it's first real chance.. Nothing better than a top memory..

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i remeber the first bliss event there and my friend williston had just moved down from DC. he was a huge dave seaman fan but he wasn't old enough to get into shadow. so he sat on the planter all night outside the front door and i went in and out telling him how amazing it was inside. he was still stoked to hear seaman, even if it was through the doorway.

thanks dade and jon for some wicked nights there!

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

one time Taucher was at Shadow...and the dude had on: a red white and blue cowboy hat, american flag patterned robe (like what the boxers come out of the locker room with), red white and blue boxer shorts and boxer boots...and it was all the shiny sequenes (sp?)....he looked like an American Flag Disco Ball...guy was nuts!!:laugh:

yeah since Edgar brought up Taucher i was going to Mention that one:laugh:

when we walked into work that night the club still hadnt opened and the waitresses came to me and said "there is a weirdo in a captain america outfit upstairs sitting by himself." "do u know who that guy is?" im like yeah thats the DJ for tonight :laugh:

Bizarre + the first rebirth are in the TRANCE HALL OF FAME

the first time i heard bizarre i was like what the F*** that Night Taucher gave it t me on Vynl. i still have it

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Another good one is a big name DJ getting ready to go on by the upstairs bar. He pulls out a bag of an unknown white powder and proceeds to cut up lines on the bar.

The security guy sees him and does that flash light flick (aka.. I see you, cut it out) with his flash light.

The DJ looks at him, grabs his flash light, and uses it to see better what he is doing. He then hands the flash light back to the security guy saying "Thanks"

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Originally posted by shroomy

Another good one is a big name DJ getting ready to go on by the upstairs bar. He pulls out a bag of an unknown white powder and proceeds to cut up lines on the bar.

The security guy sees him and does that flash light flick (aka.. I see you, cut it out) with his flash light.

The DJ looks at him, grabs his flash light, and uses it to see better what he is doing. He then hands the flash light back to the security guy saying "Thanks"

that sound like that would happen.

shroomy that "S" is history keep it well and preserve history for all of us.

by the way i have a "SPIN" orange sign if you want to add your collection:laugh:

I joked with some people i was going to get DJS to sign it and put it on ebay. If you want it PM me ill dontate it to the shroomy hall of clubs

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