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What is the brokest u have EVER been?


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And no i don't mean looks so teklord and avalondon need not apply.

So what situation have u been in where u have been soooooooooo fucking broke that, u don't even have money for something like a metrocard...or even gas to put in yer car just to get to work and back home?


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There was this time......

in 87.......Where i was soooooooooo fucken Broke...

i had to fucking Blow 50 guys at port authoirity Just to buy a Bag of Skittles for my 87 brother's and sister's.....Who were Starving and Cold, floating on a Couch under the Chelsea pier's.

Man...that was a Bad Winter...


Oh yea....

Hows the DICK treating you.....FAGGOT!!!


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Originally posted by jaysea

There was this time......

in 87.......Where i was soooooooooo fucken Broke...

i had to fucking Blow 50 guys at port authoirity Just to buy a Bag of Skittles for my 87 brother's and sister's.....Who were Starving and Cold, floating on a Couch under the Chelsea pier's.

Man...that was a Bad Winter...


Oh yea....

Hows the DICK treating you.....FAGGOT!!!

Did you use the feet-in-the-bag method?


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Originally posted by jaysea

There was this time......

in 87.......Where i was soooooooooo fucken Broke...

i had to fucking Blow 50 guys at port authoirity Just to buy a Bag of Skittles for my 87 brother's and sister's.....Who were Starving and Cold, floating on a Couch under the Chelsea pier's.

Man...that was a Bad Winter...


Oh yea....

Hows the DICK treating you.....FAGGOT!!!


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Jaysea LIVES!!!

Whats up yer loyal queerness?

How is the club gossip going? u start a fuckin talk show yet?

Yo...u know theres some shit going down at Luna tonight u should come out..but leave the makeup at home.

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Originally posted by jaysea

i cant the Venga boys are coming to plunge my ass from all the VD u gave me last week!


Whats up Ho?


::sung to the tune of VENGA BUS::

"the venga bus is comin

and it will plunge yer asshole

oh all this fuckin Vee-Dee

That Quoth put in yer Heiny"


dude come out to Lunatarium tonight bring all yer co-workers from Lucky Chengs with ya.

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freshman year....working part-time for a lilte more than minunum wage...got on car accident...repairs wiped out whatever i had in the bank (my fault...if i told my insurance co would have kicked me off the policy)

then my hours got cut; my monthly salary was barely enough to cover gas and insurance

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I have been broke as hell. Having my cable cut off, phone cut off, almost had my car repoed. Almost getting the gas and electric cut off.

Oh and feeding my dog corn flakes cause I didn't have money to buy doggie food.

Now that is broke!!!!!!!!!!! Thank god that was like 8 years ago.:laugh:

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Originally posted by jaysea

i Cant...


i was there on New Years tho.....lol

i was all into it n shit, n then The music Stopped....

the party died...And i wound up at Exit, Tweaking like a little Vixxen Faggot on glass....LOL

Whos spinnen?

eh no one special...

X-dream and Venom thats it.

But i never seen Venom live so thats why i wanna go.

yo...my cousin was suppose to go on at Luna on New years eve right as the party got shut down cause some douche threw a fuckin champagene bottle from the 9th floor and it hit a cop car lol.

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Originally posted by kaligirl

I have been broke as hell. Having my cable cut off, phone cut off, almost had my car repoed. Almost getting the gas and electric cut off.

Oh and feeding my dog corn flakes cause I didn't have money to buy doggie food.

Now that is broke!!!!!!!!!!! Thank god that was like 8 years ago.:laugh:

Damn that's broke!

:eek: :eek:

I'm broke as shit now - f'n roommate!:mad:

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poorest i think i may have ever been was the winter of 1996. i got kicked out of my house, and decided that the best thing to do was move to CO. got myself a plane ticket and headed out there with $200 in cash, my skis, snowboard and a bag of clothes.

once i got to the DIA (Denver International), i realized i had not a clue in the world what i was doing, or where i was going. i opened the paper and saw that Winter Park had gotten 72 inches in the last 4 days and decided that was the place. as luck would have it there was a van leaving about an hour later.

i got into Winter Park around 5 that evening and was dropped off at the local youth hostel, i checked in and got a bed ($15 a night). that night i walked around and filled out a few job applications, the next morning, i planned on doing the same thing, but as soon as i woke up i decided the best thing to do would be to go skiing. i went up at about 10 and walked up the the lift ticket sales office and told them that my pass had ripped off while skiing, they asked how i paid, and i told them with cash, when they asked for the receipt, i searched through my pockets frantically, and then told them that i must have lost it as well. the woman took pity on me, then told me they wouldn't do this again and gave me a free pass. i spent the rest of the day loving life and making turns.

that night i headed out looking for a job again, and actually interviewed with a ski shop, it seemed as though i'd be able to get a job pretty easily but that the real challenge was going to be finding a place to live, the more people i talked to, the more i was realizing housing was pretty hard to come by. that night i also met a couple of brothers from Florida, they'd never seen the snow before and had randomly decided to move to the mountains a couple of weeks before.

a few days later i'd been offered a job (paying $5.25/hr), and i took it. the job was pretty cool (it was the first one offered and i was desperate), i got a free season pass, which was key, and i worked split shifts which was the tits, 8-10am, and then 4-9pm. by about Jan. 12, left me with 6 hours to go skiing everyday. after about 10 days in town i was getting pretty desperate for a place to live, the hostel was getting expensive, and they were telling me i couldn't live there, as it was meant to be for travelers.

about that time, the guys from Florida told me about this party and asked if i wanted to check it out that night. the party we went to was pretty out of hand, i got absolutely hammered and at some point during the night i met this guy Justin, from Texas. as i'd been doing with everyone i met that seemed like a cool person, i asked if he needed a roommate, and god bless his little heart if he didn't say that he did. as with most people you meet in that kind of environment, its hard to judge people and know whether or not they can deliver. much later that night we headed back to his place, when we got there, after what seemed like a long ass drive, i realized the place was huge.

as soon as i got out of his truck, i got the lovely and distinct smell of marijuana, after climbing over the snowbank and in the front door i was met with a thick cloud of smoke, about 3 bong hits later, i was out. needless to say, the next morning i was a little thick, and trying to remember to where i was and how i got there, there were random bodies everywhere. that was my introduction to my future roommates (they must have been pretty impressed).

Justin helped me move in a couple of days later, when i'd asked him if it was cool that i was moving in, he assured me that it was, i'd later find out that he hadn't told anyone. his failure to tell anyone pretty much explained why it was that i lived in an unfinished basement by myself. and when i say unfinished, i'm serious, the floor was dirt. i also discovered that long ass drive, was a long ass drive, i was about 12-13 miles from Winter Park, which wasn't so cool, when you factored in the fact that i didn't have a car. i used to get up at 6am hike down about 2 miles with another one of my roommates to the main road where we'd be able to get picked up hitchhiking. at night you'd hitchhike back, usually you'd just have to walk the last couple of miles, sometimes it would take longer when you couldn't get a ride, especially if it was late.

there were some crazy times out there partying, one of my roommates would drive down to Denver once a month and buy 2 lbs. we'd smoke one and he'd sell the other, covering the cost for both. i'll never forget going to bed early one night and then being woken up to drilling noises, finally the drilling stopped and i fell back asleep. a couple of hours later i was again woken up, this time to whooping and hollering, a few minutes later the door to the basement opened and my roommate Jamie yelled for me to come up, at first i was hesitant and then my curiosity got the best of me. when i got upstairs the room was filled with this almost creamy smoke. the drilling had been them putting 4 holes in a handle of Jack Daniels and making a hookah (sp?) out of it. the thing was unbelieveable, we'd pack an 1/8 into it at a time. Justin, the guy from Texas seemed to go off the deep end, he was from some oil family and apparently had a bit of a coke problem. he would disappear for while, then out of nowhere show up, at one point he went out to St. Louis and came back with a brand new Ford F-150 he'd just bought. his father ended up showing up one day, paid all the bills he owed and that was the last we heard of him.

i was working about 30-35 hours a week, my rent was about $225 (i know unbelieveably cheap, rent for the whole house was $1500, between 6), even with rent as low as it was, when you do the math, its pretty apparent that i didn't have much in the way of funds. i used to barter, trading ski tunes and discounts on equipment for food whenever i could. Subway had a special on meatball subs, $.99 for 6 inches, which i ate about 5 times a week. when i left Winter Park i weighed 160lbs, today i weigh 205lbs (i'd usually have spent my paycheck by the end of the 1st week and would then starve for a week while i waited to get paid again).

despite all the walking, and never having very much money, that winter was amazing, skiing 120 days, being outdoors everyday, and the simplicity of it all made it all worthwhile.

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Originally posted by kitty19

sd, that was the fuckin best story i've read on my 2+ years on clubplanet.

i commend you for being able to live "outside of your box." i envy people like you that could take risks and live your life.


thanks kitty19, that was really kind of you to say.

i'm glad you enjoyed reading it, the memories it brought back as i was writing, brought a series of big smiles to my face.

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Originally posted by quoth

eh no one special...

X-dream and Venom thats it.

But i never seen Venom live so thats why i wanna go.

yo...my cousin was suppose to go on at Luna on New years eve right as the party got shut down cause some douche threw a fuckin champagene bottle from the 9th floor and it hit a cop car lol.

That sucks I waited from 4-5 waiting for him to go on. The music then sucked (in my opinion). I was pissed, I hate when people act stupid PARTY responbliy

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