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calling all gym freaks...

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Originally posted by solbeam

what keeps you going??

The feeling I get when I leave the gym. :D

The compliments that I get from people on rare occasions.

And one of the top things that keep me going is progression. When I notice myself progressing at something it is almost like an addiction and it keeps me trying to progress more. :)

If that all makes sense. ;)

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And by the way. Winter is the hardest time to stay dedicated. It is such a shame to put in a good workout and than throw on this huge coat and cover up all of what you are working on. But mentally the cold and dull weather plays emotional games and it makes it tougher to get in the mood to excersize.

I enjoy it so much more in the summer. Riding my bike by the beach after spending 2 hours in the gym :cool: I find it relaxing.

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Originally posted by elementx

The feeling I get when I leave the gym. :D

The compliments that I get from people on rare occasions.

And one of the top things that keep me going is progression. When I notice myself progressing at something it is almost like an addiction and it keeps me trying to progress more. :)

If that all makes sense. ;)

makes sense

if its any


i think you hot:flame:

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Originally posted by Reeni

makes sense

if its any


i think you hot:flame:

:eek: I don't know what picture you are lookin at. :laugh:


Ok I really need to go home. I think this day has been long enough. And you have bumped my meter over 10 here... :D

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eheh. i think just desire to want to be motivated to do something good for myself + it keeps me busy, and gives me energy. my gym is awesome, i have been swimming laps & doing all sorts of crazy classes, i need a tennis partner badly!!.. also, i want to look good for the summer. everyone i know thinks im nutz cuz i only weigh 100 but i want to get some tone & get my endurance up.

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I was bein kinda lazy for a while, but now I'm very back into the gym thing.... I think what keeps me going is how great I feel when I'm leaving there....nothing compares to that....Also, obviously, summer is coming, and I want to be in good shape and look more toned :D

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I joined the gym about 2 months ago, and I was doing very well. I go three days a week & haven't missed at all. Well last week I had my reevalution and I'm the same exact weight however I've gained 6 lbs. of body fat and lost 1 lb. of muscle WTF:( . I haven't been back since. I'm sooo frustrated and disappointed

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the key is to make it interestin. i hate treadmills..i hate weights..i hate crowds. so i swim..thats all i do..its fun as hell..and its an awesome resistance excercise...

i stopped goin for so long..and now i know its because i fuckin hated usin the machines..and starin @ one space on a treadmill. i cant wait for the weather to heat up so i can start runnin the track again near my school

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

the key is to make it interestin. i hate treadmills..i hate weights..i hate crowds. so i swim..thats all i do..its fun as hell..and its an awesome resistance excercise...

i stopped goin for so long..and now i know its because i fuckin hated usin the machines..and starin @ one space on a treadmill. i cant wait for the weather to heat up so i can start runnin the track again near my school

I need to get back on the track myself. I ran track 6 years and since the day I broke my ankle in a meet during my senior year, I have gone to the track twice.

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I used to run the trail by the water near my house but it's too freakin cold...I have to find one that's indoors for now...I actually miss it

serg, you're just anti-social thats why you like the solitude of swimming!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by solbeam

what keeps you going??

The overall feeling of being healthy. I quit smoking, I run, and lift weights. I love the Endorphine(sp) high I get from working out. I feel less stress in my life. I feel in excellent condition. I love the way I look, and I enjoy the compliments I get (I'm modest as hell). I just think it helps me more mentally than anything... But I just want to be healthy.

I'm waiting for the weather to heat up so I can go running at my park, rollerblade, and Mountain Bike on some trails. :drool:

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what got me into it? the desire to tone and shape my body....

what got me to keep going? actually going for a full week... once u go for a certain amount of days u CANT stop going... u feel guilty and shit... but its hard cuz the day or 2 that u "take a break" its verrrrryyyy easy to fall out of it again... but if u do fall out of it... kinda motivate urself juuust enough to go back at least a full week- then ull get ur drive back and u wont wanna stop

what keeps me there still? definitely the fact that i just cant stop what i started :laugh: umm... the way i feel during and after... the compliments, my job :bartender so i gotta keep myself in shape if i want good tips lol: my health... i feel so energetic when i work out as opposed to when im not working out.. i feel strong... healthy.. and i feel good about myself.

i prefer to do classes cuz it keeps u motivated a lil more than just will.... but i switch it up between classes, bodypump :class with weights:, cardio, treadmill, elliptical, weights, machines... etc...

i already worked out today and im ready to go back again now :D

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I just started going again. What keeps me going, or wanting to go back, is i am so fuckin' skinny I need to build some muscle ( 6'1" and 145-150 lbs.). I don't run any (running increases your metabolism... that's exaclty what I don't need right now). I eat everything I possible fricken can and just do full body work-outs, it feels so good. Also, I get to see all of the hot chicks from my school there.

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Another thing that keeps me motivated is when people come up to me and ask advice on some training tips and what not. That alone makes you know you are doing right for yourself if someone is noticing and coming up to you asking advice on a body part... Etc...


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im a gym nut all the way ..im addicted...to the gains and compliments ...i went from a fat slob to abs and a great outlook on life..what keeps me going besides the idea of more gains...is the idea that if i do it all now i will be able to be on the beach and FUCKING confident about taking my shirt off...just the idea of walking around topless ...gets me amped to stay in the gymmmm ...

but what it really boils down to is the compliments from friends and family...but none more so then from complete strangers..nothing feels better than getting a double take from random women ....

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