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Attn: Vicman

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Originally posted by prplhz

1. Tj and K wouldn't ever download anything for me, and 2. NY downloads good stuff for me but something tells me he wouldn't be caught dead downloading PvD:(

them punks :mad:

when you get your burner get on SS, send me your username and i'll add you to my list. :D

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Originally posted by prplhz

As soon as i get my burner in a few weeks I will get whatever it takes to download some good stuff, I can't wait. And for that matter, 1. Tj and K wouldn't ever download anything for me, and 2. NY downloads good stuff for me but something tells me he wouldn't be caught dead downloading PvD:( I trust Tini more then I would trust these guys to get me what I need, and I need a good PvD fix!:D

Wow, I see how it is


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Originally posted by prplhz

You should right it down, I'm confused....;):laugh: I'll send you a PM I would love a copy if you wanted to send it to me. I need some new PvD, I'm hard up right now for a good time, it's been really lame up here.:cry:

*sigh* my brain hurts. I am having grammar & spelling problems today and I'm confusing people with other people :laugh:

I'll send you the cds :D

Shady - STFU!

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Originally posted by kaydup

Wow, I see how it is



I'm confused, I'm just telling like it is, I wouldn't ever expect you guys to download anything for me, therefore I wouldn't think that you ever would. I didn't think we were that good of friends... And like I said NYis for would download stuff for me, as he has in the past, but wouldn't be caught dead downloading it:tongue: Do you want me to add you guys to that list as well?? ;)

Okay, thread revised

Tj, K, and Nyis for meatheads wouldn't be caught dead with PvD on their computers, therefore I don't think any of them would ever download it for me....:laugh:

BTW Tj, just got my brand new Canon S230 in the mail last night, thanks for the advice! Can't wait to get out and get some real experience shooting with it!

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Originally posted by prplhz


I'm confused, I'm just telling like it is, I wouldn't ever expect you guys to download anything for me, therefore I wouldn't think that you ever would. I didn't think we were that good of friends... And like I said NYis for would download stuff for me, as he has in the past, but wouldn't be caught dead downloading it:tongue: Do you want me to add you guys to that list as well?? ;)

Okay, thread revised

Tj, K, and Nyis for meatheads wouldn't be caught dead with PvD on their computers, therefore I don't think any of them would ever download it for me....:laugh:

BTW Tj, just got my brand new Canon S230 in the mail last night, thanks for the advice! Can't wait to get out and get some real experience shooting with it!

I would burn it for ya. I am just that nice :D

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Word on the street is that a lot of women feel the same way. :D

Hey, who is this kid? Bashing on the Boston guys... you know we got game, you're just afraid we'll take it down to D.C. :tongue: (Although I do agree to a point... women feel that way about teamj5. Actually, women don't really feel any particular way about j5.. they just kinda see right through him. He's like invisible man... but for women).

Jess, I can download and burn that CD for ya. Just call/PM/e-mail me the file name or something, and remind me to do it! For some odd reason I always forget stuff like that once I get home :smoke:;)


Hope you've all got your tix to the BMC! Just 4 days away now!! :eek:

BMC Party Info:

Monday Parties

Tuesday Parties

Wednesday Parties

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Saturday Parties

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Hey, who is this kid? Bashing on the Boston guys... you know we got game, you're just afraid we'll take it down to D.C. :tongue: (Although I do agree to a point... women feel that way about teamj5. Actually, women don't really feel any particular way about j5.. they just kinda see right through him. He's like invisible man... but for women).

Jess, I can download and burn that CD for ya. Just call/PM/e-mail me the file name or something, and remind me to do it! For some odd reason I always forget stuff like that once I get home :smoke:;)


Hope you've all got your tix to the BMC! Just 4 days away now!! :eek:

BMC Party Info:

Monday Parties

Tuesday Parties

Wednesday Parties

Thursday Parties

Friday Parties

Saturday Parties

Apparently my theory about distance south of the Mason Dixon line also applies to distances north. :laugh:

I was referring to Tini and her satisfying women's needs, not you guys.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Apparently my theory about distance south of the Mason Dixon line also applies to distances north. :laugh:

I was referring to Tini and her satisfying women's needs, not you guys.

Main Entry: am·big·u·ous

Pronunciation: am-'bi-gy&-w&s

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin ambiguus, from ambigere to be undecided, from ambi- + agere to drive

Date: 1528

1 a : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness <eyes of an ambiguous color> b : INEXPLICABLE

2 : capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways

synonym see OBSCURE

- am·big·u·ous·ly adverb

- am·big·u·ous·ness noun

Use: shaddygroovedc's post was ambiguous. It could have been interpreted either way.


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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Main Entry: am·big·u·ous

Pronunciation: am-'bi-gy&-w&s

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin ambiguus, from ambigere to be undecided, from ambi- + agere to drive

Date: 1528

1 a : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness <eyes of an ambiguous color> b : INEXPLICABLE

2 : capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways

synonym see OBSCURE

- am·big·u·ous·ly adverb

- am·big·u·ous·ness noun

Use: shaddygroovedc's post was ambiguous. It could have been interpreted either way.


It made perfect sense to me. I don't know what your problem is. :rolleyes::laugh:

Ambiguous: Vic and Zags are ambiguous. They could go either way. :D

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by shadygroovedc

It made perfect sense to me. I don't know what your problem is. :rolleyes::laugh:

Ambiguous: Vic and Zags are ambiguous. They could go either way. :D

the ambiguously gay duo!

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