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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Homophobia on the board has gotten REALLY out of hand

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I'd just like to say that I'm thoroughly disappointed in this community right now.

The gay bashing and homophobia around here has gotten totally out of hand and I find it offensive and ridiculous.

Everytime anyone wants to start drama, give someone shit, or otherwise describe anything in a derrogatory manner the first thing they do call someone a homo, fag, gay, etc.

People should really think a little more about what they say before they say it because not only is it offensive and homophobic but it just makes you look really ignorant and immature. Not to mention insecure and uneducated.

For some odd reason I thought we had a little more respect for each other than that. I really thought we'd grown past a fourth grade maturity level. I guess I was wrong.


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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

I'd just like to say that I'm thoroughly disappointed in this community right now.

The gay bashing and homophobia around here has gotten totally out of hand and I find it offensive and ridiculous.

Everytime anyone wants to start drama, give someone shit, or otherwise describe anything in a derrogatory manner the first thing they do call someone a homo, fag, gay, etc.

People should really think a little more about what they say before they say it because not only is it offensive and homophobic but it just makes you look really ignorant and immature. Not to mention insecure and uneducated.

For some odd reason I thought we had a little more respect for each other than that. I really thought we'd grown past a fourth grade maturity level. I guess I was wrong.


Shut up, you homo

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people need to learn a little more respect...some people here dont understand that messageboards, to a certain degree, are a reflection of real life...watching social conformist followers diplay their pitiful views on life is sad...

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Originally posted by highmay

people need to learn a little more respect...some people here dont understand that messageboards, to a certain degree, are a reflection of real life...watching social conformist followers diplay their pitiful views on life is sad...

so i guess in real life you're really a gun :laugh:

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Originally posted by highmay

people need to learn a little more respect...some people here dont understand that messageboards, to a certain degree, are a reflection of real life...watching social conformist followers diplay their pitiful views on life is sad...

...yes...it can be considered a micrcosm to an extent but to be honest you would be the last person on the board i would expect a comment like that to come from....especially considering some of the remarks you have so freely spread across this board...but that's a bit off topic...

...the sad point is outside of your response, LMs point is only being exemplified...it is indeed a sad state of affairs...such tact usually does connote ignorance and immaturity...

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i agree with shannon completely, though i haven't been posting here enough lately to notice. the community on this board seems to have degraded quite a bit, there is no reason that people can be derogatory just because they are hiding behind a computer screen. grow up, people.

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Originally posted by Ronin

i feel the moderation should be like that of trance addict .com.

No bullshit there, and everything is on topic. Like yarin said... get rid of the trash.

NB is the same way. No patience for that kind of crap.

But....there are less on topic discussions on this board. I suppose not every thread HAS to be topic related...but, there's a certain level of respect that I'm willing to bet 80% or maybe even more of us don't have for one another. This is beyond MODS, Shannon / DaVe are doing just fine. It's unfortunate they can eliminate/move drama related threads, but just can't eliminate the users.

We can all take jokes, but there just comes a point where reading certain threads eventually is bound to lower your IQ. :blank:

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This thread is so on point. If I didn't know any better, I would think that CP was a community that was antigay.

And this would be so ironic for a musical community that should be more liberal minded, and promote freedom of expression and creativity. After all, many of the musicians whose music we love and whose music hold a major credit for club sites( Like clubplanet's) existence, have alternative lifestyles( are gay, etc.). If their music didn't exist, clubsites wouldn't have much to promote and might cease to exist.

Another irony is that we live in NYC area that has one of the largest homosexual populations in the country; people who are gay and have other alternate lifestyles, flock to this city from other less friendly(right wing, conservative, intolerant) areas of the state and country for more acceptance of who they are.

To me, this just goes to show how much of a major control the conservative, closed-minded, capitalistic part of america has over our lives and minds no matter who we are. And that is just sad!!!! POINT BLANK!:blown:

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like everyone has freedom of choice, so do gay bashers, unfortunately. if people like the kkk can get away with having rallys and it's ok because they're "expressing their right to freedom of speech"...then there's not much anyone can do...

i'm not trying to defend gay-haters....but they have a right to say what they want as well...you cannot force someone to accept homosexuality because everyone else does...it can go back to cultural, social, environmental, or religious reasons...

but people can at least do others the dignity of keeping their mouths shut about the topic...no need to spread more hate around...like there isn't enough around as it is....

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Originally posted by sassa

like everyone has freedom of choice, so do gay bashers, unfortunately. if people like the kkk can get away with having rallys and it's ok because they're "expressing their right to freedom of speech"...then there's not much anyone can do...

i'm not trying to defend gay-haters....but they have a right to say what they want as well...you cannot force someone to accept homosexuality because everyone else does...it can go back to cultural, social, environmental, or religious reasons...

but people can at least do others the dignity of keeping their mouths shut about the topic...no need to spread more hate around...like there isn't enough around as it is....

fair enough... but i'll just label these people "bigots" and "racists" and address them as such...


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There is a time and a place for everyone to express their own views. And this kind of hating( i.e. Homophobia, stereotypical hating that this thread refers to) doesn't belong on a message board for the music community, particularly in NYC...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by sassa

like everyone has freedom of choice, so do gay bashers, unfortunately. if people like the kkk can get away with having rallys and it's ok because they're "expressing their right to freedom of speech"...then there's not much anyone can do...

i'm not trying to defend gay-haters....but they have a right to say what they want as well...you cannot force someone to accept homosexuality because everyone else does...it can go back to cultural, social, environmental, or religious reasons...

but people can at least do others the dignity of keeping their mouths shut about the topic...no need to spread more hate around...like there isn't enough around as it is....

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...Ok, what I'm about to say is going to come off as elitist and snobbish, but you know what!?, its gotta be said because I see a fascinating (and frightening) parallel with this subculture and another I frequent...

I'd also like to say that I can do without the complaint posts about how long this post is.. If you choose not to read this in its entirety, yet still criticize, then you are just as much a part of the problem as the next fuckhead.. Lets begin..

..In my off time (read: any time I'm bored and in the house with nothing to do) I like to game online. Two of my favorite games in that subculture (online gaming IS a subculture with characters all its own...) are Half Life and Diablo II. I've been playing Half Life for about oh, god, it must be close to 5 years now. I've also been playing it online for about the same amount of time and I've seen a massive change in the community as the prevalence of powerful multimedia computers has increased as opposed to it being a niche geek thing as it was in the past (not everyone could get Glide working perfectly on that old voodoo banshee, it took a bit of finagling..nowadays setting up an uber-gaming box is childsplay because of the horsepower these systems are packing..but I digress...)..

Putting 10 geeks in an arena, arming them and then telling them to blow each others heads off is an interesting spectacle to watch. You'd get the standard issue profanity, but for the most part it'd just be funny inside jokes about technology and other sillyness..At the end of the match everyone yelled good game and you did it again.. Around late 99 things started to change. I found that the gamers on Gamespy became younger and younger. Aimbots and other hacks were becoming prevalent and you'd be lucky to be in a game with anyone over the age of 16.

In Short, The children had arrived... which does NOT necessarily mean bad things..but children with no respect from the suburbs DOES..

These kids became the major group...I'd log onto a server, start playin and people would have automatic scripts that would choose any one of serveral homophobic/racist/xenophobic slurs that would automatically be said after a kill was made..Eventually the text line (where you can read what people say) would just scroll fag after fag after nigger after fag..It was sad..

Then I started playing Diablo II on Battle.net which proved to be many times worse. See, in Diablo people actually have 'time' to talk, so you don't have bots that autoresponse to you dying.. You get to hear what these stupid little fucking kids have to say. Every second word out of their mouths was 'thats gay' ...'you're a fag' ...'this is my nigger stick, with a custom grip for beating niggers'...

I woke up this morning and THOUGHT it was the 21st century...

How does this equate to nightlife?

Well, party culture, although not entirely a new thing IS to American youth a novel concept..As the beats that we all listened to became more and more mainstream, the children and weekenders who just wanted to come in to see what it was all about increased exponentially...This caused the general population of party people to gravitate from the usual devotee..often an individual who had been drawn to the seemingly 'free' expression that the late night hours and music evoked to your garden variety undisciplined suburban child...

5 years ago when I was partying I was surrounded by interesting people who all seemed to have an offbeat story..Many of them had been part of different social circles..some popular, some geeks, some jocks, some alienesque midgets with a crossdressing fetish... As time went on I saw the numbers of people who really didn't give a shit about the sense of community go up exponentially... I got hit for pills more times than I can count (and I still do in a typical night out) and I saw more OD's than I could possibly forget in a lifetime...

Messageboard club subculture is no exception to this.. At first you have devotees, then it gravitates to trash as the broadness of involvement increases... I've met some great people from this board in late 01 and throughout 02...People that really do care about the scene and what its all about...Sad fact of the matter is, no matter how much we think we've progressed in this civilization, the majority of kids out there are still slightly racist, very homophobic idiots that live in a white washed universe...THOSE people are the ones who will come on this board and start shit....THOSE people are the ones who are surfacing and causing shit on CP, in effect destroying it for the community this board once was... Its just surprising to alot of the people in this thread who, like me, have gotten into this scene so long ago for acceptance where we couldn't find anywhere else...

..It all comes back to the 80/20 rule, you violate that and it all goes to shit...

Electronic Subculture has done so and is now feeling the effect... Hopefully as time goes on those proportions will come back into line.. I however, doubt it..

Thats my 2 bucks, you don't like it, go fuck yourself...Cuz you know what? I'm right...

-MikeyPh0nk :aright:

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