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Homophobia on the board has gotten REALLY out of hand

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Originally posted by Crackorn

I normally don't get involved in drama but you, my friend, need serious help. The majority of your posts are attempts to turn other CP'ers against each other. You must have some awful insecurities. So much hate in one little, tiny person. It's really kind of sad, isn't it?

PS- you're neither weeping nor praying, just scheming.

Firstly, you are wrong on my girth and generally who I am. My posts have no intention of turning anyone against anyone unless its a puckered asshole against my anaconda. I don't appreciate you creating drama by questioning my intentions and accuse me of 'scheming'. No one tries to blow up your spot when you are, in fact, 'scheming'. and you know on what and why.

I am now weeping AND praying for YOU. May God have mercy on your soul and I pray that love finds a way to that ice fortress you call a heart.


(wouldn't you love to know)

PS--I would also like to add that yarin is, in fact, guilty of the very thing we are discussing on this thread. please try and stay ON topic.

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Such a sad person. Seriously, if you need to talk, I'm all ears. Life is too short to hate so much. And please, don't pray for me. When you advertise that you're praying for someone, you have to ask yourself a serious question- who am I trying to convince that I'm a pious person? Myself, God or everyone else?

PS- get help.

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another point:

there is also a difference between OVERT, BLATANT homophobia and the more IMPLICIT, PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE homophobia.

While the first is present on the board and is upsetting, its obvious and easy to ignore and write off as ignorance and stupidity and I dont find it nearly as disturbing as those who are passive-aggresively gay-bashing and dont even seem to be aware of it. And THAT form is much more common than the first. (much like the misogyny on the board, but thats a whole other thread)

This, in my opinion, is much scarier.

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Originally posted by teklord310

Yeah I definetely have to get off here. Right... bunch of rejects. Get a life.

I think we all know the first to get banned and ips blocked.

Now stop stealing our oxygen and bandwith and go kill yourself before its too late.


Tsk, Tsk. So much hate. You and Crackorn homo lovers? Why you two so defensive?

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Originally posted by tastyt

Actually- this is meant to be an anti-drama thread... :blank:

well wut i meant was it has now turned into a drama thread...and if this was any other thread, it would have been moved to the drama board right away by our moderator. but i guess when the moderator posts it, the case changes


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Originally posted by xtcgspot

well wut i meant was it has now turned into a drama thread...and if this was any other thread, it would have been moved to the drama board right away by our moderator. but i guess when the moderator posts it, the case changes


It turned into a drama thread because there doesn't seem to be any concept of 'conversation' or commu....Oh why bother..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

It turned into a drama thread because there doesn't seem to be any concept of 'conversation' or commu....Oh why bother..

oh puhlease... a thread of this nature could only turn to drama here. that is a given. ehehe.
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Originally posted by somebitch

oh puhlease... a thread of this nature could only turn to drama here. that is a given. ehehe.

Although I'm almost happy to echo that kind of fatalistic sentiment, I think its sad what started out as an honest observation of a real problem on this board turned into a mudslinging contest with fake scree....

Nah, I lost it....and you know what? It aint worth pickin back up....<Sigh>....:(...

Thats twice in one thread I lost words...Divine fucking justice if you ask me...:(...

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