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\Slut\, n. [OE. slutte; cf. OD. slodde a slut, Icel. sl["o]ttr a heavy, loglike fellow, slota to droop.] 1. An untidy woman; a slattern.

Sluts are good enough to make a sloven's porridge. --Old Proverb.

2. A servant girl; a drudge. [Obs.]

Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightly, doing more service than both the others. --Pepys.

3. A female dog; a bitch

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there's too many sluts around nowadays...

i don't think sex should be something people should take lightly...it's a beautiful act between two people...but when they degrade it, bring shit in....it makes me sick..makes me sad...

sex.......is supposed to be an act of love...or is just something that we have to do to procreate....or is it just an act...like how animals fuck for the hell of it...

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Originally posted by sassa

another slut: britney spears.

christina aguilera

mariah carey


fucking almost every celebrity in hollywood...whores, skanks, bitches, cocksuckers..........


Maybe they are just comfortable with their sexuality, and enjoy sex?? I don't think its so much the number of people that you sleep with as opposed to the motives behind the sex that makes one a slut.

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Originally posted by jimk29

Maybe they are just comfortable with their sexuality, and enjoy sex?? I don't think its so much the number of people that you sleep with as opposed to the motives behind the sex that makes one a slut.

ok, but you can be comfortable with your sexuality and not fuck everything that moves or that has a fat wallet...

i just think they're desecrating the act....

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My definition of a slut is some1 who will sleep w/ any1 who drops them a line( in this case, line would also have 2 be defined, but I'm refering 2 the pick up) or sometimes it doesnt even take that much.. I agree w/ Sassa that there r so many girls who dont respect themselves nowadays & there could be many reasons behind that..Also I feel people who just meet & start doing sexual things together is classless.. 1 time deal? fine. But on a daily basis? No

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Originally posted by sassa

what is your definition of a slut...

I think the term is very subjective, everyone has their own perceptions and values, and I don't think it's fair to call someone a slut, bc you don't know their situation, their intentions, their values, their feelings, etc. Different people have extremely different ideas about what sex is, some hold it to be more sacred, and some are more nonchalant about it. eh whatever, to each their own

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I think the term is very subjective, everyone has their own perceptions and values, and I don't think it's fair to call someone a slut, bc you don't know their situation, their intentions, their values, their feelings, etc. Different people have extremely different ideas about what sex is, some hold it to be more sacred, and some are more nonchalant about it. eh whatever, to each their own

Exactly... the only thing that really matters is that, when all is said and done, you're able to respect yourself...

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Originally posted by tastyt

Exactly... the only thing that really matters is that, when all is said and done, you're able to respect yourself...

so....someone can go and fuck 3 guys in one night...and as long as she respects herself (disillusional as she is...) that's ok?

if i'm wrong, please correct me...but i think this is bullshit....

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Originally posted by sassa

so....someone can go and fuck 3 guys in one night...and as long as she respects herself (disillusional as she is...) that's ok?

if i'm wrong, please correct me...but i think this is bullshit....

What gives us the right to say what is and is not right for other people? I mean, I might not do it, but far be it from me to say that you shouldn't.

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Originally posted by sassa

so....someone can go and fuck 3 guys in one night...and as long as she respects herself (disillusional as she is...) that's ok?

if i'm wrong, please correct me...but i think this is bullshit....

As Mystify already pointed out, it's all subjective; however, I think most of us would agree that someone engaging in such extreme behavior could not honestly respect him or herself... and then again, who is anybody to judge another's actions...

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As a sidenote... I can't imagine how anyone who does porn could have a shred of respect for themself... that it's one of the most disgusting professions a person could choose...

But who fucking knows? Maybe some porn stars are thrilled with their life, love the money and are happy as can be... regardless of what I or anyone else thinks of them... it all comes from inside...

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Originally posted by jimk29

Maybe they are just comfortable with their sexuality, and enjoy sex?? I don't think its so much the number of people that you sleep with as opposed to the motives behind the sex that makes one a slut.


i agree.. the motives behind it make all the difference.. but like everyone has said already.. who are we to judge ones motives?? b/c everyone has a different value of something...

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Originally posted by sassa

no wonder society is disintegrating...shit like this is allowed to happen...and then they demand respect....fucking SLUTS...

What are you talking about? What is the "this" and who are the "they" that you are referring to???

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Originally posted by tastyt

I think most of us would agree that someone engaging in such extreme behavior could not honestly respect him or herself... and then again, who is anybody to judge another's actions...

you realize this is just a big self contradiction, don't you? i would imagine that someone like jenna jameson, or ron jeremy respect themselves very much, for being a couple of the best porn stars ever. granted some of those people started out having no respect for themselves, but that is a somewhat normal thing. the having of those feelings, not the way they chose to act them out. somewhere in most of these peoples heads it gives them great satisfaction, perhaps fills a void in someway, in their lives. and i think that there are many people out there that are permiscuous, sexually liberated, etc, that enjoy it for what it is. so, if a person were to go out and get fucked all over all night long by numerous anonymous partners, and that gives them a thrill, then where's the harm?

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