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Past Relationships


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Do you feel past relationships have an effect on your present one? Like if you got hurt in the past do you take a new relationship more slowly and don't give your trust out as easily? Or do you treat each new relationship as a fresh experience and don't bring in your past issues? I have the disadvantage of my bf being hurt in the past by girls now with me he don't trust me at all cuz he been cheated on he always think bad thoughts. I tell him this is a new relationship, but his head has been fucked up to the point where past issues with other girls effect what WE have. I on the other hand treat every relationship as a new experience with an open mind. I just wish so many good guys heads weren't already fukked up:mad:

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Originally posted by ravahstar

Do you feel past relationships have an effect on your present one? Like if you got hurt in the past do you take a new relationship more slowly and don't give your trust out as easily? Or do you treat each new relationship as a fresh experience and don't bring in your past issues? I have the disadvantage of my bf being hurt in the past by girls now with me he don't trust me at all cuz he been cheated on he always think bad thoughts. I tell him this is a new relationship, but his head has been fucked up to the point where past issues with other girls effect what WE have. I on the other hand treat every relationship as a new experience with an open mind. I just wish so many good guys heads weren't already fukked up:mad:

LOL omg the stories I could tell you. God knows how many situations I've been in like that.

Yes, I'm a little f'ked up from past relationships and i have an especially hard time considering guys "good" and I have an even harder time agreeing to be in a relationship for the fact that I dont want to get screwed over again. However, I realized that I'm eventually going to be in a relationship again, and I need to deal with this b.s....most of which I have.

I'm with your bf, i tend to do the same thing he does...its going to take awhile for you to get him to believe everything you say though:tongue: PM me if you want,we'll talk...actions speak louder then words, if you show him that you're not like the other women he's been with, slowly but surely things will work out..it takes time, but it can be done...You're going to need lots of patience though:)

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Originally posted by ravahstar

Do you feel past relationships have an effect on your present one? Like if you got hurt in the past do you take a new relationship more slowly and don't give your trust out as easily? Or do you treat each new relationship as a fresh experience and don't bring in your past issues? I have the disadvantage of my bf being hurt in the past by girls now with me he don't trust me at all cuz he been cheated on he always think bad thoughts. I tell him this is a new relationship, but his head has been fucked up to the point where past issues with other girls effect what WE have. I on the other hand treat every relationship as a new experience with an open mind. I just wish so many good guys heads weren't already fukked up:mad:

god bless you that you can actually wipe away the past and start fresh. Past relationships should be seen and treated like learning experiences. ya know. ? you try to mark on the good and learn from what went wrong or bad. i wish in some ways that i could " love like i have never been hurt"

and yes, most of my bf's have had past girl issues that affected our relationships. Sometimes I almost felt like i was living in the shadow of these girls. Other times these guys were battling their own demons and tryign to protect themselves but at the same time shooting themselves in the foot :blown:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

god bless you that you can actually wipe away the past and start fresh. Past relationships should be seen and treated like learning experiences. ya know. ? you try to mark on the good and learn from what went wrong or bad. i wish in some ways that i could " love like i have never been hurt"

I agree, my past relationships have taught me many things about myself and other people. Whether the experiences were good ones or bad ones, built me up or hurt me, they are now a part of me, and had some part in making me who I am today.

But, I do think I've become much more cautious and less naive when it comes to love, but I think that's a good thing. I don't want to love like I've never been hurt, bc that's not true, I have been hurt...And understanding how that happened and why I became vulernable has helped me become a stronger and more self-aware in my current relationship.

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Originally posted by ravahstar

Do you feel past relationships have an effect on your present one? Like if you got hurt in the past do you take a new relationship more slowly and don't give your trust out as easily? Or do you treat each new relationship as a fresh experience and don't bring in your past issues? I have the disadvantage of my bf being hurt in the past by girls now with me he don't trust me at all cuz he been cheated on he always think bad thoughts. I tell him this is a new relationship, but his head has been fucked up to the point where past issues with other girls effect what WE have. I on the other hand treat every relationship as a new experience with an open mind. I just wish so many good guys heads weren't already fukked up:mad:

I guess its kinda fucked up, but i feel where your bf is coming from cuz i was with this chick and i gave her my all and all, then before i knew it she told me that this guy she had a crush on since high school wanted to be w/her. i was so sure that she wasnt gonna hurt me , but i ended up getting my heart crushed and till this day i think i still love her.....she is now married to that fuck face and im seeing someone , but i'm scared to give in and let my true feelings out cuz i dont want the same thing to happen again.:whip:, but i am making a effort to look past that


life is 10%what happend to you and 90%how you react to it.:)

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Originally posted by ravahstar

Do you feel past relationships have an effect on your present one? Like if you got hurt in the past do you take a new relationship more slowly and don't give your trust out as easily? Or do you treat each new relationship as a fresh experience and don't bring in your past issues? I have the disadvantage of my bf being hurt in the past by girls now with me he don't trust me at all cuz he been cheated on he always think bad thoughts. I tell him this is a new relationship, but his head has been fucked up to the point where past issues with other girls effect what WE have. I on the other hand treat every relationship as a new experience with an open mind. I just wish so many good guys heads weren't already fukked up:mad:

Yes, because of my past relationship, I have a BIGGG problem commiting to people. If I feel that a relationship gets too serious, I tend to turn away from it and run :(. The words I Love You have been taken OUT of my vocabulary and I feel like I might never be able to tell anyone that. :(
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Its called baggage and the more you bring into your new realtionship the quicker it ends

As hard as it might be, you have to start fresh with all relationships. The one thing you can bring into your new relationship is correcting the mistakes you might have done in a previous one.

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