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Phazon for Metro?

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Originally posted by GrammarPolice

You missed the discussion on the Phazon at Metro. Just imagine, you would be able to hear Jersey's most mediocre DJs in crystal clear sound. Sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

phazon would be nice, but it will never happen.. the Avalon system i can possibly see in the future!

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i think metro shhould just get a new mackie system......perfect for that type of enviroment.....phazon is too much money ....i dont even thhink abyss needs a phazon...they should switch it over to deko ..(my opinion)

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Originally posted by avanti

i think metro shhould just get a new mackie system......perfect for that type of enviroment.....phazon is too much money ....i dont even thhink abyss needs a phazon...they should switch it over to deko ..(my opinion)

that would be way too much system for deko, which i think has an avalon if i'm not mistaken.

for the money, i still think JBL drivers in the right cabinets sound great.

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There are other ways to go other than Phazon, such as EAW & Turbosound that will give better bang for your buck, tho they are not cheap either, set up of the right stuff is more essential than a name brand anyway. I still like old school Sound Environments systems personally - Mike builds systems you can't kill, all custom cabinets & a three way crossover for the DJ to use & abuse

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Originally posted by jerrycxtacy

BOSE.. cant go wrong!! lol :D

This would be proof that everone's ears are different - I never heard a Bose sysytem (not a home system) that sounded right to me - very muddy in the lows & a wierd plastic quality to the sound

but some swear by this Bose stuff - I owned 801 & 901 systems for DJing & they looked cool, but I hated the sound - I'm EAW now & very Happy (although my back hurts when I move them)

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Originally posted by dtrave

This would be proof that everone's ears are different - I never heard a Bose sysytem (not a home system) that sounded right to me - very muddy in the lows & a wierd plastic quality to the sound

but some swear by this Bose stuff - I owned 801 & 901 systems for DJing & they looked cool, but I hated the sound - I'm EAW now & very Happy (although my back hurts when I move them)

EAW is nice, dont get me wrong...

But u havent Heard the new BOSE 802 - III.. More for lounges/clubs.. All I gotta say is Siiiiick.. Need i explain more??

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Originally posted by avanti

i didint know bose made hardcore bass thumpin club speakers??i thought it was like for lounges ...like a soft clear sound??

the 802's are made to be stacked.. meaning, if u put 2 of the 802 tops together, the sounds is 4x better than 1.. i dont know exactly how it goes, but its somethign like that.. bose is technology, not size... ya know?!?! anyways, bose also makes a sick ass 12" sub.. called the 502CE... and the same goes with the base bins...

avanti.. clear isnt the word.. as loud as it goes, u wont hear a ringing sound in your ear after you leave.. :D i hate it when that happenes!

but if your going to do a huge nightclub.. Avalon is the way to be!

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but jerry isint phazon basically the same technology ?? lol ....phazon is supposed to be loud clear and also whhen u leave the club not supposed to be ringin ur ears??? ...but i think personally phazon is over priced....so maybe Bose is the best bet ...and also bose has a name...

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Originally posted by avanti

but jerry isint phazon basically the same technology ?? lol ....phazon is supposed to be loud clear and also whhen u leave the club not supposed to be ringin ur ears??? ...but i think personally phazon is over priced....so maybe Bose is the best bet ...and also bose has a name...

when i worked @ ROXY when they first put teh phazon in, the guy who designed it came in and explained to everyone what exactly the phazon was.. phazon he said is nothing but A/C integrated Amp Racks.. which obviosuly keeps the amps very very cool, which makes it perform at its best! i believe they use nothing but JBL speakers for the phazon system in roxy.. im not exactly sure though. But the main thing in system design, is the Amp.. which do most of the work.. i mean, u do need great speakers as well, but its the amps that do it!... when ur aiming at a club like roxy... u may not want BOSE. if anything u would have to stack like 5 bose 802's where every top is in roxy.. But Bose is seriously clear as hell!! atleast teh 802's are.. I have a picture of the 802's on my webite.. just click www.njnycafterhours.com and click the manhattan streets flyer.. check out some of teh pictures.. there is a pic of teh 802's that they use in MS.. its nothing but 8 41/2 inch speakers.. but 100% true sound.. !!

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phazon and bose are both examples a marketing campaigns. I have a home bose surround sound system, and i think if i could do it all againg, i would go with paradigm (sp?) for much less ??? and better frequency response.

like i said eariler, JBL all the way, hook them up to good crown amps, which run fairly cool normaly, connected with good cable to a good crossover and proscessers and you have a good system. Name brand systems are mostly hype. (no not you HYPE)

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i have to agree on jerrys descriptions on BOSE

you really have to chek it out in the right environment-surrounding-roomdesign

paradigm- is what i went for at home though so, good choice on that one bro-

and for the components that match the quality w/o over doing it

trust me

get some ONKYO goodies for it :cool:

but again for hte BOSE---comparing to the use for a home theater-

cant compare

its basically the whole romm and building design come into play

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Originally posted by someclown

Richie played sick set Friday night. But I was thinking, Metro would be soooo much better if it had a great sound system, like the Phazon pouring out those hard beats. Anyone agree with me? By the way, George, thanks for all the free shots!

ya why not and why not include joeys and south park lounge also! ..im sure roveen would love that at SPL ;)

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the ringing is this-

within ur ear are rows and rows of tiny hairs

that are supposed to stand straight away from the inner ear walls=

as sound penetrates the ear and begins to POUND on you-

the hairs weaken slightly and start to fall over-

when vibrations - wind- and noise settle and the inflamation of the wall lessens

the hairs begin to stand up again

as they rub against each other- they vib- and from within your ear

thats what the vib sounds like

Tenitus usually follows a long time after this

and unfortunatly i have that-

its true that theres a CONSTANT ring in the hear-

not too loud for me- but its all you hear when everything is silent

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

the ringing is this-

within ur ear are rows and rows of tiny hairs

that are supposed to stand straight away from the inner ear walls=

as sound penetrates the ear and begins to POUND on you-

the hairs weaken slightly and start to fall over-

when vibrations - wind- and noise settle and the inflamation of the wall lessens

the hairs begin to stand up again

as they rub against each other- they vib- and from within your ear

thats what the vib sounds like

Tenitus usually follows a long time after this

and unfortunatly i have that-

its true that theres a CONSTANT ring in the hear-

not too loud for me- but its all you hear when everything is silent

are u actually serious??? lol :tongue::D Dr. liquid touch

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