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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saying the "danger was clear" that the Iraqi regime would provide terrorists with biological, chemical or nuclear weapons, President Bush announced the end of "peaceful efforts" to disarm Iraq in a televised address to the nation Monday night.

Bush gave Iraqi President Saddam Hussein 48 hours for him, his immediate family and other key leaders to leave Iraq before military action began "at a time of our choosing."

Bush spelled out 12 years of failed diplomatic attempts to disarm Iraq after the Persian Gulf War.

"[iraq] has uniformly defied Security Council resolutions demanding full disarmament," Bush said "Over the years, U.N. weapons inspectors have been threatened by Iraqi officials, electronically bugged and systematically deceived. Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraq regime have failed again and again because we are not dealing with peaceful men.

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq's neighbors and against Iraq's people," Bush said

Regime 'has a deep hatred of America'

"The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends, and it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda," he continued.

"The danger is clear: Using chemical, biological or, one day, nuclear weapons obtained with the help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country or any other," Bush said.

Earlier Monday, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri ruled out the possibility of Saddam relinquishing his power and leaving Iraq. Sabri called Bush a "crazy man" and suggested that Bush step down instead to let the world live in peace. (Full story)

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the sad thing is , is that we as common people have our hands tied. our government has been taken over by corporate greedy motherfuckers whose only purpose in life is to make money and gain power and keep it. they don't give a damn about us, about what we think, or what we want. this is all bullshit...and if he wants to declare war, let that motherfucker pick up a gun and go after saddam the prick himself..why is he such a pussy in sending 400,000 innocent young men to do his dirty work for him?

that sick son of a bitch, i would kick the shit out of him and not feel one ounce of pity for him whatsoever.

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Originally posted by sassa

the sad thing is , is that we as common people have our hands tied. our government has been taken over by corporate greedy motherfuckers whose only purpose in life is to make money and gain power and keep it. they don't give a damn about us, about what we think, or what we want. this is all bullshit...and if he wants to declare war, let that motherfucker pick up a gun and go after saddam the prick himself..why is he such a pussy in sending 400,000 innocent young men to do his dirty work for him?

I agree, this is complete bullshit, and it's so out of our hands


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Originally posted by sassa

the sad thing is , is that we as common people have our hands tied. our government has been taken over by corporate greedy motherfuckers whose only purpose in life is to make money and gain power and keep it. they don't give a damn about us, about what we think, or what we want. this is all bullshit...and if he wants to declare war, let that motherfucker pick up a gun and go after saddam the prick himself..why is he such a pussy in sending 400,000 innocent young men to do his dirty work for him?

that sick son of a bitch, i would kick the shit out of him and not feel one ounce of pity for him whatsoever.

i told u that i'd birth ur kids , right?

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His ignorance is going to cause W.W.III

Until now I never really thought much about it but after last night my nerves are all fucked. I'm really worried of what is yet to come.

My sister just gave birth to a baby boy on Friday and all I can think of is what is instored for his future? and all of our futures.

If indeed we do go to war that asshole we call president will be the first one out of here safe.... I HATE HIM!!!

I cant even think of one thing that he has done right. :mad:

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I want to type in this thread but I really dont even know where to start. I am SO FKN HAPPY that we are finally taking these matters into our hands and finishing what we should ahve finished back during the Gulf War. Saddam is not accounting for hundreds of weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION which he was given almost 12 years to do. I couldnt agree more with what our President is doing. I think the actions we are taking now has been a long time coming and FINALLY someone is doing something about it. Saddam has harbored terrorists, threatened the American people, financially aided terrorist camps and tortures his own people beyond what our imaginations can even begin to udnerstand. I respect everyones opinion but I do strongly agree with what we are doing right now. As for the French, they are assholes. Over 30,000 American Soldiers DIED liberating France during WWII and this is what we get in return?? I have come to believe that if the President is pushing a certain issue, there are OBVIOUS reasons that we arent aware of and we should put our trust in it. If we dont do this ( and its about DAMN time) do you realixze how many sept 11th's there would be in this country??????? We Shouldnt have to live pussy footing around the requests of Saddam FKN Hussien. We are the strongest, most powerful nation in the world and he is going to learn that veryyyyy sooonnnn. If we go about it alone, we will succeed alone.

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Im sorry, but I think the final straw in which Bush finally declared war had to do with Bush getting pissed that on the floor of the main entrance of the exclusive Hyatt hotel in Bagdad lies his fathers face so that everyone who walks in the hotel steps "all over his face".. Of course there are many other issues leading to & concerning this war,Im not implying this is the only reason, but Im sorry, I feel that was all Bush felt he was going to take & that this has begun over more personal reasons now.

But God Bless everyone out there fighting for us, and America as a whole, because we definitely dont need any more tragedies:( :( :(

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