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Sobeton’s Space 34 Review !


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Get to the club around 1:30am get in within five minutes. Take a look around the club the place is massive, although I think the main dancefloor is smaller then the old Space. Chill out in the red room for a bit, beats are okay, but it was to cool sit and chat. Checked out the Patio, the place was going insane, good energy, and nice phat beats. Go back to the main room and the place is packed, it took literally 10 mins to get ,from one end of the dancefloor to the other.

The main room is hot as hell, the only place where you actually feel the A/C is on the second floor. Now lets get to the second floor. I understand VIP brings a lot of $$$ to a club, but is it really necessary to have over 50% of second floor dedicated to VIP?? Then have people stuffed like sardines, on the main floor. I’m sorry but this makes absolutely no sense.

I go down to mainfloor to dance, because it was just impossible, to do that on the second floor, amongst lounge club crowd that seems, to be attracted to that area. Well I go down to the main floor, and a majority of people are just standing looking at the DJ booth. as thought they where praying, to the DJ.. I’m like wtf am I at a nightclub, or a church service. LOL So I find a spot in front, where some people are dancing, and we are being push and shoved all over the place. to the point where I almost clocked someone. At that point we had enough, so we formed a dance circle, silly us it was the same sh*t.. people pushing and shoving all over the place.

My point in this regard is simple. People it's a f*cking dance floor you want to chat and stand around , then get the f*ck off the dancefloor, and don’t get so pissed when someone who is actually dancing bumps into you.

After this fiasco.. I go to sit down because my legs where killing me, not a place to sit any place in the club, and add to that The Patio has now been closed. I’m like okay ,I will just sit against the wall. No sooner then 1 min., some security guard is all up in my Kool Aid .I’m like look yo there is no place to sit and my legs are killing me. he says well I’m sorry you have to get up. It’s 4:30am my friends had already left, so I said enough I’m out of here.

Oddly enough as I am leaving .I bump into a friend, who bought a space pass. he tells me he has been in line for over an hour. I’m like bro it’s packed in the place, just call it a night, and go tomorrow. He ‘s like I can’t because they, went through and punched out peoples cards while they where in line. No offense to Biz and other space employees who read this board. But that is utter and complete bullshit. First the passes where purchased with the clear language, that there would be special entry, and no lines. Secondly how and the F*k are you not going, to allow someone the option, to use the card on another night ?? Considering the fact you where not letting people in the club.. here’s a solution. next time put a cutoff time for the space pass; or say you can guarantee admission with no waiting up to a certain time. :idea:

I am a huge Space fan, but I have to tell you after last night, I am extremely frustrated. To the point that I’m, willing to just write off, the two additional events I have available on my pass. Rather then deal with this nonsense.

I understand this is the first week, the club has been open, and this is wmc. perhaps my review focuses mainly on the wmc aspect. However there are issues beyond wmc, which need to be addressed. The club has enormous potential, but there is still lots of work to be done in my opinion.


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daaaaaaaaaaaaang sobetone your starting to sound like Saleen.:laugh: :laugh:

Hear about the lack of AC is a really downer man. I can't wait to check out the new Space but not sure how much I will be going if it is that hot in there. There is nothing worse than paying to fell like your in a torture chamber.:idea:

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I agree with Tony on all points.. I am a HUUUUGE fan of Digweed but you know what? ... the main room was so packed and hot that I opted for only hang out in the patio. Sander was fucking awesome so no complaints, and the times that I went to the main room to see what was going on, the music in the patio was better.

Space needs to correct a few things but I had a great time anyways. :D

$50 at the door was too much. :mad:

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Guest saleen351

well, i won't put up any reviews, or go to space until after the wmc is over. I"m giving them some time before I go. I want it to be done. They'll have an entire week to fix the issues then i'll go on that sat night as long as og is spining..

Though everyone is saying, the sound system falls way short of Mazes system....

But until I hear it, I can't review it.

and in the times in trouble sobeton, look to a guido anthem for all your answers..

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Originally posted by laliux

I agree with Tony on all points.. I am a HUUUUGE fan of Digweed but you know what? ... the main room was so packed and hot that I opted for only hang out in the patio. Sander was fucking awesome so no complaints, and the times that I went to the main room to see what was going on, the music in the patio was better.

Space needs to correct a few things but I had a great time anyways. :D

$50 at the door was too much. :mad:



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It's funny, I met you by posting this kind of review of the original Space, and after the soaring negative language I used, you insisted that I go on a different night to give it a chance.

I did,--we had a blast at Diggers-- and I enjoyed the place so much more. I (unfortunately) wasn't with you last nite but the DT WMC party is renowned even up here in the bastion of civilization, and was probably would have an enormous draw of people.

It seems surprising that the owners of Space would not create an AMAZING venue. Hmm.

Well I hear Maze is phat!

Anyway, we have to catch up. Send me your cell # brutha!


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Originally posted by bassboy


It's funny, I met you by posting this kind of review of the original Space, and after the soaring negative language I used, you insisted that I go on a different night to give it a chance.

I did,--we had a blast at Diggers-- and I enjoyed the place so much more. I (unfortunately) wasn't with you last nite but the DT WMC party is renowned even up here in the bastion of civilization, and was probably would have an enormous draw of people.

It seems surprising that the owners of Space would not create an AMAZING venue. Hmm.

Well I hear Maze is phat!

Anyway, we have to catch up. Send me your cell # brutha!


Yooooooo Eric ! Sup kidd ? See the bad influence you had on me.. :D Yeah I hear ya bro. Seems like history repeating itself, and ironically it happens to be an event , with Diggers at Space. But time will tell.

We will chat soon bro.


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Originally posted by saleen351

and in the times in trouble sobeton, look to a guido anthem for all your answers..

LOL :aright: yo you would have been proud ,the fist pump was in full efect on the patio.:eek: It’s was like being at a club on the shore.. :D
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So there isn't any place to sit huh? Does the patio have places to sit? (like the benches on the old patio) Can't sit on any big speakers in the main room? I remember that was the best part...when you're so frickin tired and wanted to take a break and sit. Sounds like if I want to sit down you need to leave or get VIP. Another point...Is VIP recommended or worth it? I remember so many times bobbing my head with my ass stuck on the speaker jammin to old Edgar. Being able to take a break always kept me there longer.

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Originally posted by djfrosty

So there isn't any place to sit huh? Does the patio have places to sit? (like the benches on the old patio) Can't sit on any big speakers in the main room? I remember that was the best part...when you're so frickin tired and wanted to take a break and sit. Sounds like if I want to sit down you need to leave or get VIP. Another point...Is VIP recommended or worth it? I remember so many times bobbing my head with my ass stuck on the speaker jammin to old Edgar. Being able to take a break always kept me there longer.

in the main room there is seating, that runs along the wall; like the old Space. in the red room there is plenty of room to sit. The patio has plenty of seating, and is a welcome break from the mainroom aka sweat box. :D considering VIP takes up most of the second floor, and has the prime A/C ducts.:eek: I guess its a good investment if you got $$$$ to blow.. :)
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yeah, I suggest people wait till after the WMC, when all the out of state people leave. So you can get a real feeling of what it's going to be like.

How do you like that stair way to the 2nd and roof top... I can't imagin going up and down, after a few drinks...

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Originally posted by sobeton

Get to the club around 1:30am get in within five minutes. Take a look around the club the place is massive, although I think the main dancefloor is smaller then the old Space. Chill out in the red room for a bit, beats are okay, but it was to cool sit and chat. Checked out the Patio, the place was going insane, good energy, and nice phat beats. Go back to the main room and the place is packed, it took literally 10 mins to get ,from one end of the dancefloor to the other.

The main room is hot as hell, the only place where you actually feel the A/C is on the second floor. Now lets get to the second floor. I understand VIP brings a lot of $$$ to a club, but is it really necessary to have over 50% of second floor dedicated to VIP?? Then have people stuffed like sardines, on the main floor. I’m sorry but this makes absolutely no sense.

I go down to mainfloor to dance, because it was just impossible, to do that on the second floor, amongst lounge club crowd that seems, to be attracted to that area. Well I go down to the main floor, and a majority of people are just standing looking at the DJ booth. as thought they where praying, to the DJ.. I’m like wtf am I at a nightclub, or a church service. LOL So I find a spot in front, where some people are dancing, and we are being push and shoved all over the place. to the point where I almost clocked someone. At that point we had enough, so we formed a dance circle, silly us it was the same sh*t.. people pushing and shoving all over the place.

My point in this regard is simple. People it's a f*cking dance floor you want to chat and stand around , then get the f*ck off the dancefloor, and don’t get so pissed when someone who is actually dancing bumps into you.

After this fiasco.. I go to sit down because my legs where killing me, not a place to sit any place in the club, and add to that The Patio has now been closed. I’m like okay ,I will just sit against the wall. No sooner then 1 min., some security guard is all up in my Kool Aid .I’m like look yo there is no place to sit and my legs are killing me. he says well I’m sorry you have to get up. It’s 4:30am my friends had already left, so I said enough I’m out of here.

Oddly enough as I am leaving .I bump into a friend, who bought a space pass. he tells me he has been in line for over an hour. I’m like bro it’s packed in the place, just call it a night, and go tomorrow. He ‘s like I can’t because they, went through and punched out peoples cards while they where in line. No offense to Biz and other space employees who read this board. But that is utter and complete bullshit. First the passes where purchased with the clear language, that there would be special entry, and no lines. Secondly how and the F*k are you not going, to allow someone the option, to use the card on another night ?? Considering the fact you where not letting people in the club.. here’s a solution. next time put a cutoff time for the space pass; or say you can guarantee admission with no waiting up to a certain time. :idea:

I am a huge Space fan, but I have to tell you after last night, I am extremely frustrated. To the point that I’m, willing to just write off, the two additional events I have available on my pass. Rather then deal with this nonsense.

I understand this is the first week, the club has been open, and this is wmc. perhaps my review focuses mainly on the wmc aspect. However there are issues beyond wmc, which need to be addressed. The club has enormous potential, but there is still lots of work to be done in my opinion.


tony stop crying !! you are just a big baby :cry: :cry: :cry:
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i agree with what tony said. the new space is looks better on the inside than the old one, but the dance floor on the main floor is smaller than the old one.

after 5 or so, the place started clearing out a bit and you could find a bit more space to move and to sit down. as some of you guys mentioned, lets see how it is on regular space nights.

as for the sound system, really dont know waht can they can do with it to make it sound better especially because of the high ceilings, and also i dont know if they are having trouble with the equipment as i heard some big trainwrecks in the 3 areas. mind you sometimes the dj isnt on point, but having it happen 3 times on the same night in 3 different areas by some of the best dj's out there. digweed, sasha, sander, and i think tim skinner all trainwrecked.

does suck about the space pass and stuff. for some reason clubs and/or promoters keep screwing things up.

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Guest saleen351

hey tone, can you compare the system at space to the old space and maze????

The offcial saleen351: maze vs space 34 vs the beach sound off won't happen tilll atleast next week. :(

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Originally posted by saleen351

hey tone, can you compare the system at space to the old space and maze????

The offcial saleen351: maze vs space 34 vs the beach sound off won't happen tilll atleast next week. :(

it's better then the old Space sound system, also I don’t think they really had time to tweak it .. Maze has the best system I have ever heard. :D
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Maze's funktion one soundsystem can not be compared to space's system. Did you see the speakers at maze? They don't even look like speakers. Spaces soundsystem is loud but hurts your ears. That's not the case with the system at Maze. I think Space still needs A LOT of work. get some fans in the terrace. And a decent place to sit away from the speakers.

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I went 2 nites of the 3 times I could go since I had my space pass. I went Wed and Thursday...It was so fucken crowded. I thought the line ups where great and etc,,,but hell not to be able to move or anything Sux hard core ass. Also tickets at the door prior to midnight was 30 Bucks. Remind me why again did I buy my pass?

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