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Protest on 5th Ave Right Now....

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im in my office...(loving tax season )...and theres a hugeeeeee line of protesters walkin down 5th avenue...cops in full riot gear...i guess theyre expecting somethin...this one looks a lil more peaceful than the one before it that I attended....

im glad the cops r letting them march

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i just saw footage of cops chasing protesters around. they almost just drove a car in the middle of a crowd and people had to jump out the way not to get run over. pretty crazy.

yo ghost i have a question. i lost my tax from my old job, so i have to get another one (w2 or something) to do my taxes?

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ur jokin ..right??

I'm being dead serious....The UN passed resolutions after the first Gulf War that called for the disarmament of Iraq....In 98 they kicked out the UN weapons inspectors thus VIOLATING UN resolutions....Instead of acting the US did nothing....Late last year the US pressed for a new resolution that called for the disarmament of Iraq and that would threaten military force if they did not comply.....The French, Germans, Russians, and all of Iraq other allies on the security council wanted a seperate resolution later on in time if military force was necessary.....After much debate the US finally agreed to this aproach.....Not surprisingly, the Iraqi's didnt take the new resolution seriously.....They submitted that weapons report that left alot of their weapons unaccounted for....Whenever the inspectors found something not on there, the Iraqi's would say they forgot about it and would submit a new report.....This was a complete waste of everyone's time.....Iraq never will or never would have complied with the UN....And when the time came for the second resolution(the one that the French, Russians, and Germans wanted in the first place) to be passed threatning military force it was blocked to death by pro-Saddam countries on the Security Council.....

I didnt make any of that shit up...Its the truth.....The UN's inability to enforce its own resolutions lead the U.S. to go into Iraq and disarm it....

BTW, the Iraqi's have already launced 4 or 5 SCUDS into Kuwait....SCUDS are banned under UN resolutions even though Saddam said he had no banned weapons...Just wait and see how much shit we find once we get further into Iraq....

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

]The French, Germans, Russians, and all of Iraq other allies on the security council wanted a seperate resolution later on in time if military force was necessary.....

to be passed threatning military force it was blocked to death by pro-Saddam countries on the Security Council.....

BTW, the Iraqi's have already launced 4 or 5 SCUDS into Kuwait....SCUDS are banned under UN resolutions even though Saddam said he had no banned weapons...Just wait and see how much shit we find once we get further into Iraq....

Dude, I don't know if I should laugh or cry.... None of these countries are pro-Saddam. All of them have voiced their opposition to this regime and that it should be removed.

Are they agreeing with the U.S. step to start a war at this point in the process? No. Is it their right to disagree with the U.S. actions? Yes. Does that make them pro-Saddam? No.

And please don't tell me that all those war protestors are pro-Saddam.

With the exception of Russia, all of these countries fought in the first Gulf War AGAINST Iraq's regime.

BTW, the missiles fired into Kuwait were not Scud missles but believed to be al Samouds. Hence, no banned weapons have been used thus far.

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

I hope some them of them are chanting about how this war is the fault of the UN......

that's a flat out stupid statement which makes absolutely no sense. the fact that iraq didnt cooperate with the resolutions was not UN's fault obviously - only iraq is to blame. and if the UN did as the US wanted and approved use of force THEN the war would be the fault of the UN. i think your rage against those opposed to war is getting to your head. think before you speak.

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

I'm being dead serious....The UN passed resolutions after the first Gulf War that called for the disarmament of Iraq....In 98 they kicked out the UN weapons inspectors thus VIOLATING UN resolutions....Instead of acting the US did nothing....Late last year the US pressed for a new resolution that called for the disarmament of Iraq and that would threaten military force if they did not comply.....The French, Germans, Russians, and all of Iraq other allies on the security council wanted a seperate resolution later on in time if military force was necessary.....After much debate the US finally agreed to this aproach.....Not surprisingly, the Iraqi's didnt take the new resolution seriously.....They submitted that weapons report that left alot of their weapons unaccounted for....Whenever the inspectors found something not on there, the Iraqi's would say they forgot about it and would submit a new report.....This was a complete waste of everyone's time.....Iraq never will or never would have complied with the UN....And when the time came for the second resolution(the one that the French, Russians, and Germans wanted in the first place) to be passed threatning military force it was blocked to death by pro-Saddam countries on the Security Council.....

I didnt make any of that shit up...Its the truth.....The UN's inability to enforce its own resolutions lead the U.S. to go into Iraq and disarm it....

BTW, the Iraqi's have already launced 4 or 5 SCUDS into Kuwait....SCUDS are banned under UN resolutions even though Saddam said he had no banned weapons...Just wait and see how much shit we find once we get further into Iraq....

:shaky: France, Germany & Russia allies of Iraq, this is a new one

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Originally posted by dr0ne

that's a flat out stupid statement which makes absolutely no sense. the fact that iraq didnt cooperate with the resolutions was not UN's fault obviously - only iraq is to blame. and if the UN did as the US wanted and approved use of force THEN the war would be the fault of the UN. i think your rage against those opposed to war is getting to your head. think before you speak.

If Iraq does not cooperate with the resolutions then it is up to the UN to enforce them....The UN didnt do that...They failed to do their job thus forcing the US to take action....

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Thursday, March 20, 2003

The very missiles Saddam Hussein fired at U.S. forces in Kuwait appear to have been the same weapons he either claimed not to possess or agreed to destroy.

U.S., British and Kuwait military officials said Iraq fired at least three missiles Thursday -- though they differed on how many of them were Scuds, which have been banned by the United Nations.

The first salvos were both a telling sign of Iraq's hidden weapons and a frightening reminder that Saddam still has the capability to deliver chemical or biological warheads.

The uncertainty surrounding Iraq's potentially deadly arsenal led U.S. troops and Kuwaiti citizens to pull out their gas masks and protective suits during air raid sirens Thursday that warned missiles were incoming.

Kuwaiti officials said the first two were Scuds, similar to the ones the Iraqis fired in the 1991 Gulf War.

The Pentagon described the two as "tactical ballistic missiles" -- which could include Scuds -- that were intercepted and destroyed by the PAC-3, the latest Patriot anti-missile system, as they flew toward the Kuwaiti sky at midday Thursday.

A third missile, described by Kuwaiti military officials as the Iraqi Al Samoud, broke in two and fell near the Kuwaiti border.

Iraq told U.N. inspectors in its December weapons declaration, a copy of which was shown to an Associated Press reporter, that it no longer had the Scud missiles it used against Iran in the 1980s and against Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Israel during the 1991 Gulf War.

During the war, Iraq fired 93 Scuds -- many with ranges of 375 miles -- at major cities and coalition forces. A handful were intercepted by Patriots, some broke up before they reached their targets and others caused significant damage to buildings and homes. At the end of that war, the U.N. Security Council banned Iraq from having chemical, biological or nuclear weapons as well as missiles that could fly more than 93 miles.

Weapons inspectors accounted for all but two Scuds Iraq claimed to have had but they believed Iraq could have been hiding more.

Despite that prohibition and Iraqi claims of compliance, years of concealment became evident when Iraq admitted in 1995 that it had weaponized biological agents such as anthrax, sarin, mustard gas and botulinum toxin and even managed to fill warheads with some of the agents.

In written reports obtained by AP, the Iraqis told inspectors they decided not to fire those weapons during the Gulf War because they believed it would bring on a nuclear attack by the United States.

Today, the Iraqis maintain they have destroyed all of their weapons of mass destruction. But inspectors have been unable to verify the claims and the United States and Britain remain convinced that Iraq not only has chemical and biological weapons but is producing more.

According to Pentagon officials, Iraq fired a missile Thursday toward Kuwait City at approximately 12:24 p.m., followed by a second one at 1:30 p.m.

On Kuwaiti television, military spokesman Col. Youssef al-Mullah said one of the Scuds was shot down by three Patriot missiles.

British officials reported a slightly different version of events.

Lt. Col. Ronnie McCourt, a British spokesman at Camp As Sayliyah, identified just one of the missiles as a Scud.

Al-Mullah described the third missile as an Al Samoud.

Three and a half months ago, Iraq did declare its Al Samoud 2 missile system, which inspectors later ordered destroyed after test flights indicated the missile had flown slightly farther than a 93-mile range limit.

The Iraqis complied with the order, and chief inspector Hans Blix reported that about 70 of the missiles had been destroyed, leaving approximately 30 in the Iraqi arsenal.

A U.N. weapons expert, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the third missile also may have been an anti-ship missile or an early version of the al-Samoud which flies under 93 miles. Iraq has developed several missile systems that fall under the range permitted by the United Nations.

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Friday, March 21, 2003

BAGHDAD — Eight American B-52 bombers took off from Fairford Airbase in Britain Friday morning -- a sign that major nighttime air strikes could be launched soon against Iraq.

One U.S. official involved in military planning said the B-52s had been scrambled en masse and the air strikes would be bigger than anything seen thus far in the conflict.

On Wednesday, six other B-52s left Fairford to be pre-positioned closer to Iraq.

The 14 heavy, high-altitude bombers -- used for bombing campaigns during Vietnam -- are expected to be a big part of the coalition's "shock and awe" campaign. Each B-52 can carry 12 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), eight Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missiles (CALCMs) inside and another 12 externally, or a variety of other non-precision bombs.

Marines on Friday secured the Iraqi border town of Umm Qasr, the only major seaport for goods to enter Iraq, and raised the American flag to signal their victory. Umm Qasr would give coalition forces access to a port for military and humanitarian supplies and hasten the end of Iraqi resistance in the south. A "couple of hundred prisoners" were taken, a U.S. military official said.

Some reports say military officials hope to take Basra Friday night. U.S. Marines seized a portion of the main road leading from Kuwait to Basra, which could help speed the takeover of southern Iraq's largest city.

Forces could enter Baghdad within the next three or four days, a spokesman for British forces in the Persian Gulf said Friday.

U.S. Navy vessels in the Persian Gulf have seized at least one Iraqi missile ship and two tug boats that had at least 50 land mines aboard, Fox News has confirmed.

American forces also seized two key western Iraqi airbases where Saddam Hussein is believed to have Scud missiles. The Iraqi Air Force is not a threat, but the bases were near the so-called "Scud Box," where it was feared Iraq could launch Scud attacks on Israel.

Special operation forces secured the bases, which will now become operational for coalition forces.

Meanwhile, a U.S. Marine was killed in combat on Friday, marking the first combat casualty of the war.

The first coalition casualties occurred Friday when a Marine CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter crashed and burned in Kuwait while returning from a mission, killing eight British and four American Marines.

President Bush, updating congressional leaders on the war, said Friday the United States is "making progress" in its mission to disarm Saddam Hussein's regime and liberate Iraq.

"We will stay on task until we've achieved our objective, which is rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and free the Iraqi people so they can live in a society that is hopeful, democratic and at peace with its neighbors," Bush said in the Oval Office.

The U.S. military appeared to be speeding up its timetable in the race to Baghdad.

Associated Press reporters with military units said they were moving faster than the schedule given to them by U.S. military commanders during confidential briefings before ground operations began.

Hundreds of Iraqi soldiers were surrendering Friday -- further enhancing the theory that Iraq's central command structure was in shambles.

British military sources told Fox News that 20 percent of Saddam's elite Republican Guard had surrendered or were surrendering.

Defense officials told Fox News Friday that they aren't hearing much communication from senior Iraqi leadership -- yet another sign that Saddam's regime may be breaking from within and that there's very little commanding control.

Iraqi forces appeared cut off from their leadership after the initial missile attack on a Baghdad compound.

On Friday, the Iraqi troops weren't giving up their oil without a fight. U.S. Marines ran into mortar fire as they took control of the main highway leading to Basra, at the heart of Iraq's southern oil facilities.

U.S. forces took the border town of Safwan. A woman threw herself at the Marines' feet until a man hurriedly came and led her away.

Another man said he welcomed the arrival of the U.S. troops: "We're very happy. Saddam Hussein is no good. Saddam Hussein a butcher."

Marines hauled down giant street portraits of Saddam, telling nervous residents of this southern Iraqi town that "Saddam is done."

Milling crowds of men and boys watched as the Marines attached ropes on the front of their Jeeps to one portrait and then backed up, peeling the Iraqi leader's black-and-white metal image off a frame. Some locals briefly joined Maj. David "Bull" Gurfein in a new cheer: "Iraqis! Iraqis! Iraqis!"

Iraq also fired another Scud missile on Friday, but Patriot missiles successfully intercepted the rocket over the desert.

The 1st Marine Division needed air support Friday to suppress Iraqi mortar and small-arms fire while seizing Route 80, which leads from Kuwait to Basra.

"Every now and then they pop off to let us know they're still there," said Marine Lt. Col. Steve Holmes.

U.S. missiles and bombs struck specific targets -- including the main presidential palace in Baghdad and strongholds of the Iraqi army's elite Special Republican Guard.

U.S. military commanders held back-channel negotiations with Iraqi commanders and refrained from all-out bombardment.

Iraqi information minister Mohammed Sa'eed al-Sahhaf said Friday that Saddam was not hurt during the attack but that one of his homes was hit.

The official Iraqi News Agency said 37 people were injured in the latest strikes on Baghdad, and Iraqi military said four soldiers were killed. No figures were given on Iraqi losses in ground combat.

Britain is preparing to take humanitarian aid into Iraq within 48 hours.

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Sat March 22, 2003 11:40 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - The German Defense Ministry said on Saturday an examination conducted by German soldiers on an Iraq missile fired at Kuwait found no signs of biological or chemical weapons.

A spokesman for the ministry in Berlin said a team of German chemical, nuclear and biological weapons experts had examined the remains of the missile on Friday.

"It is a Scud missile but had neither biological or chemical weapons on it," Defense Minister Peter Struck said.

Germany is not participating in the war in Iraq, but has had a team of about 100 chemical weapons experts based in Kuwait as part of the Enduring Freedom campaign.

Iraq fired Scud missiles at Kuwait on Thursday, officials said, sending U.S. troops scrambling into chemical protective suits and setting air raid sirens blaring in Kuwait City.

A Kuwaiti Defense Ministry spokesman said a U.S. Patriot anti-missile defense battery brought down two Iraqi Scuds, intercepting one with three Patriot missiles and the other with a single Patriot.

Neither missile was believed to be armed with chemical or biological weapons, an Interior Ministry official told Reuters.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

i just saw footage of cops chasing protesters around. they almost just drove a car in the middle of a crowd and people had to jump out the way not to get run over. pretty crazy.

yo ghost i have a question. i lost my tax from my old job, so i have to get another one (w2 or something) to do my taxes?

yeh request that they send u another one..W2 that is. better hurry that shit up homie..ur pushin the deadline...get it to ur accountant ASAP

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im in my office...(loving tax season )...and theres a hugeeeeee line of protesters walkin down 5th avenue...cops in full riot gear...i guess theyre expecting somethin...this one looks a lil more peaceful than the one before it that I attended....

im glad the cops r letting them march

im sick of these ppl already... i have them outside my office day in and day out... dont they have jobs or careers to attend to??? wtf... how come you never see ppl who are pro-war or pro-anything protesting it???

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

yeh request that they send u another one..W2 that is. better hurry that shit up homie..ur pushin the deadline...get it to ur accountant ASAP

you have two years to pay taxes... so if you owe dont rush...

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