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Plastic Surgery?

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What are your thoughts/opinions on this? I was watching a pretty graphic special on the Discovery Health Channel last night and it really got me thinking. They showed cases where the surgeries were necessary for reconstructive purposes (lots of car accident victims) and they showed cases where people wanted to have it done. There was one woman in her mid to late 40's that was getting married, so she treated herself to a face lift and it turned out great. The surgeon asked to see pictures of her from high school, college, mid twenties, etc. and based his work off of these photos. To see what they do to you during the surgery was a little hard to stomach though - they are not gentle by any means. So, would you do it, do you think it's too vain or would you be scared that you'd look too different?

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Originally posted by lizard23

What are your thoughts/opinions on this? I was watching a pretty graphic special on the Discovery Health Channel last night and it really got me thinking. They showed cases where the surgeries were necessary for reconstructive purposes (lots of car accident victims) and they showed cases where people wanted to have it done. There was one woman in her mid to late 40's that was getting married, so she treated herself to a face lift and it turned out great. The surgeon asked to see pictures of her from high school, college, mid twenties, etc. and based his work off of these photos. To see what they do to you during the surgery was a little hard to stomach though - they are not gentle by any means. So, would you do it, do you think it's too vain or would you be scared that you'd look too different?

I think plastic surgery is a great idea

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I think I'd be too chickenshit to go through with it. I'd be too scared of them changing my face too drastically and the procedures are down right brutal. It makes me wonder why people would voluntarily put themselves through it. But, ask me again in 20 years and I might have a different answer. Like I said earlier - the woman with the face lift on the show looked fabulous afterwards...

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i think it is great if it makes u feel more comfortable with yourself & more confident... it is getting so common to have plastic surgery now, it seems like more people have had it than havent.

i dunno, sometimes i wonder why people go through the pain... i mean it is one thing when u r young and you hate something about yourself & u think getting it fixed will make u a happier person but its another to live a full life, be 70 and decide you need a facelift. hehe. who is looking at u anyway??

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target.

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Originally posted by lizard23

I think I'd be too chickenshit to go through with it. I'd be too scared of them changing my face too drastically and the procedures are down right brutal. It makes me wonder why people would voluntarily put themselves through it. But, ask me again in 20 years and I might have a different answer. Like I said earlier - the woman with the face lift on the show looked fabulous afterwards...

i know people who have had facelifts and they look AMAZING. they are also married and rarely leave the house...
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Originally posted by somebitch

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target.

That's a great quote :aright:

My views are mixed, I think some people go out of hand and get way too much work done almost to the point where they don't even look human or like themselves anymore....

But I think it's okay if there is something you are truly not happy with that you would like to alter.....I mean, if it's like liposuction, I think most people are just too lazy to put in the effort to work out and eat better, but if it's something that can only be changed through surgery, then why the heck not? It's a great technology we can all take advantage of it we like....

I don't know, it's really a personal decision - but I am not against it

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Originally posted by Mystify22

That's a great quote :aright:

My views are mixed, I think some people go out of hand and get way too much work done almost to the point where they don't even look human or like themselves anymore....

But I think it's okay if there is something you are truly not happy with that you would like to alter.....I mean, if it's like liposuction, I think most people are just too lazy to put in the effort to work out and eat better, but if it's something that can only be changed through surgery, then why the heck not? It's a great technology we can all take advantage of it we like....

I don't know, it's really a personal decision - but I am not against it

A woman I work with just had lipo from her chin to her knees. She went from a size 22 to a 10 and looks great. BUT, I've noticed that she hasn't changed her eating habits at all. We work in Baltimore's Little Italy and she still goes out to lunch EVERY day and orders the same kind of food she ate while she was larger. If she keeps it up, it will be a waste of time, money and pain. For some people, it's juat a quick fix and it can't be - it has to be a lifestyle change. Eating better/right and exercising should come right along with the hefty price tag (I think she's spent about $50K on all the work.)

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Originally posted by lizard23

A woman I work with just had lipo from her chin to her knees. She went from a size 22 to a 10 and looks great. BUT, I've noticed that she hasn't changed her eating habits at all. We work in Baltimore's Little Italy and she still goes out to lunch EVERY day and orders the same kind of food she ate while she was larger. If she keeps it up, it will be a waste of time, money and pain. For some people, it's juat a quick fix and it can't be - it has to be a lifestyle change. Eating better/right and exercising should come right along with the hefty price tag (I think she's spent about $50K on all the work.)

DAMn, that is a lot of money. if she was a size 22 why didnt she just get that surgery where they implant a ring in your stomach? the gastro bypass thing... i heard of people who have done that and lost over 100 pounds pretty quickly + it makes sure u keep the weight off and you can get insurance to pay for it. i dunno i heard with lypo that when u get the weight off, it usually comes back around the areas you got taken care of... size 10 isnt all that small, that woman should join a gym and get a trainer before its too late!!
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I would never get any type of plastic surgery now.. Its tough to make a decision now for when Im older bc my priorities will be in different places, but I think I'd probably highly consider getting a facelift or my eyes done...If I age as good as my mom, then maybe not :aright:

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I totally support plastic surgery.... if you want it, get it. However, many go overboard- for exp... getting a nose job, lip implants, eyelift, cheekbone implants all at once is gross.... you don't even look like a person anymore. Also, I don't understand why people get lipo, yet continue to eat the same as they had before and not work out.

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Ellinita, hope you don't mind me asking, but didn't you get implants? Why did you choose to have them removed? I think maybe you explained, but I don't remember and I'm curoius...

Complications? Or did you just decide you didn't want them after all? :confused:

If this is too personal, feel free to not respond ;)

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Ellinita, hope you don't mind me asking, but didn't you get implants? Why did you choose to have them removed? I think maybe you explained, but I don't remember and I'm curoius...

Complications? Or did you just decide you didn't want them after all? :confused:

If this is too personal, feel free to not respond ;)

Ehhh, it's no problem whatsoever. First off, I had them done when I was 18.... stupid, I know, I know. And even though I'm only 19 now, I really did mature significantly over that year..... and I just thought to myself.... I so don't want these in me anymore. I'm not saying boob implants are gross, just I felt they weren't necessary for me. And I honestly do think I look better with my B cup than that huge D cup. I realized big boobs by far do NOT make a female look more attractive. I was not in any way more confident with bigger boobs.... as I think of it, one of my reasons for getting them was probably just to "have big boobs."

So basically, yea I just didn't want them anymore.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

That's a great quote :aright:

My views are mixed, I think some people go out of hand and get way too much work done almost to the point where they don't even look human or like themselves anymore....

But I think it's okay if there is something you are truly not happy with that you would like to alter.....I mean, if it's like liposuction, I think most people are just too lazy to put in the effort to work out and eat better, but if it's something that can only be changed through surgery, then why the heck not? It's a great technology we can all take advantage of it we like....

I don't know, it's really a personal decision - but I am not against it

I totally agree;) i feel like if its just cuz u can stand to loose a few lbs. then join a gym and save yourself thousands....but if its something diff. like you are living with a horrible nose, then go for it cuz there is nothing else that you can do.

Also same goes for if your suffering from really low self esteem because of something that is not fixable any other way.:(

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i think plastic surgery is fine as long as ur doing it for YOURSELF.

i.e. i want to get my boobs done, but not because i think im gross w/o bigger boobs and im not worried about what people will think and i wont try to hide it or use it to get things

you should just make sure you are satified with yourself already mentally, before you go and change anything physically.

Plastic surgery should never be done to make urself feel better about WHO you are :)

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