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Glow Stick Ban At Space


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Bottom line is, we live in a free country entitle'd to having our own opinion right?

You think glowstix are a way of expressing yourself while dancing...

I think, right now in Dec 2000, they are outdated and extremely WAC & cheezy..

2 different opinions, no ignorance here just opinions.

I mean, what do I know, I've only been clubbing for over 15 years.

Those nights I spent at the Paradise Garage in NYC in 86 & 87, what do I know, but then again who remembers that old place...

And then the Sound Factory, Red Zone, The Saint, Universe in San Fran Bla Bla Bla. Body & Soul Bla Bla Bla.

I guess I'm just an old 30 yr old that thinks you kids are WAC..

But hey, maybe I'm just getting too old for this scene right!!

Maybe you're right and I'm just being difficult !!

Anyway, enjoy waving your glowsticks around to the sounds of your new Oaky CD..


The Enchantment is over, but the spell remains.......

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sobeton- you whine because you can't play with gostix - then when someone suggests that's perhaps that's a GOOD thing, since they're annoying as hell to other people, instead of respecting that person's position, you decide to further your infantile behavior by whining and bitching that their dislike of your personal habit is annoying, and infringing on their freedom of expression even further. I tell ya what, why don't you go protest somewhere else - oh hell, join the election protests going on - add a FREEDOM for GLOSTIX sign to the mix - i'm sure that will help your cause...

Here's another thought for you to ponder - clubs spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on lighting systems for their patrons to enjoy - yet certain people feel the need to add to this - the pounding bass, the pulsing lasers AREN'T enough - so they decide that the mass clubbers there will enjoy THEIR glostix manuevers and don't consider that maybe not everyone likes it...it's not a matter of asking someone to go away. Glostix can be seen from everywhere - and they tend to fly great distances when the user loses it's grip. What if i turned around and sued your ass for flinging glostix carelessly (Raver law - there's the future!)

oh yes, and the gall of you to judge someone and claim they're a narrow-minded judgemental fool is rather narrow-minded yourself - if you ever met me, you'd be eating those words. My opinions are strong, obviously stronger than a person such as yourself can handle, but they are only opinions. Maybe when you understand that you'll grow up enough to give up that death grip on your glostix...

and arrakis - of COURSE i'm your girl dear!

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Originally posted by noira:

sobeton- you whine because you can't play with gostix - then when someone suggests that's perhaps that's a GOOD thing, since they're annoying as hell to other people, instead of respecting that person's position, you decide to further your infantile behavior by whining and bitching that their dislike of your personal habit is annoying, and infringing on their freedom of expression even further. I tell ya what, why don't you go protest somewhere else - oh hell, join the election protests going on - add a FREEDOM for GLOSTIX sign to the mix - i'm sure that will help your cause...

Here's another thought for you to ponder - clubs spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on lighting systems for their patrons to enjoy - yet certain people feel the need to add to this - the pounding bass, the pulsing lasers AREN'T enough - so they decide that the mass clubbers there will enjoy THEIR glostix manuevers and don't consider that maybe not everyone likes it...it's not a matter of asking someone to go away. Glostix can be seen from everywhere - and they tend to fly great distances when the user loses it's grip. What if i turned around and sued your ass for flinging glostix carelessly (Raver law - there's the future!)

oh yes, and the gall of you to judge someone and claim they're a narrow-minded judgemental fool is rather narrow-minded yourself - if you ever met me, you'd be eating those words. My opinions are strong, obviously stronger than a person such as yourself can handle, but they are only opinions. Maybe when you understand that you'll grow up enough to give up that death grip on your glostix...

and arrakis - of COURSE i'm your girl dear!

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listen up noira:

when you go shopping do you let someone choose your clothes for you?

when you to go to a restaurant does someone tell you what to eat?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then you are not as stupid as you sound.

You see, there is a reason this is called a free country. People are free to do what they want.

Do you know where the term "club" comes from?

you say no? well you are stupid then aren't you

a club is, according to merriam-webster, a group of persons associated for a common purpose, by the way merriam webster is a company that writes these things call dictionary's. The common purpose in a nightclub is to have a good time, so if that means glowing, sobe it. Maybe you don't like glowing. Maybe you like going out to clubs dressing bad and acting fake, to each his/her own.

So do us all a favor, take your head ut of your ass and let everyone have a good time

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listen up noira:

when you go shopping do you let someone choose your clothes for you?

when you to go to a restaurant does someone tell you what to eat?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then you are not as stupid as you sound.

You see, there is a reason this is called a free country. People are free to do what they want.

Do you know where the term "club" comes from?

you say no? well you are stupid then aren't you

a club is, according to merriam-webster, a group of persons associated for a common purpose, by the way merriam webster is a company that writes these things call dictionary's. The common purpose in a nightclub is to have a good time, so if that means glowing, sobe it. Maybe you don't like glowing. Maybe you like going out to clubs dressing bad and acting fake, to each his/her own.

So do us all a favor, take your head ut of your ass and let everyone have a good time

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I can't believe this topic has actually gotten this far. I mean...glow sticks? Give me a break. The club has every right to do whatever they want. If you don't like it...then don't go. I personally could care less whether or not anyone has a glow stick in their hand, or up their ass for that matter. Just don't wave it around my face and we'll be cool.

Now can we just drop the subject and all the attitude? The music is what's important. cwm40.gif



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To all of you newbie ravers (read sobeton, wtff, attomic, sgtfury; yes it shows)... your arguments of "freedom for all, love everyone, etc., etc." are extremely dated, overplayed, and overly simplistic. Sure it's easy to say "I'm so cool and open-minded; I think everyone has the freedom to express themselves how they'd like", but what about to create an atmosphere in a club worthy of repeat visits? Obviously we all have different tastes so naturally we'll disagree on many points. But when I pay $20 - $30 to go to a club, I expect certain things: good music, excellent vibe, and quality people. Of course I'm selective when I go out... which is why I choose not to support Shadow Lounge and other aggressive raver-friendly venues. Now when I see Space deciding to trim out its idiot raver clientele, I'm opening my eyes. So please spare us of your played-out altruistic motives; it's all about the vibe, right? Believe me: you're NOT going to change the world... stop your bickering and dance; just not next to me. And yo, Urei - I'll take one of those Heinis (peace, bro)! cwm16.gif P.S. B> Wolves are most certainly my favorite animals!


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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wtff - maybe when you're intelligent enough to figure out how NOT to double post on here i'll take your opinion a little more seriously.

until then i have the right to express my displeasure at glostix - same as you have the right to wave them like the fool you are - except at space, where reason and coolness have prevailed - now if they just start having subliminal nights - mmmmmm

also - my head is most definetly not up my ass - like i said to sobeton - insulting someone so harshly on a messageboard when you don't know them is NEVER a good idea - you never know exactly WHO I am - i could be that tall gorgeous blonde you tried to hit on the other night - i could be a certain dj or promoter you admire...

foxes are my favorite animal.

[This message has been edited by noira (edited 11-27-2000).]

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As long as we're on the growing up subject...these repeat posts are a bit immature. The topic has been thrown out and abused. People are getting a bit personal for a reason I do not understand. For all of you glowstick lovers out there...are they really that important to you? If they are, then you newskoolers should check your asses at the door. You should be there for the music and to dance. Why should those damn glowstix be that important? Give it up!

Nonsense I tell ya! If we were arguing about cover charges, or dj's, or something of that sort...maybe I'd bitch a bit here and there. But glowstix?


Then again...we're in Miami. Nothing seems to surprise me anymore.



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noira u started it first. the truth is i been to space when they had glowsticks or with out glowsticks.and i dont care i have fun with my friends that is what matters to me. live life to the fullist because u could die any day. peace ok now stop this little kid things or everybody gets a virus in there C:\ drive kiss kiss

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Not than anyone cares, but I agree with Arrakis and Noira - I'm not a big fan of glowsticks. Ban them or don't ban them, I don't care.....just don't flail your arms wildly around me, or go swinging them around on thread. I've never been hit, like noira, but I can definitely see how the possibility exists. And, I can also see, if you are a female, how some moron coming up to you out of the blue waving glowsticks in your face could be annoying. Although I think it's silly, I don't really care if people want to dance with glowsticks, laser lights and crap......I just wish those who do use them would be a bit more considerate. People in clubs should be more considerate in general.

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The repeat post are errors. Can We All Agree to Disagree and Move On ?? We all said what we have to say. I don’t hate anyone on this board. Know one is going to change anyone’s mind !!!! Let’s put this to Bed !!!!!!! Please !!!!!!!!!




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Err... glowtoys aside, the folks at Space'll toss ya for taking off your shirt -- something allowed at many other Clubs 'round here (Crobar, etc.).

Um... so? It's management's right, Expression or not. Yes, you have the freedom to try and express yourself however you like; we're all doing it here, for example. That freedom, however, is not absolute, nor does it stand above Luis' right to regulate his club. If management at Space decides that there are to be no fucking sneakers inside the club, it's THEIR decision. Simple as that.

As patrons, we can decide whether or not we want to accept the conditions placed before us. We can decide whether or not we want to continue pouring our money/time/sweat into the place. I, for one, am happy to see Space regulating things. Defining style, they say. Cool. I like the style Space is laying out before me... hell, I'm thankful for it.

Anyway, hope I didn't offend,


Animal? Koala. Never seen one who wasn't in a good mood.

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Rene hit the nail on the head. Space, crobar (it's lowercase folks), Level, etc..all are *private* venues. They could tell you that it's required you dress up like a stormtrooper for entrance if they felt like it. Yeah it may or may not suck that they canned glowsticks, but it's their right to set styles and such...

I for one think it's bad, but not worth getting your collective panties in a bunch over...the Martin MAC-300s and the Innova laser entertain me just fine smile.gif.

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Listen up, all of you synthetic, fake, pre-fabricated, robotic, clones!!!!!! The fact that this is even a topic is pathetic, as pathetic as the raver sub-culture is to begin with. I'm not siding with anyone in this matter, i'm just here as the voice of reason and the voice is saying... "get a life". You're all just a bunch of joiners. The type of people that create fads and join cliques just because you have no identity of your own. The same type of people that were wearing NIN and Nirvana shirts in the early nineties and day-glow clothes and rubber bracelets in the 80's. Get a grip, grow up, and most importantly find yourself. Drop names all you want, list all the old school clubs you went to in N.Y., and rant on about "you don't know who i am in public". Point is, you're still going to be some faceless, soulless, android with no identity. People are dying everyday, our planet dies a little more with each passing second, and you friggin loser, raver, bandwagon jumpin', wanna be somethin', nothing happening, Ex rollin', Red Bull drinkin', glow stick swingin' clubbers are complaining about your damn glow sticks!!!!! Half of you probably haven't even been to N.Y. You suck, your culture sucks, and your glowsticks suck! But really now, get a life... for real. Be yourself and don't conform to an already conformist society.

Peace (for real, not just some hip catch phrase to close with) cwm22.gif

Ps: You guys ever here of a spell check? Maybe you should spend less time at raves and more time at home curled up with a Hooked on Phonics or something.

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