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New Club--FUEL


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I spoke with David Padilla last night and he informed me that a new club will be opening in Dec. right down the street from Space..The name of the club will be "Fuel" He will be the resident DJ and they will have a 24 hour liquor license. Dont know much else except that the sound system will be state of the art..

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Great to here another club is comming to downtown. Even better news is David Padilla will be the house DJ.

Attomic > After hours was that bad. I'm really surprised ; after hours is usually off the Da Hook.. I'm sure The Vibe will be back for Renaissance...



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isnt't it really wierd how the vibe just sucks at space..I have been going there pretty consistently since august and every time I go i get psyched to go and i always end up feeling like something was missing..space has every element to make it the ultimate club, however, the elements just dont seem to come together. is it my imagination or does there seem to only be a 1 hour block in either the red or blue room where there is any energy??

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I dunno. My friends and I are always trying to figure out what the deal is with the place. The blue room is too dark. You can hardly make out peoples faces most of the time. They seem to have a slightly new lay out with the entrances to each room and it really does not work well. The main problem I think is the people. There is a serious ratio problem. Too many fucked up assholes who can't get a date pestering the women. There is a major lack of consideration people have for others. The combination of musical genres might actually be a problem too since each attracts certain types of people. And it seems like many could care less and have no idea of what an awesome vibe is so how could you expect to have one there. cwm1.gif



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Well said Attomic. The crowd has changed

since the Club opened. It's become very commercial. The vibe is still around; but I

think it does not happen until afterhours.

I must say the vibe in the Red is pretty good. People just kicking back, Dancing, and

enjoying the music. The Blue Room is just to

Dark. When I go to Space it is for the afterhours.Doing Renaissance, Gatecrasher,

and bringing in Class DJ's like Carl Cox

still sets Space apart from the South Beach

Clubs. Looking forward to Fuel for sure..



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I know that they are working to have the club open in 3-4 weeks..i'm pretty sure that they will be 21+ and they will have a 24 hour liquor license. attomic you have hit the nail right on the head..the best vibe that I have ever experienced was at The Mix...now the clash of styles at Space creates a wierd atmosphere.

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I don't think the different styles is the problem here. I've been to many clubs that have the different styles in different rooms like Buzz in DC which has DB/Breaks in one room and Trance in another and the vibe is usually great. Ditto for the Guvernment in Toronto which usually has Breaks in one room and House in the main. I like to break up the night by listening to the different styles. The main room just blows at space for some reason (Although I thought Edgarv was great this last Friday). Believe the cause is the people, to many girls there to pose and not to dance and have a great time. And the guys...lock them convicts up already.

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Wow, Well I have to say that I'm glad people in South Florida are becoming more educated on what makes a proper Clubbing experience. I only say this because from 1996-1999 I had the incredible opportunity to live in England and party at clubs like Gatecrasher, MOS, Miss Moneypenny's, Progress, Cream, Colours, God's Kitchen, Renaissance, Slinky, The Gallery and so many more. It was unreal. As a DJ, living there changed my life. So upon coming back home to South Florida in May of 99, I was disappointed to see South Florida so far behind. Things are changing and that's good, but you just can't increase the size of a club and keep the same elements as a smaller one. That's the problem with Space, and other large clubs, I believe. Here's one example: God's Kitchen is a night in Birmingham, England. The venue is around the same size as Space. This is a DJ line up from one of the night's:

Main Room

Judge Jules

Paul Van Dyk

Seb Fontaine

Tall Paul

John Kelly

AJ Gibson

Room 2

Chris Turner

Paul Vega

Daniel Soto

Matt Sadler

Tia Ria

Room 3

Jimmy Falkner


Steve Kelly

Steve Carsley

That's a total of 15 TOP DJ's. Now, what would you expect to pay for a night out like that. I guarantee you that a line up like that on South Beach would cost you $50 - $60 dollars if you were lucky enough to be on the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> , know the right people and wore the right clothes. That particular event cost me £15. At that time £15 was about $25. I just feel that these South Florida clubbers are being cheated. We're being asked to pay too much to be offered so little. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really care to start my night off by being made to feel insignificant just because I'm not on the "VIP" or <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> Guest List</A> when I arrive at a Club. It's the people who have been following this culture for years and helping it grow that put the scene where it is today. So why then is our scene being dictated by <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> Guest List</A> 's and $$$$$$$$$. OK, as you can tell, I'm very passionate about this. Most of you may have seen some of my Artistry posting on this board. Artistry is a night we put on in Ft. Lauderdale at Nevis on Friday Nights and The Bulldog Cafe on Saturday nights. We are only in the beginning stages of what we will offer in the future, but I invite all of you who feel like experiencing something different to join us. I’ll be posting an E-flyer for our events shortly. If you’ve read this far, I thank you for listening.




"Great art comes from great passion"


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Well said bro. Space has become of a victim of it's own fame. The vibe is all , but gone in that club. What made the Mix work ; was the vibe. It was small , but full of energy. I hope Fuel does not make the same mistakes Space has made.



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Wow. All the Space stuff just kicks my ass. I'm a fan of the place, but that might just be me. Don't know where else I'd be willing to go with a straight face and say that I'm out at a "Club." Level certainly doesn't do it, nor does the rest of the stuff on South Beach.

Vibe? It's there. Guess different people have different vibes though. Mine's always found in the Blue room... pretty much any time after 2:00am. Is it dark? Sure. I'd be bothered if it weren't dark in there.

Red room? Not much connection to it at all. I can't say much.

Oh well. It was interesting hearing all the different opinions. Question... where /is/ the vibe then? Which club? Which DJ? I'm curious...?

I'll be interested in seeing how Fuel turns out, though; it'll be nice if there's finally somewhere else to go other than Space. I spend way too much time there.


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We'll see what happens with Space once they start to get some competition. They might begin to realize that they actually have to cultivate something special (like Groovejet), as they will no longer be the new, trendy kid on the block.

I think Miami DOES have people who know and appreciate a quality vibe - it's just that they are usually far outnumbered by the obnoxious Power 96 hordes. These people will go to whatever is new/trendy.

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Exactly. I think I know what made an incredible vibe back in the early days of The Mix. The club was small but had an incredible sound system and decent lights. Most everyone that went to The Mix regularly went for the tunes. David Padilla was absolutely fucking smoking at this time. Everyone on that jam packed dance floor had one mission, to dance their ass off. Some of the people I clubbed with would sleep in, then wake up to go the the mix...fuck all the other clubs. There were so many times it would be 7:30am and the place was just insane with energy, you just couldnt believe it. Its the type of thing that is difficult to describe...had to be there kinda thing. Some of you I am sure remember.



[This message has been edited by attomic (edited 11-27-2000).]

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The Mix had spirit. I miss it.

Yeah the sound was mediocre (take my word for it) and there was some crackheads and asses there, but I loved it all the same. A nice little place where all's that mattered was what David was throwing down that morning. I got some kick ass images there, if anyone's interested...

Is Fuel going to be another "mega" sized venue? Or is it going for this season's trend of "small and friendly" (320, Krave)...I hope the latter. I'd really like a small place to get together with some friends, without having to dress like a million dollars...

Patrickl sums it up too. Many people on other BBs give us miamians shit for not realizing a good thing...but there's enough quality folk around here to negate that in my opinion....

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Originally posted by sgtfury:

attomic--you have hit the nail directly on the head!!!!

HEHEHE I Totally agree...


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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Wow; I can't believe people are actually praising the Mix... I think this place is officially the worst "club" I ever went to: never seen so many crackhead ravers in my life. Long live its death! cwm26.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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I have to say something about all this...

Space has reached out their hand to us. They're giving us the party this Friday, and they're trying as hard as they can to accomidate our peeps.

I hope you all come out and try Space again this Friday, since it's free and all to get in.

I went there last Saturday night and it was great. I stayed till 10:00am, and the place was just plain fun.

I also hope to meet you all on Friday night at the club.



Staff- Miami


[This message has been edited by jeremy (edited 11-28-2000).]

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you'd understand if you lived here, arrakis.

In the early part of 2000, the mix refined itself..no more crackhead ravers, even before they were minimal, with the more obvious ones carted out on their asses by the security staff...

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HOLY SHIT, i can't believe that the club Danny blew up for last years WMC is being talked about like this. It had VIBE-the building even had vibe, so people stop complaining and go make that vibe happen. Remember, it's all of us that creates vibe and energy-The Dj's / Promoters / workers/ DANCERS / Freaks / EVERYBODY!! That club is tooooo good to let vanish-Make it happen. That's the one club i am actually looking foward t ogoing to for this years WMC.

See you on the Dance-Floor


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