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( For Gym Goers ) What are your gym Pet Peeves?

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phat hit my biggest peeve... the grunters. There's this group of three kids like, 17-19 years old that come in, blasting their metallica bullshit at the highest volume, and they practically are screaming when they lift and look all pissed off in doing so, and they are scrawny bastards.

I was there the first time they came in and they looked normal, now one of the kids apparently juices and its so obvious... he is completely shredded and huge in the matter of a month or two.

The loud music is a peeve of mine. I dont like walkmans/diskmans so I dont bother with them, but when you got that music TOO loud theres a problem.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

lol yeah right, I try my best to avoid the mirror at all costs, I'd rather not see my shirt drenched in sweat, my face beet red, etc. :laugh:

Good Mystify-- I was beginning to think I was the only one walking out of the gym w/ a red face! girls will work out for like 15 minutes not even break a sweat and then leave-- .. what are they doing?!

Phatman, your posts about the gym are hysterical.. so true.. i'm going to be laughing so hard at the gym tomorrow :grin3:

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Originally posted by karisma

Phatman, your posts about the gym are hysterical.. so true.. i'm going to be laughing so hard at the gym tomorrow :grin3:


...i'm gonna look for more when i go to the gym after work...it's what i get for being a people watcher...i could do that shit for hours...

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I don't know why. Cause I really should not give a shit. But one major Pet Peeve that I have is watching someone work out with absolutely no form. And trying to move heavy weight with momentum and not muscle. I know it is not my business. But come on people. Form is everything. Do it right and the heavier weight will come with time... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by elementx

I don't know why. Cause I really should not give a shit. But one major Pet Peeve that I have is watching someone work out with absolutely no form. And trying to move heavy weight with momentum and not muscle. I know it is not my business. But come on people. Form is everything. Do it right and the heavier weight will come with time... :rolleyes:

...i hear you...a lot of times i make suggestions...the funniest thing i have seen is people that get on the universals - specifically doing behind the neck pull downs - from behind you can see the bar completely tilted to one side as opposed to level...i dont even know what to say to that...lol...i imagine they have one popeye arm and one olive oil arm...

oh..and i found another last night...

The Enforcer - this is the guy with the best intentions, but all he seems to do is go around and re-enforce the obvious...i.e. Great Set...Good Finish...Great Form...last week one of these guys let me know how i was running a good pace...i didnt really know what to say other than a quick "thanks"...good people no doubt but they dont give you too much insight...

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Originally posted by phatman

[bThe Enforcer - this is the guy with the best intentions, but all he seems to do is go around and re-enforce the obvious...i.e. Great Set...Good Finish...Great Form...last week one of these guys let me know how i was running a good pace...i didnt really know what to say other than a quick "thanks"...good people no doubt but they dont give you too much insight...

lol why is it that only men cheer each other on? In my gym, it's a shock if you don't get a dirty look from another girl - God forbid anyone smile or give some positive reinforcement!

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Originally posted by phatman

...i hear you...a lot of times i make suggestions...the funniest thing i have seen is people that get on the universals - specifically doing behind the neck pull downs - from behind you can see the bar completely tilted to one side as opposed to level...i dont even know what to say to that...lol...i imagine they have one popeye arm and one olive oil arm...

oh..and i found another last night...

The Enforcer - this is the guy with the best intentions, but all he seems to do is go around and re-enforce the obvious...i.e. Great Set...Good Finish...Great Form...last week one of these guys let me know how i was running a good pace...i didnt really know what to say other than a quick "thanks"...good people no doubt but they dont give you too much insight...

haha ..this thread is too fucking funny...

i cant stand 'the stalker'

and 'the enforcer'

check this out..like a month ago this obviously gay man..told me i had a well developing chest..i had nooooooo idea how to come back to that ..hah.wtf! is that

and this one guy eveytime im doing shrugs wants to work in with me...and eveytime i add more weight he comments on how its too much weight for him ...but its like bro u just said it was to much weight when i added weight before..and now its stilll prolly to much weight ...i got yah

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Originally posted by Mystify22

lol why is it that only men cheer each other on? In my gym, it's a shock if you don't get a dirty look from another girl - God forbid anyone smile or give some positive reinforcement!

...now if it were shoes, outfits, make-up or perfume it'd be a different story wouldnt it...;)

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Originally posted by phatman

...now if it were shoes, outfits, make-up or perfume it'd be a different story wouldnt it...;)

No, I think that makes the situation even worse! Most girls are so snotty and competitive towards each other, when I see a girl wearing some thing I like, I always tell them, but most girls are completely opposite

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Originally posted by Mystify22

No, I think that makes the situation even worse! Most girls are so snotty and competitive towards each other, when I see a girl wearing some thing I like, I always tell them, but most girls are completely opposite

...that sucks...most of my girlfriends are so not like that...but then again, they're a few years older than you...perhaps that's why...i had dinner with two fo them last night and they were totally talking about that ish...and i've seen them both have said conversations with strangers about all of that with no problem...eh...go figure...

but back to the topic at hand...youre right...i have yet to see women cheer each other on...unless they're together ofcourse...

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Originally posted by phatman

...that sucks...most of my girlfriends are so not like that...but then again, they're a few years older than you...perhaps that's why...i had dinner with two fo them last night and they were totally talking about that ish...and i've seen them both have said conversations with strangers about all of that with no problem...eh...go figure...

yeah, age probably has a lot to do with it....I think that in most cases, it's just their own insecurities....anyways, my :heart: is going to be here soon, I must go take a shower....enjoy the rest of your Saturday :)

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Originally posted by Mystify22

No, I think that makes the situation even worse! Most girls are so snotty and competitive towards each other, when I see a girl wearing some thing I like, I always tell them, but most girls are completely opposite

all the girls that are at the gym when i work out are the same exact way & i hate it...i am one of those girls that also compliments on sumin i like & always try to give smiles...there's very few times where a girl will come up to me & ask me how to do an exercise i am doin & sumin that small makes me feel great

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my pet peeves:

I swear there is this one girl that uses the stairmaster just to show off her ass... no one walks up stairs like that, it looks like she's trying to seduce the man behind her

the only women I ever see naked in the locker room are the old ladies.. and they are always bending over with their ass in your face right when you walk in the door... i don't need to see that!

i also hate when people have horrible form. I was watching this one girl do lunge walks, and she was barely even bending her knees, you might as well just be walking, it's not going to do anything for you if you barely even squat at all.

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Originally posted by elementx

I hate when someone is sitting on a work station, bench, or what have you just to talk to someone else who is working out in the area. I know it is easy to ask them to move. But then it puts me in the situation of interupting there conversation. I know I should'nt give a shit. But eh...

Come on people name some things that piss you off...

Or on another note... What actions do people do that make you laugh...

Or what was your most embaresing (SP) moment in the gym...

lack of deodorant, not wiping the seats/benches off, excessive dong exposure in the locker room, anything over 15-20 seconds is just way to long to have your shit all by my ear... another pet peeve is when the employees at the gym are in worse shape than the ppl who go there...

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Originally posted by phatman

...omg...i forgot about one of my biggest peeves...


:laugh: at seeing people chatting away while their doing crunches. must be really exerting themselves

i think my gym has more guys trying to doll up then girls.

they come in with spiked hair/ cologne / a/x,diesel cut offs. having every tattoo exposed. are you going clubbin or to work out?

pet peeves

if your gonna use a locker put a lock on it, so i don't have to open 7 or 8 doors to find one unoccupied

people in groups not speaking ENGLISH

when a gym has a good piece of equip or a machine u like, and there is like only 1 of them. makes for long waiting times

trainers showing new people exercises in which they can easily hurt themselves

hearing the same fcukin live dj tiesto cd the gym plays. rotate those friggen things. also hearing an awesome track like (everytime - nailan and kane) played at the gym every 2 days. yet, never hear in a club anymore.

getting strange looks when i do lunges. hello, this is NOT just a exercise for chicks. may be best thing for your legs other than squats

not really a pet peeve but, girls with great butts wearing tight pants/sweats and having words like juicy written on their asses------kinda lose my concentration and have to re-focus

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1. men like the jerkoff at my club today that don't use deoderant and smell up the club.

2. women fix their hair & make up BEFORE working out.

3. women who wear tight clothing that doesn't fit.

4. people who don't bring towels or don't wipe the equipment after using it

5. people who don't wash their tennis shoes and smell up the locker rooms when they take them off.

6. men w/ excessive body hair who shed it on the equipment

7. people who slam weights or don't keep their shoulders straight and try to work out when they're wasting their time.

8. guys who don't wear a cup

9. arrogant men who walk like they can get any girl if they have a good body.

10. women who take 10 years on the equipment doing their sets. I don't have all day.

11. people who come to the club for the sole reason to pick up women / men. it's a gym, not a meatmarket.

12. people who talk loud on their phones when they're finally playing something halfway decent at the club like pvd. like the're so important.

Originally posted by elementx

I hate when someone is sitting on a work station, bench, or what have you just to talk to someone else who is working out in the area. I know it is easy to ask them to move. But then it puts me in the situation of interupting there conversation. I know I should'nt give a shit. But eh...

Come on people name some things that piss you off...

Or on another note... What actions do people do that make you laugh...

Or what was your most embaresing (SP) moment in the gym...

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I go to a women's gym so I miss out on the grunting, made up girls, and the whole "meat market" thing however that doesn't mean that the other girlies don't piss me off. I can't stand people who think they're so important that they can't leave there phones in the car for the hour there working out or the people who hang out on the machines.

I crack my gum rather loudly while on the tread mill, and i know this is very annoying so i make it a point to be next to people with walkmans this way i won't get strangled.

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here's another one that i don't understand:

*personal trainers* that weigh 400 million pounds. wtf? what's worse is the people being trained don't seem to mind this fact.

or people who get arrogant on the treadmills, running erect like they're vin diesel, and a girl walks by & they stare at her, and they fall off cuz the treadmill is still running. hilarious.

i mind when i see girls w/ sorry cellulite asses wearing those shirts with no prospects whatsoever, not now not ever. or *guys* wearing shirts that say "matchbox 20 world tour" or some other loser band with pride. yuck. get some taste.

guys who think sex when they see a girl working her inner thighs or moaning when working her abs.

Originally posted by drmoxx

not really a pet peeve but, girls with great butts wearing tight pants/sweats and having words like juicy written on their asses------kinda lose my concentration and have to re-focus

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