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Luis Diaz/Jon Cowan @ Nerve mini-review.


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Lotsa fun. Luis and Jon were on point the whole night in Miami's best "little club" :)

Too bad we lost an hour due to the time change!

Glad to see everyone out, even the stragglers (danny i'm talking to you!)

Thanks to the Nerve folk for being great hosts, and Jon and Luis for providing the sounds...

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Guest saleen351

My Nerve review......

Decent sound, doesn't come close to maze, though they didn't really crank it up, but its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too muffled compared to maze at lower levels....

all those faggot ass pics on the wall, need to go. The 50's, S&M latex, Roman art thing just doesn't work... Its pretty gay..

Staff is ok, though lack of english is a problem... No mr bartender I don't need my Amstel lite on the rocks. NOOOOOOOOOOO, its a beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, you know a b e e r! Had to point to a bottle to show him what we wanted...

Its called america, learn the fucking language...

Beers were 6 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: Are you out of your fucking mind with those prices??????????? Also whats up with the no sign on the building? You can put up shitty pics on the walls and you can't put a sign up. Makes no sense.

Parking is horrible.... What a fucking rip off........ Plus your shit might get stuck in that lot for a couple hours if you get there at a certain time.. Even if the dudes had all the keys, it would still take you an hour to get out...

I think the speakers take up too much room.

Its a well thought out plan and design, that falls way short of nyc standards... Club wise that is...

They got a good line up comming, and it will do well on those nights, just no shot at any crowd on reg nights...

I'll be there for anthony papa, but thats about it.... I support my guy over there, and i know hes got some big names lined up, but i ain't posting them...

Give karma lounge a dance floor, and it would smoke all of sobe...

nice meeting absoulte v and raincrysobe....

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Saleen, just when I thought your level of ignorance was at it's pinacle, you manage to take it higher to my sheer amazement.

If I owned a club, I would hope you reviewed it poorly. BTW I was at Karma on sat and while it is a nice LOUNGE there were about 50 people or less.

It is much more likely that given kneepads you would smoke every dick in sobe than the chance of karma smoking any decent sobe club given a dancefloor.

so keep your homophobic ass in your closet up in lauderdale, Nerve is different in a city where everyone tries to be different.

BTW there are two public lots that are never full, a whole two minutes walk away, and they are free after 10PM too.

and when are you going to learn the language? your grammer is about as good as my rotweiler's. You have been down here entirely too long to still be speaking guido. Learn fucking english. And it is assholes like you who give americans around the world a bad reputation.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

Saleen, just when I thought your level of ignorance was at it's pinacle, you manage to take it higher to my sheer amazement.

If I owned a club, I would hope you reviewed it poorly. BTW I was at Karma on sat and while it is a nice LOUNGE there were about 50 people or less.

It is much more likely that given kneepads you would smoke every dick in sobe than the chance of karma smoking any decent sobe club given a dancefloor.

so keep your homophobic ass in your closet up in lauderdale, Nerve is different in a city where everyone tries to be different.

BTW there are two public lots that are never full, a whole two minutes walk away, and they are free after 10PM too.

and when are you going to learn the language? your grammer is about as good as my rotweiler's. You have been down here entirely too long to still be speaking guido. Learn fucking english. And it is assholes like you who give americans around the world a bad reputation.

umm this isn't the ny times. I type over a 100 wpm, and i don't review them. Sorry didn't know ther grammer police was in effect...:laugh: Especially after 12 hours at space....

Place won't make it past summer.... Not just nerve, but maze, crobar, level, etc.... Look around bro, the club scene is going from bad to worse.... Just last night a big time industry guy said quote " we are barely hanging on over here".... He was speaking about club space.....:idea:

and don't bring up any homo shit after the shirts you wear:idea:

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you know what saleen -

I think your a great guy in person.. Nice enough but god what you wrote is assinine - this is a new venue with amazing sound and the guts too bring big talent into a small intimate room. You were there between 10-11:30ish maybe?? the sound wasn't turned up yet and the crowd wasn't there yet.. why don't you give someone a chance and find the positives of a place instead of attacking them with the negatives. Nerve is a great room with a great staff in place and this place will work.. Why don't you try the glass is half full instead of the glass is half empty philosophy - life will be a lot happier for you.

as for all at Nerve on saturday - hope you enjoyed yourselves - we sure did - the future is bright for us at this spot.. its going to be a blast -

thanks again


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Originally posted by jcbliss

you know what saleen -

Why don't you try the glass is half full instead of the glass is half empty philosophy - life will be a lot happier for you.

because his mommy never gave him any attention as a child so now he is trying to get attention the only way he knows how, by trying to bring everything down to his pathetic level of existance.

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Originally posted by jcbliss

as for all at Nerve on saturday - hope you enjoyed yourselves - we sure did - the future is bright for us at this spot.. its going to be a blast -

thanks again


I was there from 1:30am till 3am and gotta admit that the music and sound system was pretty good; the crowd was very thin and almost nobody on the dance floor except for the "tai-chi guy" LOL.

I liked the decor; it might not be my thing cuz I like the room to be darker but it sure is different to any club in SoBe.

I will try to go next Friday for Roger Sanchez; I bet it's gonna be a good night. :)

see ya!


P.S. Let us know if Seaman will visit sometime soon. Did I hear residency??


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I had a great time. It was my first time being at the venue since I got caught up during conference. I must say, it's a defenite improvment from Lola. It looks more like a club now rather than a bar.. the bathroom is defenitely interesting.. haha. The soundsystem was loud and crisp.. not too keen on the orange lighting.. maybe using a different color scheme? the darker the better :) .. muzik was on point .. Luis and John were dropping current tracks that would have blown the roof off at Groove Jet .. the place could defenitely work .. best of luck

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great to hear luis and jon playing together again! brings back many memories of the groovejat days thats for sure. i'm really looking forward to the things nerve has coming up. it's nice to see a venue have some balls down here and bring in some great talent instead of the easy road to regular same old same old.

my only complaint about nerve is the decor. i agree w/ the posts above that it is way to bright in there. it ditracts from the lights on the dance floor. lose that cheesy "somebody" along that back wall. in fact, paint the whole room black. every wall. all those painting bring back horrible memories of the art trash explosion that greeted me the first time i returned to the old edge and saw what the chili pepper "artists" did to it....

other than that, it's a 100% improvement on what lola could have been. a club. exactly what miami needs. a small room and some people w/ balls to bring in the talent. sound system is just a little too loud for that size room. but sounds great none the less. keep up the good work nerve crew. if you guys want any underground tech house talent from london for cheap, hit me up at modernism. james_sheridan71@hotmail.com

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From what I was told, the decor will change radically every few months. It could be blue next. Every club has black walls, my logic is it's time to do something different. Just don't do green, green sucks.

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thats cause black works. if i want art, i'll go to a gallery. but it is nice to know that it will change from month to month.

on another note, i love the booth. it's placed perfectly. it's clean inside as well. nice design, not to fancy but clean. still a bit odd they only chose to put 2 decks in there though. but then again... most dj's are using the cdr label now. good choice of cdj1000. they moved the bar exactly where i would have. at lola the bar sucked up so much space and made it hard for the floor to get worked up. during the bedrock party at conference. that place was going off. i miss days like that in miami. nerve has the perfect location and size to create that vibe again.

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looks like history repeating itself, "CLUB NU" (used to be directly across the street) back in the Miami Vice days use to change their decor also like every six months or so but on a much more elaborate scale , good concept keeps it fresh and exciting , though i would prefer it a little on the darker side

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Dark? It's dark enough in my mind. Every other club in Miami's a dark pit anyway...I'm not saying deploy a Vortek Solar Simulator in there, it's just that anything above pitch black and half this board is screaming that it's too bright!

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Originally posted by mugatu

looks like history repeating itself, "CLUB NU" (used to be directly across the street) back in the Miami Vice days use to change their decor also like every six months or so but on a much more elaborate scale , good concept keeps it fresh and exciting , though i would prefer it a little on the darker side

I remember Club Nu ... it was same corner street ... but one block south ... live bands every once in a while ... and lots of models on weekends :D ...

Colors are less of the problem as the amount of actual light and the use of the intelligent lights ... obviously this "drama" changes as the dancefloor gets packed ...

Pod ... I can see Back Door Bambi written all over that place .. :eek: :eek: ... :hat:

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