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Your slow season 2003 clubbing outlook..

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

*First off, anyone ane everyone knows, even if i'm best friends with you, or you hook me up, i still won't pander to you on this board..

So whats my outlook:

(and I hope I'm wrong, I love electronic music)

Nerve won't make it unless it gets help from Crobar and Space. If the S&C oligopoly wants to, they can crush any club... So far all of Nerves dates are on fridays. Couple reaons for that. Maybe the only dates they can get the djs or they don't want to go up against S&C.... It seems everyone is friends with everyone in this industry, but they all hate each other... And talk shit about each other. And would love to crush each other.

It's nerve vs Maze for fridays. My money is on Maze.


Sat party is doing well and probably will continue. Fridays they are going up against Nerve. Now i love the fact that this entire board jumped on the nerve bangwagon when clearly maze has the venue and the system to bring in the big boys. Word is they have deep pockets and are sticking it out (which i'm not truely buying into) but if true, get a Morilo type once a month and it will crush Nerve. Maze is hands down a much better club. Size might hurt it, but they can work around that. Do I think it will last? Put it this way, if i could bet in vegas who would last i'd say maze over nerve. I'm sure with Stryke and Ralph and you know the space guys will support it, then maze should do well.. I'd love for maze to book PR on a friday... But i'm not confident maze has the connections to get the big boys..

Space 34

Well no shot at a friday party but sat should keep on rocking, but i don't see smooth sailing if someone steps up provides a outside venue to go after the cheelini hour. That guy only has a crowd cause he is the only late night outdoor place in all of florida.. Give me a patio at 6am, put my man Jimmy and Roland out there, and we would crush space's patio. But space will do fine, they got the pckets and the talent to keep miami rocking... I do see them going to a gay party one day a week. Only makes sense. Plus maybe a classics night, wink wink...

Nocturnal & The beach

Have the most to gain. No one really knows whats going on over there. Don't know anyone thats been in the beach (nocturnal is not open yet) but word is they got a kick ass nexo... Now there is a reason why all gas stations and all car dealerships are near each other. This is why i think if the beach got serious or nocturnal (same owners from chi town) they can work. 3 clubs, on the same block, only park your car once, you can go from club to club to club.. We all know with competition comes less cover charges and open bars etc. Then you put a special dj over at space then maybe a NYC dj at the beach, and you got a serious night ahead of you. If the beach or nocturnal had a patio we all know 80% of this board would shoot over there to get away from cheeselini..

Whats the 3 keys to a good club?

1. location

2. location

3. location

Sobe is now known for a hip hop community, and nothing is gonna stop it... NOTHING! Its ova. Either buy some duece duces for your car or move out...

12 million people live in nyc and another 10 million are in driving distance of it. Miami doesn't have the numbers therefore i feel every place on the beach except crobar will go hip hop.......

Spi club

Seems to have a niche market with GA and i hear they do alright.. Turns out GA is one loaded mofo, therefore that guy could just give up his spot down here, and travel once a month... Too bad spi wasn't running the club months ago, seems they are doing a good job, just can't get the talent...

I also can see a salsa night comming back... (not that i was hear when it was going on) but i know of a club currently doing it, yea the music is ok, but the vibe and the chicks are kick ass!!!! And all those 5'2 latin dudes can't hang with the guidos...

I'd like to close out by saying there is too many people on here, who go "oooooooooooooooo, DAMM, thats a hot line up, thats a great dj etc", then never show up or the club is empty... Just because a dj is well known doesn't mean they will pull in this god aweful club enviroment of florida...

I don't speak the truth, i'm just looking for some classics to be played. If you feel i'm wrong, tell me why...

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I also can see a salsa night comming back... (not that i was hear when it was going on) but i know of a club currently doing it, yea the music is ok, but the vibe and the chicks are kick ass!!!! And all those 5'2 latin dudes can't hang with the guidos...

I would pay for see Saleen doing the guido fist SALSA!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by ernextnation

I also can see a salsa night comming back... (not that i was hear when it was going on) but i know of a club currently doing it, yea the music is ok, but the vibe and the chicks are kick ass!!!! And all those 5'2 latin dudes can't hang with the guidos...

I would pay for see Saleen doing the guido fist SALSA!!

naw i can't dance to that stuff. I"m still white even though i'm italian, there is a reason, why we invented the guido fist pump.

1. Most italians are too juiced up to dance.

2. the rest of us, can't dance..

thats why we fist pump.......:D

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1) I live in Sobe since '92 ... and never saw a salsa/merengue aka "latin night" go off unless it is in a small venue ... some promoters surely tried it ...

Now ... in those days no one tried a hip-hop night seriously either ... they could work in this tourist free environment after 911 ...

2) I would put Maze in the same bag as Crobar ... Spi ... Space and Level ... in terms of size ... to draw a comparison between Maze and Nerve is unfair for Maze ... they got a much bigger size venue ... their main weakness ... lack of bar space ... that is where they should make their $$$ ...

3) Nerve holds around 350 people at one time ... has two VIP areas that become a flexible sitting area ..

They are open 5 days a week ... which will average their fixed costs ...

4) As far as I can remember ... the circuit Sats at Maze would fit around 400 people ... bar barely moved anything but water ... things could have changed since thier new marketing team is there ... but I can't foresee a drastic change ...

5) Sound systems throw out sound ... DJs throw out music ...

6) Crobar ... is an example of marketing ... they have their own marketing offices three blocks away from the venue ... that tells you their power ... and add to that their location ...

7) Space 34 ... well ... Space is the only club nowadays in Miami that is 100% about quality electronic music ... have a powerful marketing exposure ... and all the connections to keep bringing top Djs ...

I can see their terrace as being a club within a club ... and then add the Sunrise hours ...

Remember ... they are landlords now ...

WMC is over ... there was never a season this year ... it will be all about overhead ... :hat:

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Guest saleen351

hey vip, I know you are latin, there is a group of promoters in lauderdale doing the salsa thing. Seems to be working. They are bringing in live acts, if you are interested in it, pm me and i'll get you the info.....

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I have to agree with a lot of what Saleen said. To add to what it takes to have a successful club, another major factor is it's "NEWNESS," why...cause we live in America and everyone wants to have/try something new. With that said, there are many new spots lining up...Nerve, La Playa(The Beach), Spi Club etc. and definitely explains one of the reasons Level is losing it in terms of popularity, people are checking out the new spots, but that's not the only reason Level is losing popularity to the electronic clubbers of SoFLA. Plain and simple, we're at war...people don't have that much money, aren't inclined to go out as much unless it's a special occasion, so there isn't that many people to go around and fill multiple clubs that have over 1,000 capacity such as Maze, Level, Space, Crobar etc. all at the same time. This means that the clubs will be competing for the clubbers, which means lower prices all around, you'll probably see better service, and you'll also get good shows.

I was all over the place this Friday. I started at the Grove, went to Oxygen and that place was dead. Then I went to Rain and it was also pretty dead. From there to Purdy, which was so-so considering what I usally see there. Off to Maze, for a big club with an open bar that tenders were giving lite ass drinks by the way, had about 50-75 heads. Then Crobar, now they were packin, (this is an established club that has good management and a nice venue). Finally hit up Blue and they had their usual 30+ crowd jammin and socializing in there. Overall though, Crobar was the only club I went to Friday that was packin.

Conclusion: Too many clubs right now and only the strong/smart (that have a good location and are new) will survive.

Small note to add to this...local dj's and promoters with a strong following are something that there is a lack of in my opinion. It's these local dj's and promoters that know someone that tells someone else, that tells someone else, that creates hype and a following. If we had dj's and promoters that knew how to do this, we would get more people off their butts and out clubbin'. Biz is one of those types of people, just to give an example and plug to someone that's done this for me.

Saleen Quote: "oooooooooooooooo, DAMM, thats a hot line up, thats a great dj etc", then never show up or the club is empty... Just because a dj is well known doesn't mean they will pull in this god aweful club enviroment of florida..."

............this is because it ain't always about that big DJ, it's about the hype, what your friends are doing and money.

No hype = no interest = no following = no people going clubbin'

I don't know about the beach becoming a hip-hop enthused beach, Saleen why do you think this is the trend? I heard the Source awards aren't even going down in the beach this year.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by tranzwhore

What no 411 on the clubs in Lauderdale?

Oh that's right, no one cares!

voodoo lounge=most packed club in all of florida....

We go not for the music, for the chicks. and the rest of lauderdale is gonna get a boost in the next couple months. lots of money is moving in about 1/4 a way from downtown.. I think there is 3 20 story condos going in... Karma lounge has set themselves up perfectly in my opinion. Wait till those towers are done... Just an influx of 500 people a night will dramticaly impact those upper scale places, like maxes and karma...

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Originally posted by saleen351

thats why we fist pump.......:D

Come on saleen, we all know you do the fist pump because it reminds you of your love life.

and while I agree with some of your opinions, you could have said the same shit last year or the year before.

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>12 million people live in nyc and another 10 million are in driving distance of it. Miami doesn't have the numbers therefore i feel every place on the beach except crobar will go hip hop.......

Not as long as South Beach caters to Europeans. Hip hop sucks. If south beach did go hip hop, then 50% of the hotels would close. Dont see it happening. Thank you for the population guide, what does 12 million nyc'ers have to do with the music scene in sobe?

I would rather be St Tropez or Milan.

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Originally posted by vipnerd

1) I live in Sobe since '92 ... and never saw a salsa/merengue aka "latin night" go off unless it is in a small venue ... some promoters surely tried it ...

Correction my friend for nearly two years Cardozo Nightclub located in the Cardozo Cafe on 13 and Ocean Drive on Friday nights would get pretty packed and on a Saturday Night, that place although not big would get slammed, it only fit a stuffed like 500 peeps and you would have peeps in the sidewalk area as well. But then they sold and half the promoters went off to Bongo's wish has slowed down a bit and definitely not the same crowd, but the women that would go to Cardozo were outta hand......;)

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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

Originally posted by vipnerd

1) I live in Sobe since '92 ... and never saw a salsa/merengue aka "latin night" go off unless it is in a small venue ... some promoters surely tried it ...

Correction my friend for nearly two years Cardozo Nightclub located in the Cardozo Cafe on 13 and Ocean Drive on Friday nights would get pretty packed and on a Saturday Night, that place although not big would get slammed, it only fit a stuffed like 500 peeps and you would have peeps in the sidewalk area as well. But then they sold and half the promoters went off to Bongo's wish has slowed down a bit and definitely not the same crowd, but the women that would go to Cardozo were outta hand......;)

true!.. I went to that party a couple of times and it was off da hook. I also remember Pacha outside by the pool had latin music and inside the ibiza sound and the Locomia guys. :D

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Originally posted by laliux

true!.. I went to that party a couple of times and it was off da hook. I also remember Pacha outside by the pool had latin music and inside the ibiza sound and the Locomia guys. :D

are you talking about the same Locomia guys that dressed up in their weird outfits w/ fans around 10 years ago? they still around? :confused:

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Originally posted by laliux

true!.. I went to that party a couple of times and it was off da hook. I also remember Pacha outside by the pool had latin music and inside the ibiza sound and the Locomia guys. :D

god I love that club.. and good point that the population of Ibiza is only a little over a million at the peak months.

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Originally posted by laliux

true!.. I went to that party a couple of times and it was off da hook. I also remember Pacha outside by the pool had latin music and inside the ibiza sound and the Locomia guys. :D

damn that's true Pacha was fun I use to have a blast their...

and yeup definitely remember the locomia guys that was the first time i saw that at a club.......damn that's oldskool days for me.

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Originally posted by biznation00

Once again, Saleen the club Doctor enlightens us with his swami predictions. :laugh:

p.s. Nick, it's "Closing Party" not "Classics Night"!! ;)

No one dancing, jumping up and down and going crazy for 10 + hours cared about a "Closing Party"

IT's all in the music man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by thehog

No one dancing, jumping up and down and going crazy for 10 + hours cared about a "Closing Party"

IT's all in the music man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



before i moved here, the hog didn't know jack about tracks, one day I played Revolution for him, and now he plays it everyday.. Its the classics that make the people move..

Its like going to a u2 concert, yea they play their new stuff, but if they don't play without you, then the people dont' feel they got their monies worth...

I still have many people asking me to burn them older tracks.. All my boys call and give me nyc reviews, and every review has to do with older tracks...

club space will do a classics night, I know that for a fact.. ;)

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Originally posted by vicman

are you talking about the same Locomia guys that dressed up in their weird outfits w/ fans around 10 years ago? they still around? :confused:

yeah, i am talking about those guys. They are not around anymore but they were when Pacha was here in South Beach. That's old skool.

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