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DT's thought on his night at Space and other stuff


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taken from dtourism.com

Originally posted by DANNY TENAGLIA

Hello Hello,

So, I decided after weeks of debating what to write about Miami that it would simply take too much time to write every single detail. Instead, I figured I would write a post here briefing everyone on the actual events, then have whoever would like to ask me questions here, and I will reply as best I can.

Of course if the questions are silly and out of line, they will BE deleted. Let's keep this fun, technical, professional and not difficult.

Basically my trip to Miami this year was quite awesome despite many obstacles that could have easily turned things sour. But I am very happy to say that things went much, much smoother than it appeared it was going to be, especially the very night before our party at Space.

Originally, Kevin & I were supposed to leave for Miami on Sunday. Of course I was sooooo backed up with new records, CD's, burning CD's, making labels and doing edits & tracks along with the help of my engineer & pal Konrad Carreli.

On Monday, the day before our party, Kevin was still very swamped with guest list request and we were both awake for so many hours already pulling marathons of preparing. Our new flight was Monday about 4pm, then we rescheduled again until the last flight and arrived in Miami on no sleep and were now awake for about 24 hours straight! :0

We landed in Miami and immediately get a call that Space has decided our party will be at the new Space up the block from the old venue and our Be Yourself @ Space event will be the first kick off party there ever.

Needless to say, I was not happy about this. Why? Because I don't like ironing out other people's kinks! So, professionally (as tired as we were) we went straight from the Airport to Space to see the new venue, hear the sound and do a sound check. Sounds simple enough right?

Well, we get there around midnight and the sound is being turned on for the first time. The owner had not even heard it yet! Although he did approve the purchase of the massive speakers, this was the first time it was EQ'd and (supposedly) ready. Well, it did kick ass, I must admit. However, there were still NO speakers in the DJ booth yet and that means I could not have done a proper sound check. Although it may have sounded great on the floor, if I was supposed to play a 12-16 hour set, I wanted to hear the sound in the booth, yet I now had to have faith and wait until the next day, the day of our party. Mind you, construction was still going on with last minute things including installing sinks in the ladies room & installing sound in the second room as well as the Terrace.

Doors opened almost 2 hours late, Space pulled it off! Oscar G. was opening the party and played a great set until about 3:30AM and then I went on. It was a full house already! Loads of smiling happy faces from all over the world and I came on (nervous I might add) to practically everyone facing the booth! :eek:

I was extremely excited at how well the monitoring system worked out. This could have easily been a disaster. Each Friday I play on an enormous monitoring system at Arc and of course I'm a bit spoiled from that. Bad monitoring and delays can make it such a struggle sometimes for even the easiest mixes because your body is being fooled by how much bass it is feeling from the Dance Floor's system. So that again was a blessing and things went well technically. (almost)! About 8am there was a pipe above the console (I have NO idea why it is right above the equipment) and it starting leaking/dripping water on the Mixer and center turntable! I did not let this anger me! The show must go on!

Thank God I am now always prepared for things like this and always burn all my best stuff to CD and wound up basically using mainly one turntable and 2 CD decks for almost the next 10 hours of my set. It started dripping so badly at one point I was holding a cup and catching the water, I even took my hat off to cool off my lil' bald head! LOL

Space finally called a plumber to close the valve and that helped about 90%. This leak even affected the lighting board and the light man had it all covered in garbage bags to protect the gear.

I would still say overall the party was an incredible success! :)

The messed up things (besides the leak) was having the Fire Marshal's come and close the doors and not let any more people in at a peak hour (around 6-7am) for almost TWO hours!

So, so many industry people and others could not get in! My manager Kevin went outside and the Fire Marshal's would not even let him back in for almost a half hour, and he even had an employee radio and still couldn't get back in. Nor could a bus boy! Many people said: "F**k this" and left (as I would have also) and many never got to get in at all. :(

I would estimate there were about 6-7000 people through the doors the entire night and God knows how many walked away. Full price at the door was $60 and less if on the guest list, or with a WMC badge or a Space 5 day pass. Of course many, many of my guest were industry peeps and comped out of obvious industry courtesy.

Here is where I was not so happy about the event.....

Normally, dating back now over ten years I became very use to looking out there and seeing the likes of Cevin Fisher, Farley & Heller, Digweed, Carl Cox, Norman Cook, John Ciafone, MAW, Def Mix crew, Tom Stephan, Sister Bliss, and bus-loads more of industry celebrities and their girlfriends, boyfriends, co-employees, etc.... This year all of the above mentioned were absent and I very much missed vibing with them from the booth. Yes, there were many, many industry people from Darren Emerson to Eric Morillo, Deep Dish, Puff Daddy, Behrouz, Chus, Ceballos, Menaca, DJ Vibe, Rui Da Silva, Manny Ward, Steve Lawler, Leon Roberts, Alex (Frank Sinatra), Jason Edwards and many, many more. But it was different in the sense that I never saw many of the people and only found out over the next few days that they were there. Of course I did see many mentioned, but not all. My point is, it was just different. It felt like it was overexposed to local Miami residents and Spring Break tourist! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE playing for the new generation, but this was the Winter Music Party, and I expected to play more for my peers. I still had a great time and danced my ass off in the booth. Next year I will have to also do a private party just for the industry folks, DJ's, Producer's and label reps so I can provide a comfortable party for them without the sardine can effect like we had at Space.

I heard it was unfortunately about 100 degrees that night/day on the Terrace. The humidity was out of control.

The AC worked rather well inside the club though.

Many people are still comparing the new Space to the old Space. I will say: (IMO) The DJ booth is a billion times better! Much more room to move and dance. More room for your records and CD's as well. Oh, plus a bathroom and a larger entrance for guest to say hi without breathing down your neck. :)

OK........ To the Rhythms.......

I do what I do, period. I have NO set plan on how or when I will play certain songs and at what hour. Of course I know which songs will definitely get played and maybe 3 or four twice after about 8-10 hours. Of course I have new bombs that will deserve a second play for the people that missed it the first time. Never believe someone when they say "He played it 3-4 times"! That is SO extremely rare. When a person says that, they are clueless and are not realizing I may just be teasing people with an accapella part until I do play it one more time. To name two brief examples: King Unique's new bomb track "Ride the snake" and my new drum track that I only call right now "DIBIZA" with the chick screaming "eeehhvreeeboddyy"..... A separate post to come on that one..... Anyhow, that's a simple thing I do triggering samples. Feel free to ask me any questions about the music played as I am getting typed out here and will come back to reply to questions.

Special thanks to all the Be Yourself/DTourism heads that traveled to Miami from New York, San Francisco and beyond (and of course our dear Renaud from Paris too) :)


First of all, I consider my relationship with Space to be a great one. However, I am one to speak my mind as I too am a person first. Sometimes it just has to take a person like me to say what I feel and hopefully it gets through, even if the parties involved do not like what I have said regarding a situation. Basically, I look out for the people first! Here goes >>>>

On Saturday night into Sunday morning, Deep Dish were playing the main room and Danny Howells was on the Terrace. I woke up around 6am to head to Space for the rest of the party which I knew would go way into Sunday afternoon. Extremely disappointed, I awoke to SEVERAL messages from friends who informed me that they were waiting on line (some for an hour) and was being informed by the POLICE that Space's door charge was no longer $50.00 and would now be doubled at $100 per person! W R O N G!!!

>> S H A D Y - M O V E <<

This from any night club is disrespectful to it's loyal customers and I do not care what anyone has to say about this, I will 100% always disagree and always feel that this was a downright wrong thing to do to club patrons.

"I" had to find myself apologizing to people saying "I am sorry to hear of this, I have nothing at all to do with this Saturday party, and I do not own the club" as many people were hoping I could get them in?? I should have never been put in this situation.

Annoyance # 2... Apparently, People from Space were spreading rumors that I was going to be one of the guest DJ's on Sunday morning on the Terrace! Well, I was only ever asked once the week prior to my leaving NY and it was NEVER confirmed. My manager said he was then asked again if I would do it, but Kevin was now back in NY with ALL of my music and I could not have played even if I wanted to, yet the rumor was still going about that I was to play. So, of course when I arrived I was bombarded with the questions: "What time are you going on" Like a bunch of parrots!! I simply could not enjoy myself and was very uncomfortable telling people "I'm not" over & over again. I tried my best to have fun and did enjoy hanging with Deep Dish, Behrouz and many others, but I was confined to a VIP area next to the booth which is NOT my style. But the people out on the dance floor were wearing me out with the same questions! "What time are you starting"? Blah Blah Blah :eek:

So, in retrospect, my Tuesday night party was surprisingly and incredibly enjoyable. I'm already praying that everything goes smoother for next year and there is no entrance/exit drama's, Fire Marshal's, Cover charge crap, Safer Stairways, No leaks, the return of industry people and a rise in record sales to allow more people to be able to afford to travel to Miami (downloading & trading is hurting many) and one more massive prayer for yet another obstacle that I feel severely put a damper on this year's event... NO - MORE - WAR!

Oh Sh**, I almost forgot the second biggest highlight of the entire trip!

"WE" yes "WE" won for "Best Club Night" at the Dance Star Awards! The award reads: DanceStar USA 2003 - BEST CLUB NIGHT - Danny Tenaglia Presents Be Yourself.

I sincerely and most humbly accepted this award on behalf of everyone that makes this party possible. Mostly, the party people who have supported our Friday nights for over four years now, my manager Kevin McHugh, Rob Promotions, the entire Staff of Vinyl (now ARC), Mike Bindra, Niki, Eric Ortense, James Z., Ariel and of course every single DJ that has ever played and/or supported our party and either played with or for me.

I love you all, and this sincerely was the BEST award I could have possibly ever been nominated for (which we were also last year as well) But "WE" took it HOME this year. :)

NO GRAMMY could ever top this feeling of achievement as I am first and foremost a DJ. I am NOT the Best DJ in the world, nor do I strive to be. I love what I do and could not be any happier right where I am in this little corner of the world. So, once again, this was such a joy (mush, mush, mush) and I say "WE" with all due respect because if there was no one out there on the dance floor each week, there would NOT be a party, now would there? ;0

OK..... Time to order dinner from Porto Bello Restaurant :rolleyes:


God Bless all!



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Guest saleen351

What a fucking joke...... I wish i can sign up to his board, but never can get it to work, I think i'm banned just for signing up..

I'm going to say LP and space were right charging 100 bucks to get in. Didn't DT charge 75 for him and howells? And that wasn't the wmc.... Makes no sense. With all the problems of the club, they pulled it off. Maybe DT should take a note out of Bruce Springsteens book (a much more famous, admired, rich, artist) and play music, and not get into any politics of sound systems and bs like that. BS will show up to dives in Nj unannouced and just play, doesn't complain like a little bitch.. Areosmith does it as well. Hell Hooite use to show up and play dives in NC at college to test his new material. Seems DT is worried a mishap in the sound system will make him look bad. DT has got JR V syndrome... His flyer was out of line, and his comments toward space were out of line... Space doesn't need DT.. Thats a fact... He only plays like 4 times a year, and I wouldn't let that prick talk trash about my club.. You are an employee when you are signed up to play. You are suppose to be a company man who looks out of the club. So what if things weren't perfect.. Its the god damm WMC, its not the middle of july.... Fucking asshole...

I won't be at space when he plays. He hurts the industry... Hes talking about the industry people who can't afford to come down, what about the fans that make it all possible who can't come down:confused:

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Diego, your just figuring this out now?

and for the mentally challenged (aka saleen) its the fact that they told everyone that it was going to be $50 then they charged $100. Which is just plain greedy, but hey, its his club.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

Diego, your just figuring this out now?

and for the mentally challenged (aka saleen) its the fact that they told everyone that it was going to be $50 then they charged $100. Which is just plain greedy, but hey, its his club.

ummmmmmmmm wrong...........

how can you blame space for that! Its pure supply and demand.... Its how Adam Smith became famous, the invisible hand... (something above your head)....


Learn a thing or two about the real world. Was it wrong for Dodge or Toyota to crank up prices on the viper and the Sport2000 when demand out stripped supply? Even though it was advertised at a certain price? NO, its their right, and your right to buy a chevy....

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I don't think DT was out of line at all. Exactly...DT doesn't need to kiss Space management's ass to be successful. I respect the fact that he speaks his mind. I only disagree with DT's statement about the war and about piracy. Without the internet and MP3 piracy, we wouldn't even know half of these producers. He even said how many CD's he played at Space. Geez, I wonder how many of those tracks he paid for :mad: what a hippocrit.

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Originally posted by djfrosty

I don't think DT was out of line at all. Exactly...DT doesn't need to kiss Space management's ass to be successful. I respect the fact that he speaks his mind. I only disagree with DT's statement about the war and about piracy. Without the internet and MP3 piracy, we wouldn't even know half of these producers. He even said how many CD's he played at Space. Geez, I wonder how many of those tracks he paid for :mad: what a hippocrit.

so true!!! and im sorry but i would have to agree w/ saleen on the point of that ridiculous door charge!!!! When you have the obscene overhead that space had, and your working 18 to 21 hour shifts, and your club is slammed, with a line wrapping around the block, you gotta do what you gotta do!!!! Its wmc, and space is always gonna have the top parties, why would charge people the normal door price when the next joe behind you is willing to pay happily!!!! Plus they have to due somthing to regulate the occupancy!!!!

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First of all, I've always thought that Danny sometimes whines too much and expects to be treated like a god by any club he's playing at. He's know the powers-that-be behind Space forever now, and he could have just trusted them to install a good monitor rig, rather than getting all worried about it. The leaking pipe was understandable, hell I'd bitch up a storm about it too...

As for the whole $50/$100 thing, Louis himself came on here and explained that he did that to lessen the gridlock at 7 AM outside of his club...he didn't really expect anyone to pay it, but 80 or so fools did...that's $8 grand from some desperate idiots...you know what I could do with half that? I'd have photos being uploaded from a Palm Pilot in my back pocket in realtime to .cooljunkie. as I took them.

His idea of a seperate party for his friends has merit. Dance music is now fairly mainstream, and everyone wants to see one of the legends of the genre. Danny can't expect to crowd his squad of friends in at the same time 7,000 other clubgoers, curious tourists, and clueless spring break misfits are trying to get in.

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

taken from dtourism.com It felt like it was overexposed to local Miami residents and Spring Break tourist!

Overexposed to local Miami residents. gee that must have been horrifying.:rolleyes: considering it is us overexposed local residents, who support you pompous arse when its not wmc. I’ll keep that in mind ,next time you’re in town. in fact I have a better idea go fuck yourself. LP can you give Danny Howells a residency already.
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I have yet to hear a full DT set. The man always starts at 4:00 in the morning.

I give DT props for not biting his tongue and speaking his mind, but I can't say I agree with him. The economy sucks right now. Space has to make money, besides, Luis and company have been plenty nice to everyone on this board IMO. There's always a list or a password for CP.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by diegonyc


goes to show how many people really don't get it...

its so funny you claim to be the man with all the answers yet you never provide any.. Seems many on this board agree with me, maybe not 100% but they do agree. SO PUT UP OR SHUT THE FUCK UP....

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Valid point, Tony...we do indeed support him when it's not WMC.

I despise tourists as much as Danny does, but if it wasn't for tourists, we'd all be paying full cover any night we wanted to go out! The tourists paid his salary for the evening. If Danny gets the door that evening, he should be thanking every one of them.

I'm pretty sure DH has been signed as a resident for Space 34, too.

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Originally posted by saleen351

its so funny you claim to be the man with all the answers yet you never provide any.. Seems many on this board agree with me, maybe not 100% but they do agree. SO PUT UP OR SHUT THE FUCK UP....

when was the last time i claimed to be that person?

if anyone needs to shut the fuck, it's you.

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Danny was at the Bullitt party at the Albion on Thursday ... small ... awesome ... everyone getting drunk ... spinning back to back ... chatting ... and flirting with those gorgeous looking fans :eek: ... not that he would had enjoyed them had it been his party :rolleyes: ... in any event ... A+ PR from Bullitt ... DT's b**ching about the industry people is because he is jealous of parties like Bullitt's ... he didn't think of his people until WMC? ...

Regarding the cover charges on Saturday ... WTF ... it was not his party ... it was the Bullitt roster ... I would only understand it ... had it happened Tuesday nite ... when he apparently keeps the door cover :eek: ... since I don't know 100% that he keeps the door ... I'll keep it low ... but ... why would he charge Space the door proceeds? ($ x 7000 !!!) ... because it is WMC and he can pocket $$$ that otherwise would involve only a fee? ... greediness ... if any ... starts with him ... putting himself apart from Space to look good with "the people he cares = fans" is BS ... UNKOOL ...

He didn't consider either that LP opened his brand new club ... the one which Oakenfold thinks will be the #1 in the nation for a long time ... for his party ... I didn't find gratitude for the gesture ... or coincidence ... had I'd been LP and had imagined his remarks ... I would had opened Space 34 for Tiesto, Oakenfold and Picotto ... could it be that this year NO ONE is talking about Be Yourself as THE PARTY ... now that Space finally got Sasha & Digweed ... or that the Bullit roster party was HUGE ... (stop 'cause I don't like trance :tongue: )

Anyways ... he forgot to mention 'til the end the intentionality of his comment ... that Be Yourself won the award ... common DT ... I'll swallow being at war ... but I wasn't born yesterday to believe the oops! ... how many times did you edit? ... edit once more and put the award s**t at the beginning of your post ... :blank:



he is danny t.. he gets them free cause every producer wants him to play their music.


True ... but the fact that you are given free stuff ... or even if you buy ... it doesn't give you the right to reproduce w/out paying ... or at least ... given permission to reproduce ... even if you are DT ... that is the legal mainframe ... for which even celebrities are liable ...


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But it was different in the sense that I never saw many of the people and only found out over the next few days that they were there. Of course I did see many mentioned, but not all. My point is, it was just different. It felt like it was overexposed to local Miami residents and Spring Break tourist! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE playing for the new generation, but this was the Winter Music Party, and I expected to play more for my peers. I still had a great time and danced my ass off in the booth. Next year I will have to also do a private party just for the industry folks, DJ's, Producer's and label reps so I can provide a comfortable party for them without the sardine can effect like we had at Space.

this is a bunch of crap! .. and I didnt even go to the party.. and I wont go again either .. bullocks!

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If it wasn't for the masses and their money, Danny would not be able to play on a massive sound system like he wants to. Those things just don't pay for themselves. I'd imagine his 'private party' will be hacked together at best at some hotel or lounge somewhere on the beach.

I respect Danny Tenaglia as a DJ, he's done a lot for the craft over the years and he's been a favorite of mine...but I read some of what he says, and what he is quoted in the press as saying, and I sometimes feel that he is more pretentious than the people him and his squad seem to be against...I can understand his pickiness for sound systems and such, but when he starts lambasting the crowds that are lining his pockets, be it people like us, tourists, or clueless spring breakers, that's just going a bit too far...it's one thing if he held those opinions, it's another to air them in public. I'm sure the lapdogs on the Dtourism board are eating it up though...I imagine by February 2004 we're gonna start hearing about this mystical DT "industry" party that we're not invited to in some undisclosed location.

If I was a DJ, I'd want as much exposure as possible for myself...not only to enhance my bank account, but also to get the sound out there, to further it's development. Case in point, Jon and Luis' party at Nerve this past Saturday...while the crowd wasn't what I expected, I did manage to convince a few new people, as well as seeing a few new people, to go to Nerve...the new people I knew were impressed with Jon and Luis' sound, and want to hear more of it....you'd think Danny would want that...

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overexposed to Miami locals?! Fuck Danny "No Talent" Tenaglia.

If it weren't for locals, in any city, in any country, DJs like him would not be making a living, because lord knows that in this age of CD burning and downloading/file sharing they're not making any substantial sales!

DJs make thier money from tours! Miami, it is a tourist town -- just like New York. Look at fucking Times Square, the place is just as touristy as Disneyworld, and cops everywhere, even before 9/11. I don't want a family of eight from Iowa with cameras around their necks and maps in their hands staring me and my girl down in a walk of shame back to the hotel at 9 am on a cold Sunday morning in Manhattan.

Danny Tenaglia thinks he is a star, but in fact if he were just walking down the street one day the average person wouldn't know who the fuck he is. He should relish the fact that money-spending patrons at Space were bothering him, because sooner or later his status will be past tense.

When was the last time he wrote a Top 10 hit? I think not...

Look at Puffy, Oakenfold, BT, Roger Sanchez, DJ Sammy and countless others -- they were actually walking around South Beach shaking hands and having an absolute blast during WMC. They feed off of their loyal fans, not off of a olive oil saturated meal from Porto Bello.


Respect your fans wherever you go, because they will turn their backs on you in a New York minute.

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okay I've had a minute to think about his post....

Now, who the fuck does he really think his, I mean it sounds to me as if he's a big fucking crybaby who's more intersted in getting all his industry peep's comp'd and makeing sure he see's

all his friends out on the dance floor instead of seeing all his loyal overpacked miami locals-you dumb fuck, you're not playing your stupid lil industy party, you're in Miami during the WMC-what else r u to expect...I could go on and on but this idiot is'nt wasting anymore of my time.

That post just made him look stupid, and tells us really what kind of guy he is. Two thumbs down for Danny

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