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Nice Pic from Barcelona


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I smell drama.

Let's just say I wasn't too thrilled about the war, but now that it's being executed, I'm glad to see we're doing a bang up job over there.

As for civillian deaths, well, it's to be expected...but it has been kept to a minimum despite what the their Minister of Propaganda has been saying.

My favorite part has been how he's been saying "there's no US troops in Baghdad", when behind him you hear sirens going off and buildings exploding.

There's no peace demonstrations in Miami for two reasons.

1) Miami's not a town filled with neo-hippies

2) Miami residents have better things to do than block traffic and whine about something that's already in progress.

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Now...if this is really about taking down tyran murderers from their throne of terror...when are we going to get rid of this other guy, hu?



With Russia playing those pussy betrayal games, we can't forget Cuba is only 90 miles away from Sloppy Joe's


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Originally posted by laliux

nope! it achieves destruction, orphans, widows, etc.

So I guess we should have let Hitler have all of Europe:confused:

Yeah and he would have killed every single Jew there.

Then he would have killed every Black.

Saddam in no diff IMO.

Have you not seen that Iraqi guy saying he was tourchered in prison every day for 8 years???????? And his bro died from all the abuse in there. You know what they did to get there?????

They prayed to much. That is just one of the horror stories. Saddam has killed millions of inocent people.

Yes it sucks we have killed some civilans but Saddam has been killing the same amount every single month.

I just can't see how people can be so hartless or just ignorant of this situation.:confused: :confused:

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While we were giving peace a chance, he killed over 2 million of the Iraqi people, they didn't have much of a chance.

Yes civilians died, but there were probably less civilian and coalition deaths than the number of kurds who died in one of sadam's gas attacks (5000+ conservitive estimates)

Now war should always be the last resort, but sometimes you have to use the last resort or admit defeat and let more innocent people die, and have millions more live in fear.

BTW what makes Iraq different than other countries is they forefitted their rights when then invaided Kuwait and plundered and raped (literally) an entire country. AND they agreed that if we stoped the war they would do certain things that they then went back on. That is the line they crossed that justified the action, and why we cant go into Syria, Iran or N. Korea.

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Originally posted by shroomy

BTW what makes Iraq different than other countries is they forefitted their rights when then invaided Kuwait and plundered and raped (literally) an entire country. AND they agreed that if we stoped the war they would do certain things that they then went back on. That is the line they crossed that justified the action, and why we cant go into Syria, Iran or N. Korea.

so are we the World Police?:confused:

All this shit is about money. Period! :mad::D

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1) Barcelona is as big as the capital Madrid ...

2) There is a historic opposition to Madrid's political decisions ... has to do with ethnicities and the historic opposition to the King of Spain and in modern days to Madrid's position ... it is a constant power struggle between Barcelona and Madrid ...

3) Spain is one of a handful of allies the US had in this war ...

4) The majority of the population was against this war in Spain ... on Tuesday ... while waitinig for the Real Madrid soccer game I listened to a one hour debate on radio ... there are intents of a motion to impeach the Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, for his support to the US ...

5) The main reason Spain joined the US in the Iraqui war is because it is in Aznar's best interest to keep supporting war against terrorism ... they have a very difficult terrorist experience with the ETA (terrorist group who seeks the independence of the Basque region) ... all of ETA's actions are in Spain ... even though four of the seven Basque regions are in Spain ... the other three are in southern France ...

6) Aznar hopes to have the US's support post-Iraq in his war against the ETA ...

I hope I didn't bore you guys ... :hat:

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Guest saleen351





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Originally posted by laliux

so are we the World Police?:confused:

All this shit is about money. Period! :mad::D

Oh bullshit, what the fuck did europe do about bosnia?

They sat the fuck around while muslims were being ethnically clensed aka shot in the back of the head.

Then they bitched and moaned that America, as the lone super power had a moral responsibility to do something. So we reluctantly sent in the Nato planes (aka 90% US planes) and the shit stoped in a week.

Most of Europe just looks the fuck out for themselves and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else.

They need to grow some fucking balls and do the right thing at least every once in a while.

And I am so fucking sick of people saying it is about $$$, they say we are fighting for $$$. What money? No matter what we did, do you really think we will recoup the cost of the war? And besides, money is what we use to feed people, money is what we use to fund aids programs, money is what we use to pay for medical care. etc... w/o money, people die, simple as that.

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Originally posted by shroomy

Oh bullshit, what the fuck did europe do about bosnia?

They sat the fuck around while muslims were being ethnically clensed aka shot in the back of the head.

Then they bitched and moaned that America, as the lone super power had a moral responsibility to do something. So we reluctantly sent in the Nato planes (aka 90% US planes) and the shit stoped in a week.

Most of Europe just looks the fuck out for themselves and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else.

They need to grow some fucking balls and do the right thing at least every once in a while.

And I am so fucking sick of people saying it is about $$$, they say we are fighting for $$$. What money? No matter what we did, do you really think we will recoup the cost of the war? And besides, money is what we use to feed people, money is what we use to fund aids programs, money is what we use to pay for medical care. etc... w/o money, people die, simple as that.

:aright: ...ur drill sergeant would be proud...

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Originally posted by shroomy

Oh bullshit, what the fuck did europe do about bosnia?

They sat the fuck around while muslims were being ethnically clensed aka shot in the back of the head.

Then they bitched and moaned that America, as the lone super power had a moral responsibility to do something. So we reluctantly sent in the Nato planes (aka 90% US planes) and the shit stoped in a week.

Most of Europe just looks the fuck out for themselves and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else.

They need to grow some fucking balls and do the right thing at least every once in a while.

And I am so fucking sick of people saying it is about $$$, they say we are fighting for $$$. What money? No matter what we did, do you really think we will recoup the cost of the war? And besides, money is what we use to feed people, money is what we use to fund aids programs, money is what we use to pay for medical care. etc... w/o money, people die, simple as that.

Well atleast we agree on something.

I mean how much money is this war and reconstruction going to cost the US??

When you ass holes say it's about money I guess you mean the US loosing money??

Because we aint gaining any thing for sure.

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A few questions to see if anyone here actually knows anything about the big picture.....

Why did Osama bin Laden form Al-Qaeda and what was its main target?

What event happened that he started targeting the US? BTW this is also the main cause of anger toward the US in the arab world. (hint it is not the Palestine Israel issue..)

What are the last 3 wars Iraq fought and why?

and if you have to look these up, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! when you are talking about peoples lives, don't just sprout idealisic slogans. There are many people who oppose the war in Iraq that I totally respect, because they can justify their stance (I just dont agree.) If you can't justify yours, Im going to eat your ass alive in any debate. If you don't know... thats cool there are lots of horible things going on in the world that I don't have a clue about, I just don't make any blanket statements about them.

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