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Are you preparing for summer?

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once again william re-read, i said "enough of the prep in the gym digga has also been prepin up in other ways"

so keep eating sir william and keep "LIFTING" bacause there is NO HOPE FOR YA!!!!!!!!!! we need little guys like you to put a smile on our faces while you tumble down the steps!!!!!!!!.........

and without you there would be no comaprison from fat and skinny!!!!!!!!!!!

well see sir william about SAT...................we're hittin up deko sat night, its a long troop from deko to factory, id def like to hit it up but it just aint the same in the JUNGLE any more, NA MEAN WILLIAM!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by roddigga

once again william re-read, i said "enough of the prep in the gym digga has also been prepin up in other ways"

so keep eating sir william and keep "LIFTING" bacause there is NO HOPE FOR YA!!!!!!!!!! we need little guys like you to put a smile on our faces while you tumble down the steps!!!!!!!!.........

and without you there would be no comaprison from fat and skinny!!!!!!!!!!!

well see sir william about SAT...................we're hittin up deko sat night, its a long troop from deko to factory, id def like to hit it up but it just aint the same in the JUNGLE any more, NA MEAN WILLIAM!!!!!!!

Believe me kid my goal is not to be 220 lbs with traps that look like the Himallayahs... Personally I am not about the look....

I am all about the 170 tone and lean with cut and keeping my six pack..... So the no hope comment that ok because I was not hoping to hit pass 170 I am 10 lbs shy of 170.... Lifting weight and all the other shit is not about looking like a big juicehead it is about what you like..................


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I have upped my cardio to 45 mins 4-5 times a week...I lift 4-5 times a week & do abs everyday (or at least am tryin to)....I hate havin a bad back know & the doctor's dunno what's wrong so i am doing light weights when i lift

The eating "healthy" is kinda killin me though :(

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Originally posted by neena16

Like Mystify said (thanks sweetie for your advice:D ) I do include olive oil, nuts, fiber one, fruit, yogurts, oatmeal, chicken, fish, etc. in my diet. I barely eat junk foods...I'm pretty disciplined about that. I still think I'm missing something.

lol I buy Fiber One too - :laugh: I feel like such an old lady eating that, my friends make fun of me! ;)

Also...have you tried incorporating interval cardio instead of just doign 60 minutes at one rate, try doing 45 minutes of interval (ex. Run for 3 minutes, walk for 1, and do that over and over)

I started doing interval cardio and it's helped a lot.....

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I took trim spa the other day..worked out for over and hour..did to much weight training ..did not realize that i was over doing it..because the trim spa made me fel like i was super woman..now i feel like I was in a car accident..I cant move my arms.

Someone help me :( im hurtin right now!!

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I hope in between all of this working out, you are all hitting the tanning salon to prepare for the summer. No sense of showing off your bod's if it is pasty white!

I haven't stopped tanning or working out since last summer, but now its all about upping the intensity..... since I work two jobs and getting to the gym is near impossible some nights, I have started doing Winsor pilates at home... I LOVE IT :) I also plan on staying under 30 carbs a day starting May 1st (I do that every year to firm up and shed excess fat) and am trying to hit the tanning salon at least twice a week.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

3rdfloor...let me field this question...Great ratio split...I like it alot....My whole thing is Carb Cycling Combined with Calorie Cycling....Here is my cut plan...perfected by a true iron brother.


Mon 100 50 250

Tue 75 50 250

Wed 50 50 250

Thur 300 40 250

Fri 250 40 250

Sat 200 40 250

Sun 150 40 250

What helps keep muscle....G.H.,TEST, EQ & Clen....but who would ever do that? T-3 & clen works as well....clen is anti-catabolic...t-3 wil eat both fat and muscle....so you need both together.

Stacked I am about to hit up a similar carb cycling for the 1st time. Have you done this before and do you like it?

I am hitting up 150mg EOD fina, 150 EOD prop, and 100 ED of winny. Should I throw in the clen as well, I have yet to take it but whatever will help me get me down to 6-8% BF i will take.

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Originally posted by nickfreg

Stacked I am about to hit up a similar carb cycling for the 1st time. Have you done this before and do you like it?

I am hitting up 150mg EOD fina, 150 EOD prop, and 100 ED of winny. Should I throw in the clen as well, I have yet to take it but whatever will help me get me down to 6-8% BF i will take.

Staying at 6% for more than a few days is a mighty painful thing to do.

Most people would only severely carb deplete for a short time just to get that low for a show or something.

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Originally posted by ou812

Staying at 6% for more than a few days is a mighty painful thing to do.

Most people would only severely carb deplete for a short time just to get that low for a show or something.

I am 10-11% now. Getting to 8% should not be hard. Carb depleting to 6% is my goal. And for shows most BB's aim to actually get lower than that. My show just happens to be Surf Club sundays.

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Nick...DIET and Cardio will get you to your goal...You will not get to 6% though....Shoot for 8%...Run the prop. 100migs ED.... Fina 75migs ED and the Winny 50mgs ED..(YOU CAN DRINK WINNY)! Get Arimidex or Nolvadex...Winny & Prop are probably one of the best combos out there....Clen is cycled 2 weeks on 2 weeks off...You have to ramp up to a tolerable dose....start with 20mcg/day and work up to 100-120mcg....Clen makes you feel crazy....becareful. PS: This is just my opinion and do not speak from personal experience.Steroids are illegal without a prescription.

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Drinking Winny is a JOKE! Why pay 8, 10 or 12 bucks an amp for Winny and then drink it? Get IP's Oral Winny at 50mg per tab. They're roughly a buck a tab and take two per day.

100 mg's of Prop per day??? Are you kidding? 300 - 400 mgs of Prop per week will suffice especially if you are trying to cut up in the process. You don't take 700 mgs of Prop per week and expect to cut. lol.

Also scrap the Arimidex. It's bad for your blood lipid profile (read higher cholesterol). Stick with Aromasin instead; it's the best 3rd gen anti-E out there. Aromasin will TOTALLY suppress estrogen and will all but eliminate the Aromtase enzyme.

Run Clen post cycle. Clen is an AWESOME cortisol blocker. Clen post cycle is what will help you keep your gains along with Clomid and HCG.

150 MG EOD of Tren is too.i much. RUn 60 - 75 mgs EOD. Are you receptors that shot that you need 150 Tren EOD? Only Jay Cutler would need that amount.

Get some DNP as well. Run it for six days ramping up and then down (200mgs per day then, 400, 600, 600, 400, 200, finish!

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Pyros...listen here...

#1 when your going to run test you need to be at least over 400...700migs is not bad at all...you have no clue what you are talking about....300mg will shut you down and just make up for the test you are not producing...

#2. Jay Cutler doesnt even run Fina...FACT!

#3. To get best results from Fina run it 75mg/DAY....


#5. DNP you are a fucking MORON...Do not ever recommend that shit...You will be responsible for someones death.

PS: How do you measure 60migs of fina WHAT is that 9/10 of 1ml....your a joke.

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Pyros...listen here...


#1 when your going to run test you need to be at least over 400...700migs is not bad at all...you have no clue what you are talking about....300mg will shut you down and just make up for the test you are not producing...

#2. Jay Cutler doesnt even run Fina...FACT!

#3. To get best results from Fina run it 75mg/DAY....


#5. DNP you are a fucking MORON...Do not ever recommend that shit...You will be responsible for someones death.

PS: How do you measure 60migs of fina WHAT is that 9/10 of 1ml....your a joke.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Nick...DIET and Cardio will get you to your goal...You will not get to 6% though....Shoot for 8%...Run the prop. 100migs ED.... Fina 75migs ED and the Winny 50mgs ED..(YOU CAN DRINK WINNY)! Get Arimidex or Nolvadex...Winny & Prop are probably one of the best combos out there....Clen is cycled 2 weeks on 2 weeks off...You have to ramp up to a tolerable dose....start with 20mcg/day and work up to 100-120mcg....Clen makes you feel crazy....becareful. PS: This is just my opinion and do not speak from personal experience.Steroids are illegal without a prescription.

Bro, I've done a fair amt of shit, so my dosages of prop, fina and winny are going to stay the same. Have you seen better results from 75mg fina ED instead of the 150 EOD? I took clen before and it made me CRAZY too. I had to stop the shit. I was looking for input on your carb cycle. I have tried the Mr. X CKD which was 6 days less than 30 carbs, 7th day carb up but it left me way too lethargic.

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Drinking Winny is a JOKE! Why pay 8, 10 or 12 bucks an amp for Winny and then drink it? Get IP's Oral Winny at 50mg per tab. They're roughly a buck a tab and take two per day.

100 mg's of Prop per day??? Are you kidding? 300 - 400 mgs of Prop per week will suffice especially if you are trying to cut up in the process. You don't take 700 mgs of Prop per week and expect to cut. lol.

Also scrap the Arimidex. It's bad for your blood lipid profile (read higher cholesterol). Stick with Aromasin instead; it's the best 3rd gen anti-E out there. Aromasin will TOTALLY suppress estrogen and will all but eliminate the Aromtase enzyme.

Run Clen post cycle. Clen is an AWESOME cortisol blocker. Clen post cycle is what will help you keep your gains along with Clomid and HCG.

150 MG EOD of Tren is too.i much. RUn 60 - 75 mgs EOD. Are you receptors that shot that you need 150 Tren EOD? Only Jay Cutler would need that amount.

Get some DNP as well. Run it for six days ramping up and then down (200mgs per day then, 400, 600, 600, 400, 200, finish!

I have the IP so drinking it wont be possible

Taking 300mg of prop a week is a fucking waste. I am up around the 750-1000mg range so 300 wont do anything but shut me down

you know nothing about tren. 150mg EOD is far from too much. I dont feel like starting a pissing match but you are flat wrong about my receptors, and Jay Cutler.

DNP- Research DNP before you recommend using it. People will read what you just wrote, take that shit and fucking DIE from it. Stay away from DNP

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Originally posted by nickfreg

I have the IP so drinking it wont be possible

Taking 300mg of prop a week is a fucking waste. I am up around the 750-1000mg range so 300 wont do anything but shut me down

you know nothing about tren. 150mg EOD is far from too much. I dont feel like starting a pissing match but you are flat wrong about my receptors, and Jay Cutler.

DNP- Research DNP before you recommend using it. People will read what you just wrote, take that shit and fucking DIE from it. Stay away from DNP

I am on DNP............:idea: .......j/k

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