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How many girls here ???


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Can double dutch like it ain't no thang but a chicken wing on a string....??

any cool songs u used to sing to yourself ?

Or were you the kind of girl who played patty cake (sp.?)

Guys can answer too, although I dont know to many who did either of those...

On the topic, what games did u use to play as a kid?? Manhunt, ring and run, Doctor! :D

If you could be 5-10 years old for a day what would you do ?


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manhunt, kickball, stickball, basketball, soccer, freeze-tag, put a can on the back tire and pretend it was a street bike, and many more but I cant think of them:confused:

I loved it when they came out with the basketball hoop you can lower and hire so lil kids could dunk... We use to have our own lil dunk contests with all the kids from my neighborhood:D

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Originally posted by origskeemr

manhunt, kickball, stickball, basketball, soccer, freeze-tag, put a can on the back tire and pretend it was a street bike, and many more but I cant think of them:confused:

I loved it when they came out with the basketball hoop you can lower and hire so lil kids could dunk... We use to have our own lil dunk contests with all the kids from my neighborhood:D

DAMN! Manhunt! how could I forget! Such a staple of my youth. Somebody please remind me the rules.
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i'm a champion hula hooper - no one could ever beat me. i'm a kickass jump roper, too, but i didn't get to do double-dutch till i got to high school, because the black girls at my junior high wouldn't let white girls play :( .

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Ring and run, tag, Asses up, STOOP :drool:, Baseball, Handball, Red light Green Light 1,2,3 :D, Hot peas and butter, Just climbing fences, Toy guns, and Basketball Ghetto style.... :D:laugh:

If I could be a kid of a day, I would just love to run around and do stupid shit. I dont have the stamina that I once had. :D:cool:

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Originally posted by rdancer

Ring and run, tag, Asses up, STOOP :drool:, Baseball, Handball, Red light Green Light 1,2,3 :D, Hot peas and butter, Just climbing fences, Toy guns, and Basketball Ghetto style.... :D:laugh:

If I could be a kid of a day, I would just love to run around and do stupid shit. I dont have the stamina that I once had. :D:cool:

what are "stoop" and "hot peas and butter"?
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