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"I need a man so he can financially support me"


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Yup so thats what one of my friends said to myself and 3 of my friends today, and she was dead serious about it too....there starts a big disagreement about how relying on someone for financial stability is insane. I eventually got fed up and walked away. I just happen to find this completely IDIOTIC and couldn't stand to be there anymore.

Anyone else ever hear this from one of their friends/family?:rolleyes:

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Maybe back in the 50's that kind of talk would work, but definitely not nowadays, where divorce rate is so high, and people get married later.

Maybe they were just saying that as an "ideal" situation. I sometimes joke with my buddies that one day i'll meet a rich widow who will provide for me, but i don't really mean that.

They seem to not be in the know. Tis a shame, they will find out the hard way :^\

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Maybe they were just saying that as an "ideal" situation. I sometimes joke with my buddies that one day i'll meet a rich widow who will provide for me, but i don't really mean that.

No she was dead on serious thats the sad part

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i dont see the big deal..if....the girl comes from a well off family or comes from a comfortable lifestyle

. i have a friend who says that her husband has to be at least making 100,000 a yr before they marry and i seriously dont look @ her in a bad way. The girl comes from money..so its logical that she wants someone who is financially stable...why would she want to take a step back ? we work our asses off all of our lives to move up in society and people look bad upon others who want to keep a certain status? thats just wrong...

but then again my friend is an awesome student....with a REAL major..and studies her ass off....if she was some low life hoodrat id understand hatin on her..but in this case..i give her nothin but credit

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I dunno man.

I mean, times are changing, and i see more and more women entering the work force than ever before, even if they came from well off families.

I can understand using previous wealth as a measure stick. That makes a lot of sense. But to say a statement like " I need a man to financially support me" sounds so desperate and dependent, that i would be turned off by a girl who said that :rolleyes:

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Maybe I should also explain that she doesnt come from money, she doesnt work her ass off at school, she has a job, but only goes once or twice a week by her choice. and she has a child, and another on the way, which you think would be enough to motivate her. Dont get me wrong shes a sweetie but cmon now, shouldnt she depend on herself instead of saying that she only wants a man so he could give her money.

I can understand having standards, we all have them, but IMO her outlook is ridiculous

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Originally posted by Destiny

Yup so thats what one of my friends said to myself and 3 of my friends today, and she was dead serious about it too....there starts a big disagreement about how relying on someone for financial stability is insane. I eventually got fed up and walked away. I just happen to find this completely IDIOTIC and couldn't stand to be there anymore.

Anyone else ever hear this from one of their friends/family?:rolleyes:

Can I financially support you??? ;)

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I would never be comfortable depending on any man to support me financially. I have worked hard to get my degree and I have plans to take my education further. To be independent is a reflection of that hard work and I wouldn't give that up for anyone.

The idea is to have each person bringing something to the table. There should be a balance. just my .02

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That is what my stepsister says all the time, I want to ring her neck when she says it....with her, it's simply laziness :rolleyes:

I can't deal with that, I want to be successful for myself and be able to buy myself things and have my own life....!

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On a more serious note. I would not mind supporting. But I believe the woman should get an education or some kind of experience in something. I have seen to many married woman break up with there husbands and have nothing to fall back on. No skills, no education, no experience. Thats a :nono:

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Originally posted by elementx

On a more serious note. I would not mind supporting. But I believe the woman should get an education or some kind of experience in something. I have seen to many married woman break up with there husbands and have nothing to fall back on. No skills, no education, no experience. Thats a :nono:

I tell her thats where she's going to end up, but she's convinced that she'll have men supporting her until the day she dies:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Destiny

I tell her thats where she's going to end up, but she's convinced that she'll have men supporting her until the day she dies:rolleyes:

So she doesn't think :

~he could die 1st

~they could get a divorce

~he could become permanently handicapped

~they might have too many kids to support with only 1 breadwinner.

I think it's important to bring these to her awareness. ALL of these...


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Originally posted by Destiny

I tell her thats where she's going to end up, but she's convinced that she'll have men supporting her until the day she dies:rolleyes:

Tell her she is sadly mistaken... Besides doesn't a person feel better about themselves when they can make it on there own. I believe that if you have to depend on someone else you never get that sense of worth. But that is just my 2 pennies...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

So she doesn't think :

~he could die 1st

~they could get a divorce

~he could become permanently handicapped

~they might have too many kids to support with only 1 breadwinner.

I think it's important to bring these to her awareness. ALL of these...


No sweetie its not a "he" its a "they"

she wants a bf, uses him, then buh bye and on to the next one:rolleyes:

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I want a man who lives comfortably and can afford nice things

and I want to have my own money to support myself if he leaves or something happens to him.

When I marry I want the both of us to have our own bank accounts, to spend our own money as we choose...as well as a joint account to spend on our home and family.

I like to be independent but also know that my man can provide for a nice lifestyle...besides when people dont have any money and they hate their jobs, they are miserable...I dont want a miserable man to bring me down.

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Originally posted by runway

I want a man who lives comfortably and can afford nice things

and I want to have my own money to support myself if he leaves or something happens to him.

When I marry I want the both of us to have our own bank accounts, to spend our own money as we choose...as well as a joint account to spend on our home and family.

I like to be independent but also know that my man can provide for a nice lifestyle...besides when people dont have any money and they hate their jobs, they are miserable...I dont want a miserable man to bring me down.


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