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Ivano Interview on Clubhoppers


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I know some of you aren't too Ivano friendly, but here's an interview I picked out of the www.clubhoppers.net website for interesting reading. Whether you like Ivano or not, you still have to respect how far he's come & what he's done for Space & the rest of the scene. Besides, some of you might learn something...

Congrats to Ivano, week after week you're out there makin' it happen. Big Thanks & keep it up!! :)

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Ivano Bellini :: Miami's Sunshine Man

By: Eloy Velazquez

It's 8:00 AM! Do you know where your son or daughter is on this beautiful, Sunday morning? If he or she is a Clubhopper, then look no further than Club Space's terrace because it is very likely that he or she is there and having a wonderful time. Partying after hours have never been so good; especially when Ivano takes over the turntables. Talk about resurrecting after hour partying and in such a big way. After the demise of The Mix, there wasn't really any place to go to for an after party but since 3 years ago, Club Space has taken over the after hour party scene and has succeed it due entirely to the hard work and charisma that is Ivano Bellini. These after hour parties have become so popular that people are willing to wake up at 5:00 AM just to go to Club Space to have a good time. Talk about dedication from his fans. Ivano, meanwhile, has been building his resume with several residencies on South Beach and tours world wide. He is now known as one of Miami's best deejays. In addition to his work behind the decks, he has also recently come out with a compilation that is rocking the dance floors around the world. His compilation, "The Real Miami House Sessions" is definitely putting Miami on the map as the up and coming House capital of the U.S. In the following interview, we discuss as to why he needed to express to his fans about not using Protools for his compilation, his thoughts on the rise of Chill Out Music, and if whether deejays are being paid too much money.

1) First of all, I realized that, in your latest compilation, "The Real Miami House Sessions", you talk about why you did not use Protools. Was this very important to let your fans know of whether or not you were using Protools and why?

- Well I thought a lot about it and after all I decided to mix it the "old fashion" way. Live in my room with turntables, mixer and CD players. I did a lot of pre-production work on the tracks though. Editing and using loops of intros, outros and vocals to make the mixes sound more seamless. I just wanted the CD to sound a close to a live set as possible and the best way to get that sound and feel was to mix it the same way I would do in a club

2) Did you have a difficult time, like other deejays, when composing this compilation or did you have an easy time in getting all the tracks you wanted? Was there a track or two you wished you had the chance to play but could not due to licensing or other considerations?

- I selected around 20-22 tracks for this CD and ended -up with 12. There were a few that I decided not to use and a few that I couldn't get. There was also a whole bunch of tracks that I love and that I've been playing but they are either remixes/edits that I did or bootleg mixes that I knew would never get approval.

3) You are involved in quite a few residencies between clubs here in South Florida. Do you ever get tired of going from one club, one night to another club, the next night? Do you ever wish having one big permanent residency like, for example, Luis Diaz at the old Groove Jet or George Acosta at the old Shadow Lounge?

- I used to play in one club only for a long time (Bash, Living Room, etc..). There's good and bad to it. Right now, I love to play in different venues every week. I gives me the opportunity to play for different crowds and various atmospheres thus adapting the music to the environment.

4) What are your thoughts about the rise of Ambient, Downtempo, Chill Out Music? Do you think that Electronic Dance Music, in general, is going downward?

- Although I'm not playing much of ambient and downtempo, I really love the sound and feel of it. It gives electronic music a broader exposure by allowing people who might not be into heavy beats to get into it. As a records label owner I also think that there's a huge market out there for this type of music.

I don't think dance music is going downward at all. Look at the expectations and buzz surrounding this year's Winter Music Conference.

5) How are things working out with being a part owner of S.F.P Records? What can we, as clubhoppers, expect from this label in 2003?

- More hits, more club anthems and more compilations but also a few "artists" CDs. Also we're just getting into the label themed party scene with the Therapy party at Luna. More will come.

6) Are all of your relationships with fellow deejays at other clubs very amiable or is there a bit of friendly competition between you and the other locals?

- I've been djing in Miami for 11 years so I know most of the Djs around here and most of them are good friends and we hang out when we're not playing. I don't think there's a competition with the ones that have regular gigs or residencies but obviously there will always be a few jealous ones trying to make a name for themselves and who will be looking to push you out and take your place. It comes with the territory.

7) Honestly, and please don't put it very delicately. How would you compare the scene on South Beach/Downtown Miami as compared to other dance capitals of the world? What can we, as South Floridians do, to improve the scene if any?

- I think we have one of the best club scene around the world . Really!!. Where else in the world can you party non-stop from friday night to monday morning year round?? And weekdays are good too. What we might need is a little more diversity.

Maybe club owners should try something new and not try to copy the club next door just because they're successful.

8) I am currently working on another story entitled, "Are Deejays Being Too Overpaid?". What is your opinion to this question?

- Humm...wrong guy to ask that to. Here's what I think, if a DJ is making 2 or 5 or 10 or 50 grand per performance but he's bringing 2000 or 5000 or more people to the venue who are going to pay 20 or 40 bucks to get in, then he's deserving every penny he's asking for. Personally I think that some are not worth the price compared to the performance, but as long as people follow them then just pay the DJ

9) What are your plans for WMC 2003? Give us your hectic schedule so that all Clubhoppers will know where to find you.

- Space afterhours almost every morning, Ultra, SFP Records Annual WMC party at Luna on friday night, Shelborne pool party on wednesday afternoon, Shelborne pool party on friday afternoon and an in store appearance at Grooveman on thursday afternoon...so far

10) Any final thoughts?

- Go out to the clubs!! Have fun, enjoy the music and appreciate the fact that we're lucky to have some of the best clubs in the world with some of the finest DJs...Be safe!


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Are all of your relationships with fellow deejays at other clubs very amiable or is there a bit of friendly competition between you and the other locals?

Ivano Bellini:

I've been djing in Miami for 11 years so I know most of the Djs around here and most of them are good friends and we hang out when we're not playing. I don't think there's a competition with the ones that have regular gigs or residencies but obviously there will always be a few jealous ones trying to make a name for themselves and who will be looking to push you out and take your place. It comes with the territory."

I call it free competition ... ;)

To give Ivano some of the recognition he could deserve ... we have sent him twice in the past two months down to Central America ... he packed both clubs ... only last Friday was the second time ...

He layed down the ground for our promoters there to believe in bringing down DJs ... a month after Ivano played in Guatemala ... the same promoters took the chance and brought down Sasha last week :eek:

His sounds are too commercial for some of us music heads ... but the easiness of his beats brings awareness to house music on the less knowledgeable ... and like it or not ... he is opening markets for other Djs ...

Same doors will open for other Djs in Miami ... at the right time ... :cool:

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Originally posted by vipnerd

To give Ivano some of the recognition he could deserve ... we have sent him twice in the past two months down to Central America ... he packed both clubs ... only last Friday was the second time ...

He layed down the ground for our promoters there to believe in bringing down DJs ... a month after Ivano played in Guatemala ... the same promoters took the chance and brought down Sasha last week :eek:

His sounds are too commercial for some of us music heads ... but the easiness of his beats brings awareness to house music on the less knowledgeable ... and like it or not ... he is opening markets for other Djs ...

Same doors will open for other Djs in Miami ... at the right time ... :cool:

That was on the $$.. Very well stated!! :aright:

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Originally posted by vipnerd

To give Ivano some of the recognition he could deserve ... we have sent him twice in the past two months down to Central America ... he packed both clubs ... only last Friday was the second time ...

He layed down the ground for our promoters there to believe in bringing down DJs ... a month after Ivano played in Guatemala ... the same promoters took the chance and brought down Sasha last week

His sounds are too commercial for some of us music heads ... but the easiness of his beats brings awareness to house music on the less knowledgeable ... and like it or not ... he is opening markets for other Djs ...

good post...and i totally agree with ur hinting at...i couldnt agree with u more....SHIP BELLINI TO CENTRAL AMERICA!!! ...thats a great idea:idea:

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I don't know...

I first heard Ivano when Opium was only Opium Restaurant in 2000, and he used to DESTROY that place. I was very impressed with the man, and I think he does a good job.

Maybe he doesn't play AS UNDERGROUND as some hardcore heads would like it, but it's definietly not top 40, far from it.

If you find yourselves getting too critical when you go out, I think you go out for the wrong reasons. Maybe another pill would solve your worries (ok, ok I didn't say that).

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by lolahotass

- I don't think there's a competition with the ones that have regular gigs or residencies but obviously there will always be a few jealous ones trying to make a name for themselves and who will be looking to push you out and take your place. It comes with the territory.

i wonder if hes talking about roland???????????????????????????

fuck em roland, hes out of a job soon........

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ok, im not from Miami and i dont get to go to Space whenever i want to like most of you guys. but when i make that flight from Philly down to Miami a couple times a year, Space is usually on my mind. Ivano Bellini is responsible for creating some of the best memories i have of Miami, and the club scene down there!

Roland and Oscar G are incredible DJ's, that i honestly feel lucky to have heard them numerous times. i love those 3 residents for different reasons. But what exactly is everyone's beef with Ivano??? you guys call him cheesy? explain that please. im just really curious on why some of you guys dont like him.

anyhow, that was my 2 cents. blast me for this if you want, im ready lol


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