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Candy Ravers Are The Most Annoying.....

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well we can only talk about walking rainbows of the drug persuasion so much. i mean do we all remember that picture of the three BUSTED girls that were at the wmc on here? i don't want to see that. i want to see girls in barely anything with tight pants on. now that's what i want to see.

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Originally posted by curiousmind

you people take things way to seriously

Not really. Making fun of candy ravers is so 2000. I would laugh, but it's not really that funny.

It's more more fashionable to make fun of the raging guidos now.

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Originally posted by curiousmind

but the main reason why parties and clubs get shut down is because of the candy ravers and there inability to handle drugs. you go to a rave and you see way more drugged out kids in k holes then if you go to a 21 + club, with sound factory being the exception, so if you want to put the blame somewhere for ruining the scene, put it on the 15 year old candy ravers. that's another reason why they are annoying

Most of the drug busts leading to the closing of Twilo happened on Saturday night -- which was 21+ only. When they closed both Sound Factory and Exit on the same night, it was also a 21+ crowd. While "candy ravers" may be the poster children for closing clubs, they are not the ones caught by the police when drugs are at issue. Therefore, you should reconsider your negative impression that they should somehow be hated just because they are chewing on lollipops.

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Originally posted by curiousmind

as for you karisma, your telling me you've never seen a fight at a rave? i have, tons, people selling beat shit. and you don't think candy ravers are looking at your ass? please, they are still guys with hormones, bums look at your ass when you walk by. i hope they go into sugar shock and die with those lollipops.

new york is the shadiest place to be a raver without question. you wanna know what really killed the scene, look to the thugs that start those fights and sell the fake shit, not the candy ravers.

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