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What made Twilo so Special??

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WHat everyone said is quite true. Twilo had its great moment and the crowd there was real cool. They had so many great DJ's spinning almost every week. But there will be one club I will always miss and for all the old timers you know...."Palladium". (RIP)..

I will never forget that club and the vibe it has always brought. No club can ever surpass what Palladium brought. It had great music, beautiful people, & the atmosphere was of the hook. Shall always miss that club........

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Twilo was (and will forever be) the best club to ever exist! The reason: The people! The people! And if I forgot to mention it, the people! A great crowd looking out for each other listening to great music.

I feel bad that its over, but worse for the new clubbers that will never get to experience what it was like to be at TWILO!

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I started going to Twilo in 97.

I've never been a fan of Sasha, Digweed, Carl Cox, or any of the dj's who spun there on Friday nights. I was a fan of Juniorverse, and that party made going to Twilo more than worth it. Both the experience and the music on a Sunday afternoon were just beautiful. The Juniorverse venue represented house music at its finest.

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that was EXCELLENT- thank you for writing that! i felt my heart rate increase...

Originally posted by kitty19

i appreciate new comers into clubland that are willing to hear what the old geezers have to say about their past clubbing experiences. ;)

i was talking to a British guy and he's telling me how he flew in from London for the sole purpose of going to Twilo. i asked him why and he simply answers, "Twilo is the Mecca for all electronica followers." i couldn't agree more.

there was nothing fancy about Twilo. a HUGE empty warehouse. the best sound/lights in the city. it was always a circus of people as everyone still talks about.

you walked in and all you heard were the pounding beats. almost everyone on line knew who was spinning. you came there to hear the DJ. the main room is a sea of people screaming, cheering, dancing, whistles being blown, a mob of people breaking/playing with stixx. you walk into the crowd and everyone is smiling and asking you if you are having a good time.

as the night progresses, the music just seems to get better, louder, darker. you can't stop dancing b/c.. well, everyone else around you can't stop dancing either! you find yourself meeting people from around the world who have all come to pay homage to Twilo.

the houselights would come on at around 6,7,8 am but everyone is still chanting the DJ's name.. PvD, Sasha, Digweed, Carl Cox, Sander K, Lawler, Basement Jaxx, Danny Tenaglia, Judge Jules, Nick Warren, Dave Seaman, Layo and Bushwacka, Tilt, Cass and Slide, Howells, Junior, Timo Maas.. just to name a few of the DJ names I remember screaming...

the DJ then throws down another encore after encore and the cheering starts to fill your ears and you have to squeeze in that last dance. the DJ then comes out of the booth to more cheering, gives people pounds, waves into the crowd, hugs a few girls..

and you knew you could do this EVERY FRIDAY.

RIP twilo. the little details of the place still gives me chills. waiting on line for water and meeting TONS of heads, the power bar, the VIP room, the pyramid seating area, the great wall of asians, the unisex bathrooms, the huge disco ball...

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the sound system was incredible, it wasn't a big dance floor, but it was very easy to get lost, and feel trapped. It had to be the largest disco ball EVER, if that thing fell it would of killed people. The neon lights were awsome, I could go on and on. Since the end of Twilo thats when the city just started shutting these places down. All was required to walk through a metal detector, they didn't care that you used drugs. It will be a while b4 we feel that vibe again.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

PLUS, you always knew you were getting in that night (provided you were old enough and had ID) no matter what you wore or how many guys you showed up with.

thats not really true though...

way back in the day on fridays if you showed up as a group of guys and it was late they wouldn't always let you in...

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I never really post on this board anymore....I used to post tons when I was big into "the scene".....aka. when Twilo was open. Nothing will ever compare to the fun I used to have there and the great people I met, as well as the music that I fell in love with. You could walk into Twilo without knowing a soul, and leave having had the best time of your life. I first went to Twilo for S&D for the Halloween party in 99 and didn't stop going till it closed. No matter how crowded it got the music was always slammin and I didn't care if the club was overly crowded by 1000 people. You could always find some nook to dance in with friends. And the greatest thing I used to love was when they had those bouncey ball chairs upstairs. Man I miss those days..:(

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I loved Junior...

But I knew it was going to be a great night when Carl Cox was spinning, There would be about 50 of us in one crew going to see him.

We had friends that only went to Twilo when he was there. it was an awesome and amazing night everytime.

Pluse It didnt hurt that i Met my future husband there.

A friend of mine once said " There is a crater where Twilo was, cause Carl Cox blew it up"


Saturday SF was my thing.....50 100 of us from all over to hear JP.

The crew consisted of......Brooklyn, LI, queens,NJ and CT.

good time had by all!

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i began going to twilo about 2 yrs b4 it closed. and like other people have said, it was some of the greatest nights of my life. looking at the way people are now, the only night that compares to any night at twilo is danny howells at arc.

the energy inside twilo was something that can never be duplicated. every fri when i went there, it would generally be me and three other people. as soon as the "vip" room would open up we would take to our corner right next to the dj booth and dance for hours on end. people would migrate over, chill, dance, whatever, and it didnt matter if you knew them or not, you were there for one reason. THE MUSIC! i met some of my closest friends in that space and for that i am grateful.

before walking into the club itself, waiting on line in the dark hallway, i would always get "the twilo jitters." for those who went there, you know what i am talking about. the butterflies in your stomach. from the first time till the last time i always got them once i entered though heavy metal doors.

hearing the sounds that echoed through that room was sheer bliss, especially after the majority of the crowd left. that was when the twilo magic was witnessed. sure you were tired, but you couldnt leave. it was as if a force was keeping you there and wouldnt let you exit. just when you thought you had enough, the dj would put down another track that was just irresistible.

the most special moments i had was during the late night sets, when you would hear some of the best music ever. john digweeds late night driving sounds, sashas crazy, melodic house, paul van dyks encoures. whoever was spinning, they knew thats when everything happened.

djs were able to experiment with their sounds at twilo, bc no matter what everyone was up for it. nowhere else were you able to hear the same music as what was played in that room. the crowd knew that place was special, as did whoever played there.

i can go on and on about this until i am blue in the face.

you know a place is special when after two yrs of its closing, people still talk about it.

and when spirit opens its doors, ill be there. i cannot wait to step foot through those doors again. and even though people are already comparing it to twilo, IT WILL NEVER BE. so stop comparing it, go there, enjoy yourselves, and let the music take over.

the vibe in that space will always be, and even though its new owners, a new setting, and more than likely new djs, let it be. dont compare it to anything. twilo was all about the music, so let spirit be the same. dont judge a book by its cover! this is a new space now, so lets break in this bad boy in style.


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Originally posted by iliana

Twilo was my favorite club in NYC. I would choose it over any other venue on Friday nights. But back then I would compare it to Tunnel and Soundfactory and I just felt like Twilo provided a larger range of DJ's and more eclectic crowd. The diversity you would see on fridays and Saturdays was amazing. It was the only time i remeber haning out with straight, gay, white, black spanish, punks and ravers. To me it epitomized what a club vibe should be like. There was a Twilo family there. Drugs were there, but music always took precedence. It was the one link that bonded all Twilo Patrons. That's more than what I can say for other clubs for the exeption of arc (from what I hear, i've never been).

But to be real honest, today if I go to Soundfactory, I will have as much fun. There's no comparison for me but I do appreciate Factory's vibe and the people you meet there. After all, it's YOU who make the party. I know that for some people way older than us, Studio 54 will always be NYC's most legendary club. Sorry I missed that one. But I'm not as sorry as other people who missed Twilo.




Yep :clap:
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Originally posted by Crackorn

PLUS, you always knew you were getting in that night (provided you were old enough and had ID) no matter what you wore or how many guys you showed up with.

I don't know about you, maybe you had some type of VIP treatment there, but I remember standing in a HUGE line and not getting in for S&D and PVD. Other then that, I LOVE TWILO :(
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Originally posted by Crackorn

The Pre-Twilo jitters. My only claim to fame was coining that phrase.

Excellent post, btw.

Yeah I loved the pre-Twilo jitters...waiting in the mirrored hallway before paying for your tix. Everyone crammed in there, all that could be heard was the echoing beats from afar...

I loved taking a lap early in the night when the place wasn't so full, get my bearings and realize this would be my home for the next 8+ hours.

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Originally posted by zeeker

I went to Twilo 4 times total, but that was really before I was really even into the scene. One thing I remember very vividly was how friendly and diverse everyone was. The vibe in that place the few times I was there was something I haven't really experienced since. People like to compare Arc to it, but I don't really see it. I had only been to Vinyl once, and Arc many times. Arc just seems so clean and open compared to the grittiness of Twilo. I remember being really intimidated the times I went to Twilo. So many crazy things going on all over the place, things are more toned down now I think.

Arc/Vinyl are the same club, I'm not sure if you know that...

and Vinyl has REALLY changed over the past few years.. it did once have that "grittiness". You just can't do the same things you used to back in the day.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

The Pre-Twilo jitters. My only claim to fame was coining that phrase.

Excellent post, btw.

I remember the pre - jitters.

I can write alot about this but only need to say one thing.

9am, S&D or just Digweed bringing around to the massive conclusion by 10am.

Nothing beats that hour, that time, that vibe.....

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

Arc/Vinyl are the same club, I'm not sure if you know that...

and Vinyl has REALLY changed over the past few years.. it did once have that "grittiness". You just can't do the same things you used to back in the day.

nooo, I'm talking about since the name changed. I was there once when it was Vinyl and many times since the renovations and name change. People say since the changes, it's a different club, some people still call it Vinyl, I'm just saying...whatever you want to to call it, I don't think comparing it to Twilo is accurate.

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Originally posted by sexxyme

I don't know about you, maybe you had some type of VIP treatment there, but I remember standing in a HUGE line and not getting in for S&D and PVD. Other then that, I LOVE TWILO :(

You know what, I ALWAYS got there at the opening bell which is probably why I never waited in a line. There was a bit of a line, but it moved so quickly that it wasn't bad at all. Plus I had the jitters so bad that all I could do is smoke cigarette after cigarette until I got in.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

You know what, I ALWAYS got there at the opening bell which is probably why I never waited in a line. There was a bit of a line, but it moved so quickly that it wasn't bad at all. Plus I had the jitters so bad that all I could do is smoke cigarette after cigarette until I got in.

Well..then I envy you for that :D I remember not getting in to hear PVD and standing in freezing cold for 2 hours :mad:

I still <3 Twilo:D

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Originally posted by myrlin

I remember the pre - jitters.

I can write alot about this but only need to say one thing.

9am, S&D or just Digweed bringing around to the massive conclusion by 10am.

Nothing beats that hour, that time, that vibe.....

once the dancefloor would clear thats when it went down. people would ask me how could you stay that late and the only thing i could tell them is, "you wouldnt understand." lol.

and its true, people wouldnt understand what you were talking about if you tried to explain it. its just one of those things.


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Good point. I went to just about every SnD night and I usually went with the same crowd. There were a bunch of them that just couldn't close it and when you tried to explain to them what they were missing for the last hour, it was just impossible to put into words.

The routine went something like this- get NOTHING done at work that day, have NO patience for anyone who tried to talk to you that day who wasn't coming that night. Go home, eat a small dinner, get ready, get to 27th street, say no thank you to the guy selling pills down the block, walk in, smoke cigarettes until the VIP room opened, hang out there until the 5 AM meetup at the power bar, then either go back to the VIP room until 6, or hang out in the bouncy chair room or dance. By 7 the lightweights leave. At 9 the whole place is electrified and no one is sitting. Lights eventually go on but the music is still pumping and the faces people are making are indescribable. By 10 or 10:30 when the music goes off, most people have a look on their faces that said "I can't believe how fantastic that was" and we were all satisfied.

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