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The Real Space 34 Report


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SPACE 34 was off the chain this week. Place was packed - music was great - crowd was going nuts.

Stop bitching and go somewhere else if you don't like it there. There is no question that this is now the best club in Miami - if not the country.

LP - the place is great. Thanks for the new venue! Looking forward to the many new memories at 34! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Originally posted by sobe2003

SPACE 34 was off the chain this week. Place was packed - music was great - crowd was going nuts.

Stop bitching and go somewhere else if you don't like it there. There is no question that this is now the best club in Miami - if not the country.

LP - the place is great. Thanks for the new venue! Looking forward to the many new memories at 34! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What a nice KISS ASS post!

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I love how he/she terms it "The Real Space 34 Report"...like it's somehow better than the others.

He stated the obvious, it was packed and the music was good. What do you expect, bad tunes and an empty room?

And Andrew has every right to bitch, each time I've seen him at Space or Space 34, he's been in in ten seconds flat...for someone who isn't obviously industry, that's pretty damn good...what happened is that he's used to a certain level of treatment, and he didn't get it this weekend...I'd be pissed too if I was used to just breezing in, and all of the sudden the doorguy told me to change or some shit like that.

It's one thing to sound like you're doing a review, but it's another to sound like a propaganda machine.

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I'm not about propaganda - many people on this board bitch about everything - dress, music, shoes and not enough girls.

Although I don't have 1,000,000 posts and mostly read this board - you never hear me bitch about MAZE - the poor man's Carnival Cruise disco.

Wherever you party - its you, the individual, who makes your time good or bad.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

SPACE 34 was off the chain this week. Place was packed - music was great - crowd was going nuts.

Stop bitching and go somewhere else if you don't like it there. There is no question that this is now the best club in Miami - if not the country.

LP - the place is great. Thanks for the new venue! Looking forward to the many new memories at 34! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


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Originally posted by sobe2003

Although I don't have 1,000,000 posts and mostly read this board - you never hear me bitch about MAZE - the poor man's Carnival Cruise disco.


WOW if your so bright I would like to know how a function one system is "poor man":confused:

YOu really got me on this one man.:confused:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobe2003

SPACE 34 was off the chain this week. Place was packed - music was great - crowd was going nuts.

Stop bitching and go somewhere else if you don't like it there. There is no question that this is now the best club in Miami - if not the country.

LP - the place is great. Thanks for the new venue! Looking forward to the many new memories at 34! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Air - I would not start pointing fingers on being bright as I know I have a higher education and make much more than you. I've been to MAZE at least a half dozen times and the place totally blows. For instance - the sound system you proclaim is so great is totally muffled in the VIP area.

I also went to Crobar this weekend and it was nothing to write home about. And I have also been to SPACE when it sucked as well.

You cp'ers post on the following:

!. How great MAZE is. (It's not)

2. How great Roland is. (He's not)

3. How you should be entitled to free admission every where you go. (You're not)

So stop you're wining and bitching and go out and have fun already without complaing that you can't get into space with your truck driver's hat and urban outfitters t-shirt.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobe2003

Air - I would not start pointing fingers on being bright as I know I have a higher education and make much more than you. I've been to MAZE at least a half dozen times and the place totally blows. For instance - the sound system you proclaim is so great is totally muffled in the VIP area.

I also went to Crobar this weekend and it was nothing to write home about. And I have also been to SPACE when it sucked as well.

You cp'ers post on the following:

!. How great MAZE is. (It's not)

2. How great Roland is. (He's not)

3. How you should be entitled to free admission every where you go. (You're not)

So stop you're wining and bitching and go out and have fun already without complaing that you can't get into space with your truck driver's hat and urban outfitters t-shirt.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I stand by everything I said unless he went to medical school which I doubt.

If everyone has a right to be a critic and bash in this forum - why am I not afforded this? Because I do not go along with the status quo? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I have no problem if people want to be a critic - there definetely should not be a place for censorship. However the bashing of the same targets is riduclous.

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First of all, it's muffled in the VIP area because there's no speakers there...duh. I may have a background in sound reinforcement, but any moron could figure that out. If you'd get your ass out of VIP and onto the dancefloor, you'd hear the systems there for what they are. Stop sitting there like you earn 200+K a year and you'll see.

Besides, the VIPs are not there for the music....kind of like you seem to be.

I imagine even with your higher education, you read Ocean Fucking Drive like it's the Bible, and pine for the old days of South Beach when unless you were personal friends with Chris Paciello, you had to wait outside any decent club for at least a half hour to get in. Either that, or you just moved down here and are basing your attitude off of what you saw on Wild on E!.

Maze is a decent club that is seeking to change the status quo on South Beach. By virtue of it's location off the beaten path, it can...I've been there many a time since the grand opening, and have seen it struggle to get 50 people inside on a Friday, to now where they have a full dancefloor in both rooms. Maze may cater to what I bet you call the proletariat (OK I'm showing off my higher education, fucktard...), but it is sorely needed on the beach...I've been down here for quite awhile now and have gotten sick and tired of the holier-than-thou VIP attitude that too many clubs try to get away with...

The CP membership doesn't always ask for free admission...there's certain nights where the clubs can't do it, and they know that. The logic behind their request is that most clubs have arrangments already through their own websites, or websites like .cooljunkie., so it isn't a problem for Biz or whomever to just extend a list here. Not everyone is like you and lives in the Portofino and drives a Lexus either, so guestlist is a convenient way to save some cash. Not that it helps too much, I myself usually blow the 20 bucks i save inside on drinks :).

As for Roland, I'd like you to name a local DJ in his class who is better than he is. If you say Cedric Gervais I'll hunt you down and kill you.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

I have no problem if people want to be a critic - there definetely should not be a place for censorship. However the bashing of the same targets is riduclous.

"Oh. Big man Doctor! I'm so impressed. So impressed I want to poop on you" - Triumph The Insult Comic Dog

I really don't care how educated you are or how much money you make. Your bragging only leads me to believe that you have a very small dick.

And, your shot at Roland was uncalled for.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

Air - I would not start pointing fingers on being bright as I know I have a higher education and make much more than you. I've been to MAZE at least a half dozen times and the place totally blows. For instance - the sound system you proclaim is so great is totally muffled in the VIP area.

I also went to Crobar this weekend and it was nothing to write home about. And I have also been to SPACE when it sucked as well.

You cp'ers post on the following:

!. How great MAZE is. (It's not)

2. How great Roland is. (He's not)

3. How you should be entitled to free admission every where you go. (You're not)

So stop you're wining and bitching and go out and have fun already without complaing that you can't get into space with your truck driver's hat and urban outfitters t-shirt.

WTF do you like:confused: :confused:

do us all a favor and go hang out at club deep.:idea:

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As usual, I should leave this thread alone but just can't...

I just don't understand why peeps on this board can't seem to respect the opinions of others. If Andrew doesn't want to go to Space because he can't wear sneakers, that's his choice. If Space wants their customers to comform to a dress code, that's their choice. If Sobe2003 hates Maze...he's entitled to that opinion.

We have a lot of choices here and just because someone else doesn't agree with ours doesn't necessarily make him a moron.

Here's what I think...

I agree that the sound at Maze is amazing on the dancefloor...but I think it sounds like shit in the rest of the room. I think Roland is a quality DJ with a strong local following. I think that a dresscode at Space, especially for afterhours is a bad idea but I also think that people who are going out should make an effort to look decent...even if you are going out to dance.

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Well said, Dade, but sobe2003 comes off like a propaganda machine, and he's being called to bat on it.

Plus, he incited the thread by directly referring to Andrew's problems...in other words "he started it! waaaa!" :)

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Originally posted by sobe2003

You cp'ers post on the following:

!. How great MAZE is. (It's not)

2. How great Roland is. (He's not)

3. How you should be entitled to free admission every where you go. (You're not)

So stop you're wining and bitching and go out and have fun already without complaing that you can't get into space with your truck driver's hat and urban outfitters t-shirt.

1. most people try to express how much potential maze has, but i dont think its that great either... it just need some fine tuning... place is nice though

2. roland not great??? thats your personal opinion... I think what majority of cp values about roland is his approch to the crowd, and how he's always got new tunes to drop every weekend... Tunes that he doesnt just find at grooveman for that matter.... how week in and week out, he opens up the blue room or patio, and still finds a way to rock it without over doing it, or puposely claiming some of oscar's or ivano's thunder.....

3. if we dont derserve vip, then who does... :confused: we support the clubs every friggen weekend...we give them our time to express our feelings on any venue we attend which could be seen as free promotion/ or constructive criticism.. we give them a place to solicit to endless amounts of clubbers who care about the scene!!! :cool: plus we dont ask for clubs to ever pull out the red carpet, we just wanna free entrance if we get there at a decent time... thats it!!!!:D:tongue:

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Finally there are two individuals on this board who don't march to the same "beat" as everyone else. Major props to ogmiami and beatfriek. Nice to have a discussion where we can "agree to disagree" to some extent.

For the others - your responses just prove my point: If you don't agree with the other cp'ers, you don't know anything about music and only go to the "VIP" clubs when you go clubbing.

If any of you go clubbing outside of Miami, you would learn what a true great club is. Last summer I hit Ibiza for the first time. Clubs like Privilege, Amnesia and Bora Bora blow away any clun in Miami - both music and people wise.

As far as better local dj's than Roland: Oscar G, Stryke, Louis Dee . . . do you need any more?????

I'm not here to impress anyone nor am I "propaganda" for any club - just would like some real information once in awhile. If you want respect with your opinions, then learn to respect those who disagree.

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