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my trip to Utah this past week...


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My family and I traveled to Utah for my sister's graduation. She attended BYU and majored in journalism. I knew that this trip was going to be a horrible idea. While there i was fuckin bored to death. My family and I stayed in provo. There is NOTHING to do there. It makes manassas look like disney world. But the mountains are beautiful and so was the weather. I went hiking and that was fun. The girls there were HOT......but they were untouchable because they were mostly mormon. Also, while there I didn't see ANYBODY smoke and I only saw 4 african americans while there. I wanted some beer/liquor so badly because I was miserable but I couldnt get in provo. I had to travel an hour outside of the city if I wanted some. In conclusion, I am never going back there...EVER! the end

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Originally posted by vicman

if you convert to mormon you can have 20 wives. thats the only advantadge i see to it.

funny, they showed a program on food newtork on the food in that region of the country. it was all pretty bland stuff.

i'll let you in on a lil secret. Technically I am mormon (no joke. as of 1985). But I fell off the righteous path like.....senior yr of high school. after hs it was all down hill from there. SURPRISE!!! I'm the best thing Utah has to offer. :laugh: Pelegymy (sp?) is frowned upon actually, there are a few that still practice it in Utah but they would definitely be excommunicated if the church found out. Oh yeah the highlights of my trip to Utah:

*eating@Marie calandars restaurant

*the mountains

*the dollar theatre

*nearly getting beat up by some girl's b/f because I asked her if she knew what a purple yogurt smasher was:D

*having heads turn when I said Damn and hell

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Originally posted by spinsaikel

*nearly getting beat up by some girl's b/f because I asked her if she knew what a purple yogurt smasher was:D

What's a purple yogurt smasher?

Please feel free to not answer me if this is some gross sex euphemism or something that I'd really rather not know in the first place.

PS Welcome home.

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Originally posted by nourishment

What's a purple yogurt smasher?

Please feel free to not answer me if this is some gross sex euphemism or something that I'd really rather not know in the first place.

PS Welcome home.

a purple yogurt smasher? I ask you this nourish...what goes inside a garage? :D . and what is the result of parking inside the garage? and putting it in reverse...and then putting it in drive.....and over again.

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a purple yogurt smasher? I ask you this nourish...what goes inside a garage? :D

A car.

and what is the result of parking inside the garage? .

The paint job lasts longer.

and putting it in reverse...and then putting it in drive.....and over again.

You ruin your transmission. :(

:idea: Yes, indeed, it all makes perfect sense now.

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Not sure why your lame ass didnt just get a rental car and go to Salt Lake City. A few bars, clubs in Salt Lake City. One club even plays trance a few blocks from the Delta Center. Great Party scene at Sundance in Park City, during January. Alot of celebrities and hot women.

And you expected to see alot of brothers in Utah?

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