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Worst summer job ever?

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I worked in a bagel store for 4 summers in a row....lemme tell you two things:

1) It's not fun waking up to be at work at 5:30 AM to serve people with a smile on your face

2) Going home and smelling like grease / cream cheese sucks


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I know how u feel. On weekends I use to work in a deli in the city and you start to smell like the food you sell. After a month or so you don't want to eat anything anymore...No more buffets, or sandwhich, or breakfast food. It starts to make you sick after awhile...

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Caddy for one summer at a local country club, the money was good , but I always had trouble following the ball when they tee'd off, not to mention keeping track of where the ball went, and whose it was.... I didnt last very long. :laugh:

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I used to pump gas... during the summer... on the hot days not only did thos rich bastards make you pump their gas but they also made u check their fluid levels... for 5.50 an hour it blew having to work from 6am-4pm on my summer... i did that for one summer and then got fired... i got fired from a gas station... lol thats was the low point of my life :(

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2 of the my worst summer jobs

1. Worked at Roli Boli in Menlo Park mall for 6hrs...For 2-3 hours I had to squeeze the water out of the frozen spinach as it defrosted....Bt the end of the nite my hands had frost bite and looked like the hands of a 90yr old. (NEVER WENT BACK AND NEVER GOT MY CHECK)

2. Worked telemarketing for shriners...I left after an 1.5hr cause the manager kept standing behind me saying tell them its for shriners you know the kids with no arms and legs while I was on the phone..SO i just walked out.

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worked as a filling clerk at a medical insurance company.

Imagine a room full of rows and rows of shelves with alphabetized medical records.

Just sat there all day filing away claims, making new folders, filing them, making more folders... and being haggled by my bitch of a boss who apparently couldn't understand why i couldn't file away over 100 claims per hour after reading each thoroughly.

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Originally posted by thehype

Metro marketing..a telemarkiting Firm. not fun esp cuz it cut into my beach time. I got fired after a week cuz i skipped work and headed to the beach

not that place on rt 9???? cuz i worked there for a day lol
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I worked over the summer for my old school district. I got put up in the middle school and was basically a custodian for the summer. I scrubbed the lockers, scraped gum off the bottom of desks, mopped and waxed floors.....NOT a good time at all.

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Guest jroo

selling cars at the beach, haveing to stand outside all day in a shirt in tie, when you see people driving around in swimsuits and having a good ol' time.

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I use to work at a bagel place... It def did suck:mad: The worst was def smelling like and everything bagel at the end of the day cause that smell was so bad my mom didnt wanna drive me home:laugh:

...BAGEL STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!....

....this thread just made me realize i never worked until now...straight into full time...lol...........what's up ...brat!..............;)

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Originally posted by misk

...BAGEL STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!....

....this thread just made me realize i never worked until now...straight into full time...lol...........what's up ...brat!..............;)

yup, everyone worked there from Shrek, Humam, Ronchetti, and the rest of Wayne Valley.:D

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Last summer I worked as a appointment maker at a wedding center...it was pure hell. I would have to call the same list of people ALL SUMMER and ask them if they wanted to schedule an appt...no one wanted one and would yell at me for continuously calling...o yeh...and during all this i sat in a room the size of a closet with NO windows. It was horrible:(

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