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3rdflfactoria- Training

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Thought I would take the liberty to begin a new post to try and sort out any questions you have...You asked about calories and preserving lean body mass....Well if you are not operating on any type of chemicals...then you should stick to Bodyweight x 12...then subtract 400-500 calories...coupled with morning cardio and clean macro nutrients...this should allow you to drop sufficient weight.

Seriously stay clear of any GNC type supplements...waste of money and almost as hard on your kidneys and liver....

To reduce bloat...and water retention Pros..take about 4-6 grams of Vitamin C....this works...better than any Taraxatone I have ever taken......

Go TANNING....it helps reduce water retention and makes th eskin tough....as well as prevents acne.

Once you figure what diet you are going to use I will help with the Macro Breakdown.

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Just take the easy route....









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Winny is not an "easy" route...that is a huge misconception....People it takes years of anabolic use to reach goals...and you need a good diet and training routine as well....

Yes...Vitamin C will remove excess water...Quickly...I take 6grams which is 6,000mgs....on Friday- Saturday -Sunday!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Winny is not an "easy" route...that is a huge misconception....People it takes years of anabolic use to reach goals...and you need a good diet and training routine as well....

Yes...Vitamin C will remove excess water...Quickly...I take 6grams which is 6,000mgs....on Friday- Saturday -Sunday!

LOL i was kidding stacked... But you have to admit Winny V is the shizzle.

NOw that you mention good diet... what are you eating on a typical day? I need some new things to eat, i'm bored of chicken and tuna and egg whites... Blah...

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Did not know about the Vitamin C but definitely some good advice.

Appreciate your advice....can never know enough when it comes to this.

Been throwing cardio days between weights......and some lighter cardio just to fan the metabolism at the end of each weight session too. Doing it in the morning would be best...especially with an empty stomach....but when you stay up until 3-4am....then finally fall asleep....tough to get my ass up at 6:00am to get in cardio and be at work on time. I will be doing it next week though.....MUST BE DONE as final prep for M-DAY!! lol

I have no problem dropping the chub........but its keeping the lean mass that proves to a problem...especially since the carbs are low and cardio is up.

I hear you on the supplements but a good protein with branched amminos helps to keep some lean mass. Protein intake is up to 200+...may have to up the carbs a bit especially after workouts to help recovery?!?!? Agree?

Tanning will be taken care of next week...right before M-Day.....doesnt take much for me to get tanned. Viva Olive skin!!

PS: Hope I MAKE M-DAY!!! :D

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Fury...What I ate today

6:15am- Egg Beaters 1cup

6oz. Steak

1/4 Cup Cottage Cheese

7am- Balance Bar

10am- 10oz Steak Top Round...extra extra lean

12:30- 12oz Steak Top Round

1/4 Cup Cottage Cheese

2:30- Protein Shake 50g Protein

1 tbsp. Natural Peanut Butter

That is what I ate so far today.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Fury...What I ate today

6:15am- Egg Beaters 1cup

6oz. Steak

1/4 Cup Cottage Cheese

7am- Balance Bar

10am- 10oz Steak Top Round...extra extra lean

12:30- 12oz Steak Top Round

1/4 Cup Cottage Cheese

2:30- Protein Shake 50g Protein

1 tbsp. Natural Peanut Butter

That is what I ate so far today.

with all that meat whats your're cholestriol level?
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Awesome diet BTW! I follow a very similar one! It's great for maintaing lean body mass and losing bodyfat. It also keeps the hunger pangs and more importantly Insulin under control.

godisadj - Why would his cholesterol be high? If you look closely at his diet, you'll see he's eating high protein, moderate fat and very, very low carbs (almost no carbs!). The key here is that he is keeping his Insulin release under control and very slow and steady (no big spikes or peaks). No or very low carbs = very slow and steady Insulin release from the Pancreas. Without high Insulin activity Triglycerides and Cholesterol will drop significantly. Insulin is the carrier for Fat to put it in laymen's terms

One could eat (as long as they don't have an existing pathology) a diet high in fat and hifh in protein and low in carbs and keep their total Cholesterol and their Triglycerides very, very low. Do a search on Steriodology, Elitefitness, Anoblic Science or any other fitness/bodybuilding boards and you'll get the same info I am saying here except with quoted studies, footnotes, etc...

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Awesome diet BTW! I follow a very similar one! It's great for maintaing lean body mass and losing bodyfat. It also keeps the hunger pangs and more importantly Insulin under control.

godisadj - Why would his cholesterol be high? If you look closely at his diet, you'll see he's eating high protein, moderate fat and very, very low carbs (almost no carbs!). The key here is that he is keeping his Insulin release under control and very slow and steady (no big spikes or peaks). No or very low carbs = very slow and steady Insulin release from the Pancreas. Without high Insulin activity Triglycerides and Cholesterol will drop significantly. Insulin is the carrier for Fat to put it in laymen's terms

One could eat (as long as they don't have an existing pathology) a diet high in fat and hifh in protein and low in carbs and keep their total Cholesterol and their Triglycerides very, very low. Do a search on Steriodology, Elitefitness, Anoblic Science or any other fitness/bodybuilding boards and you'll get the same info I am saying here except with quoted studies, footnotes, etc...

red meat is high in cholsesterol
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The Cholesterol needs a carrier. Without Insulin, Chosterol has no carrier. Cholesterol will not stick aorund in your system of your Insulin levels are low enough.

Dr. Atkins discovered a man in a nursing home who had a curious diet; a diet that should ahve killed him many years agoa of Heart Disease. The old man ate eggs all day long! Eggs are high in Protein and high in Fat and very, very high in Cholesterol too. The key is here he consumed no Carbs. Without the Carbs his Insulin was very, very low. He had an incredibly low total Chosterol # along with extermely healthy levels of HDL and LDL.

That illustrates the point that carbs are the problem (not the Cholesterol in and of itslef) when combined with foods high in Cholesterol. Carbs induce Insulin spikes. If you eat foods high in Fat and Protein and severely limit your carb intake you will control Insulin. In this case njstakced2 has probably already achieved Ketosis in a short period of time. His diet along with his workout routine are responsible for his low Cholesterol levels.

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The Cholesterol needs a carrier. Without Insulin, Chosterol has no carrier. Cholesterol will not stick aorund in your system of your Insulin levels are low enough.

Dr. Atkins discovered a man in a nursing home who had a curious diet; a diet that should ahve killed him many years agoa of Heart Disease. The old man ate eggs all day long! Eggs are high in Protein and high in Fat and very, very high in Cholesterol too. The key is here he consumed no Carbs. Without the Carbs his Insulin was very, very low. He had an incredibly low total Chosterol # along with extermely healthy levels of HDL and LDL.

That illustrates the point that carbs are the problem (not the Cholesterol in and of itslef) when combined with foods high in Cholesterol. Carbs induce Insulin spikes. If you eat foods high in Fat and Protein and severely limit your carb intake you will control Insulin. In this case njstakced2 has probably already achieved Ketosis in a short period of time. His diet along with his workout routine are responsible for his low Cholesterol levels.

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