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A comment about LP and Space....


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Originally posted by spacious

"And when he and Space 34 do toss this board a bone, half the people don't bother showing up, and if they do, they've still got complaints!"

Ain't that the God's honest truth?


This is true. Pod is 100% right on this..

Space is a Business, and it has to make $$$ to continue as a business. and LP will cater to the Paying client before the non-paying ones. those are the laws of Business.

You can give 10 people full access to the club free drinks and VIP treatment, but 6 out of that ten will have some type of complaint.

Just the way it is. Sad but true.

Now on the other hand, you have the 10 people that paid cover and spent over 120$ each on drinks, chances are all 10 will complainm but... they will be there next week doing the same shit.

Like I said before on this borad LP, what u have created is an art work, some will like it some will say they can do better and some will just not go. But most the complaints here are about employess witch sucks. But what can you do? Try to catch them in the act. nothing else.

I been to Space 34 once. I have my opinions, but over all the club in an LP creation. But some of the people you have working for you have power trip problems, and you know who I'm talking about, He can be your right hand man, but his a dick to the public.

Pod dunno where u come up with these long ass post... but ur right on the dime in this.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by spacious

"And when he and Space 34 do toss this board a bone, half the people don't bother showing up, and if they do, they've still got complaints!"

Ain't that the God's honest truth?


Heres a complaint:

Fuck Marcus......

You could have atleast just pmed me back and say it was from marcus... :idea: I would have worked it out with him, but boths of yous said nada...

At least I haven't been accused of stealing lately.....:blown:

Good Luck with your new club...

heres two threads to read...



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Originally posted by saleen351

Heres a complaint:

Fuck Marcus......

You could have atleast just pmed me back and say it was from marcus... :idea: I would have worked it out with him, but boths of yous said nada...

At least I haven't been accused of stealing lately.....:blown:

Good Luck with your new club...

heres two threads to read...



get over it!:nopity:

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Originally posted by shroomy

So what, the guy who developed depends diapers for adults has made millions too, but I don't give a shit.

Yes he is a good business man, so Donald Trump, but I don't give a shit.

Yes he knows how to pander to the masses, but I don't give a shit.

Yes he rakes in the bucks, so does the guy who does the Girls Gone Wild, but I don't give a shit.

Yes we have a very popular club right downtown, but I don't give a shit. I'm not pissed, I'm not jealous, It just is not the place for me, let them do whatever the fuck they want.

When it comes to Space, I just don't give a shit.

Those were words of wisdom by our buddy Shroomy. :D

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It takes knowledge ... and opportunism to achieve the success of Space 34 ...

Anything can be improved ... and that certainly is true for Space ... few clubs can stay on top after three years ... few clubs can be in the frontyard of the world's elite club scene ... it is more than $$$ like some peepz who open clubs think ...

Those realize post-investment ... that being a real player demands a lot more than just their $$$ ... To gain the respect of the industry ... you got to respect the industry ... or at the very least ... understand how it works ... it is a small and loyal industry ...

Djs charge to play ... but ... like it or not ... they gain further respect for playing at Space 34 ... it is like playing the US Open or Wimbledon if you like analogies ...

If it wasn't for LP ... the music scene in Miami would be long gone in the eyes of the international scene ... and with that our Christmas in March aka WMC ...

We concentrate way to much time in criticizing ... few want to add to the scene perse ...

James wrote an objective review of Space 34 in last Sat's review ... there are so many more things that could be done at Space ...

Their local's nite this Saturday is an example ... so many of us suggested it in the past ... and for what Oscar wrote a few weeks back ... it will give the chance to many others in the future .. how does this relate to saving $$$? ... I am still trying to figure it out ...

The fact is ... acts like this Sats just gives back to our own the priviledge of being a part of the best club in the city ... and perhaps the nation ...

If we care for the scene ... and this is the main reason we spend our time writing on this board ... lets keep suggesting ... lets keep educating the peepz who know less about music ...

Last Friday many who would go on Fridays to Mynt ended up at Nerve ... it is a matter of taking the time to talk to them ... of explaining to them what is going on ... "give them an alternative to their weekly way of understanding nitelife" ...

It is our own effort which will solidify this scene ... respect the leader of it ... Space 34/LP ... and add to it ... there is room for everyone ...

Vip :hat:

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Originally posted by vipnerd

It takes knowledge ... and opportunism to achieve the success of Space 34 ...

Anything can be improved ... and that certainly is true for Space ... few clubs can stay on top after three years ... few clubs can be in the frontyard of the world's elite club scene ... it is more than $$$ like some peepz who open clubs think ...

Those realize post-investment ... that being a real player demands a lot more than just their $$$ ... To gain the respect of the industry ... you got to respect the industry ... or at the very least ... understand how it works ... it is a small and loyal industry ...

Djs charge to play ... but ... like it or not ... they gain further respect for playing at Space 34 ... it is like playing the US Open or Wimbledon if you like analogies ...

If it wasn't for LP ... the music scene in Miami would be long gone in the eyes of the international scene ... and with that our Christmas in March aka WMC ...

We concentrate way to much time in criticizing ... few want to add to the scene perse ...

James wrote an objective review of Space 34 in last Sat's review ... there are so many more things that could be done at Space ...

Their local's nite this Saturday is an example ... so many of us suggested it in the past ... and for what Oscar wrote a few weeks back ... it will give the chance to many others in the future .. how does this relate to saving $$$? ... I am still trying to figure it out ...

The fact is ... acts like this Sats just gives back to our own the priviledge of being a part of the best club in the city ... and perhaps the nation ...

If we care for the scene ... and this is the main reason we spend our time writing on this board ... lets keep suggesting ... lets keep educating the peepz who know less about music ...

Last Friday many who would go on Fridays to Mynt ended up at Nerve ... it is a matter of taking the time to talk to them ... of explaining to them what is going on ... "give them an alternative to their weekly way of understanding nitelife" ...

It is our own effort which will solidify this scene ... respect the leader of it ... Space 34/LP ... and add to it ... there is room for everyone ...

Vip :hat:

Agree with u on this one vip

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

It appears that Saleen is, in fact, prolonging this issue. The offence in question happened quite some time ago. So DKB is right.


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Originally posted by spacious

"And when he and Space 34 do toss this board a bone, half the people don't bother showing up, and if they do, they've still got complaints!"

Ain't that the God's honest truth?


lol... thats so fucking true.....

Guys & Gals, if you get comped at the door, hit the open bar, drop your shit, and never even buy a drink or tip a bartender..... you really can't bitch that you were not taken care of or the open bar didn't include Grey Goose.

We have certainly been spoiled with some of the quality people who come on to CP and taken good care of us (Kris, Marcos, Biz, Carla, Eddie and many others, thanks guys.) But at least realize that they are doing so out of courtesy, and because they are cool people, not because it is our right, bitch all you want but give credit where due.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

lol... thats so fucking true.....

Guys & Gals, if you get comped at the door, hit the open bar, drop your shit, and never even buy a drink or tip a bartender..... you really can't bitch that you were not taken care of or the open bar didn't include Grey Goose.

We have certainly been spoiled with some of the quality people who come on to CP and taken good care of us (Kris, Marcos, Biz, Carla, Eddie and many others, thanks guys.) But at least realize that they are doing so out of courtesy, and because they are cool people, not because it is our right, bitch all you want but give credit where due.


we use them

and they use us

its a two way street....

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Originally posted by shroomy

lol... thats so fucking true.....

Guys & Gals, if you get comped at the door, hit the open bar, drop your shit, and never even buy a drink or tip a bartender..... you really can't bitch that you were not taken care of or the open bar didn't include Grey Goose.

We have certainly been spoiled with some of the quality people who come on to CP and taken good care of us (Kris, Marcos, Biz, Carla, Eddie and many others, thanks guys.) But at least realize that they are doing so out of courtesy, and because they are cool people, not because it is our right, bitch all you want but give credit where due.

good point

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Originally posted by saleen351


we use them

and they use us

its a two way street....

We get to go in their clubs for free, get free drinks, get our friends in for free and they get to see us bitch about them afterwards, how does that help them. Yeah if were talking good about them you could say they using us to make them look good, but three quarters of the time most people just talk crap on the clubs and the service. "Oh they did not let me in cause I dressed like I was going to hang with the bums on 2nd street, the drinks were hot, the design is cheap, rip off of spin, not enough dancers, too much lights, the sound though better than any at fort lauderdale sucks." Come on lighten up somebody gives u vip treatment give them the respect they deserve and thank them for it, don't abuse it. And like vip said you got a complaint, don't say something sucks say you guys could improve in this area or something like that give them recommendations not talk crap on them.

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Originally posted by vipnerd

It takes knowledge ... and opportunism to achieve the success of Space 34 ...

Anything can be improved ... and that certainly is true for Space ... few clubs can stay on top after three years ... few clubs can be in the frontyard of the world's elite club scene ... it is more than $$$ like some peepz who open clubs think ...

Those realize post-investment ... that being a real player demands a lot more than just their $$$ ... To gain the respect of the industry ... you got to respect the industry ... or at the very least ... understand how it works ... it is a small and loyal industry ...

Djs charge to play ... but ... like it or not ... they gain further respect for playing at Space 34 ... it is like playing the US Open or Wimbledon if you like analogies ...

If it wasn't for LP ... the music scene in Miami would be long gone in the eyes of the international scene ... and with that our Christmas in March aka WMC ...

We concentrate way to much time in criticizing ... few want to add to the scene perse ...

James wrote an objective review of Space 34 in last Sat's review ... there are so many more things that could be done at Space ...

Their local's nite this Saturday is an example ... so many of us suggested it in the past ... and for what Oscar wrote a few weeks back ... it will give the chance to many others in the future .. how does this relate to saving $$$? ... I am still trying to figure it out ...

The fact is ... acts like this Sats just gives back to our own the priviledge of being a part of the best club in the city ... and perhaps the nation ...

If we care for the scene ... and this is the main reason we spend our time writing on this board ... lets keep suggesting ... lets keep educating the peepz who know less about music ...

Last Friday many who would go on Fridays to Mynt ended up at Nerve ... it is a matter of taking the time to talk to them ... of explaining to them what is going on ... "give them an alternative to their weekly way of understanding nitelife" ...

It is our own effort which will solidify this scene ... respect the leader of it ... Space 34/LP ... and add to it ... there is room for everyone ...

Vip :hat:

you have very valid points. however I think there is a fine line, between criticism with the sole intent of being malicious, and having legitimate issues. I'm quite sure LP is objective enough to recognize the same. James is not the only one writing objective reviews. there are actually many people on CP and not , who go to space quite often..;) it those people who are driving space. thus their criticisms or opinions, should not be tossed aside, as mere rhetoric. perhaps because the tone; of such may seem a bit offense to some. imo criticism helps you to improve, and reach for higher levels.

in all due respect to Space 34/LP ,they are not the leaders of our scene, as you stated.it is the people out spending there hard earned money, each week that drive and lead our scene. LP is an innovator, and astute businessman; who has helped foster south florida nightlife. both locally and internationally. clearly that is undeniable, and certainly should be respected. as should the efforts of others, in this town who due the same.


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Guest saleen351

Miami biggest problem to date is comp lists....

Get rid of them...

Reduced lists are the only way to fly...

To get on a reduced list bartenders get to a certain number of slots on their list a week to get reduced...

Why bartenders? They know who comes a lot and who drinks...

Others get lists aswell, but bartender must bring people to the club aswell. They have to promote the club just like everyone else..

If maze would only lead the way in reduced lists, then the club could do so much more, and comp NO ONE! Not even ME!

With reduced list blunders that are bound to happend, you and the club make out since you give the clubber the reduced list, but you still earned some dough, but the comp list thing pisses people off, and some times they leave and no one wins when the list is closed or your name is not on there... no door guy gives into the comp list story.. well i got steffen once to do it..

Miami follow the lead of the northeast, go to reduced lists...

I'd have zero issue paying 5 bucks at maze or 10 bucks at space, but space is truely in the cattle business, as where at maze, i hope that eddy and nelson continue to treat us well..

With reduced lists, you can name drop and get on the list at the door.. You'd be shocked how much a person will spend after you saved them 5 bucks or 10 bucks... Sorta like why you think winning on the board walk is da bomb, but you spent 10 bucks for a 5 dollar prize...:idea:

On wallstreet, big brokers, like to devalue money for the sales pitch.... Few people on earth say 5 dollars.. We say 5 bucks, 10 bucks, but once a clubber gets to their threashold of 15 or 20 it becomes, "20 DOLLARS!" Those pizza hut commercials didn't say 5 dollars, 5 dollars etc.. they called it bucks... You can trick the mind..

comp lists should be saved for a very very select few.. not even me...

this really doesn't fit on this thread, but it goes to all those who say we "owe" them for the hook up.... Reduce us, don't comp us!!!

Just my 2 bucks...

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LMAO @ "The Saleen"!!!!!!! :laugh:

Good thread.......why did you get banned, Saleen? :confused:

I think comp lists are good....Space in particular packs them in from wall to wall to the point where you can't fuckin walk half the time, what's a few heads let in free? They're only gonna take that money right to the bar..........

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