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A CALL TO ARMS: Boycott the Black Haired Bitch!!!!


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As my favorite character in history, Popeye, would say---"ive had all I can stands, and I cant stands no more,".....i have had my ups and downs with Club Space...I can say that the one thing that has been consistently negative is the utterly horrid attitude of the the black haired woman who works the door at Space...for months I have witnessed her nasty sarcasm and seemingly complete disdain for all those that pass before her...NOW..ITS PERSONAL!!! im not going into details, but, she was completely out of line on saturday....oh I completely understand that when given the "power" of working a night club door, along with it comes a certain arrogance...she pushes it over the edge....I know im not the only one that feels this way, because I see her attitude every weekend...its funny because the people that go to Space--pay her f'n measly salary...just like the courageous battles I fought in WWII and Korea, the sarge is going to put forth a war effort the likes that miami has never seen..all forms of media will be used..letters, faxes, emails, phone calls, the miami herald will be contacted, channel 7, Help Me Howard!!..The sarge is putting out a call to all of his troops-- lets oust this tyrant!!

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HaHaHaHa! cwm2.gif I'll join the ranks!




Respect the Floor.i.d.a scene!


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[This message has been edited by digital7 (edited 06-04-2001).]

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Originally posted by sgtfury:

As my favorite character in history, Popeye, would say---"ive had all I can stands, and I cant stands no more,".....i have had my ups and downs with Club Space...I can say that the one thing that has been consistently negative is the utterly horrid attitude of the the black haired woman who works the door at Space...for months I have witnessed her nasty sarcasm and seemingly complete disdain for all those that pass before her...NOW..ITS PERSONAL!!! im not going into details, but, she was completely out of line on saturday....oh I completely understand that when given the "power" of working a night club door, along with it comes a certain arrogance...she pushes it over the edge....I know im not the only one that feels this way, because I see her attitude every weekend...its funny because the people that go to Space--pay her f'n measly salary...just like the courageous battles I fought in WWII and Korea, the sarge is going to put forth a war effort the likes that miami has never seen..all forms of media will be used..letters, faxes, emails, phone calls, the miami herald will be contacted, channel 7, Help Me Howard!!..The sarge is putting out a call to all of his troops-- lets oust this tyrant!!

hey sgtfury space is a piece of crap in general that place is problem after the other the bouncer are dick heads and they think they are cops (pigs more like it)i will never go to that place peace


trance is forever

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i think every cop thats there should have their shield revoked and space should close down period , and david padilla to have a chance to work the remix to get popular again. this friday coming up david padilla is having the remix at salvation . you should check it pod and everybody one else in the board.


trance is forever


Kal-El / Clark Kent

[This message has been edited by supermanrb (edited 06-05-2001).]

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I can't beleive that the folks at space are smart enought to bring in all the DJ's that they do, but dumb enough to let security and the door act as they do.

Even notice that it is never that perfect evening at space.. it always something..


Hate your job? Not happy with your life? We have a support group for that. Its called EVERYONE. We meet at the bar everynight.

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Ya know shroomy. You got some thing there. It has been a rare evening at Space that I could call a perfect night. It has rarely been the door but usually the wack-ass people inside or wack-ass security inside. I think David touring around is one of the best alternatives right now. And what REALLY sucks is that PVD is @ Space this week and you know its just gonna be:

1. rediculous cover

2. wack-ass, vibe wrecking followers

3. stupid door/security

4. over crowded

I'm gonna have to do some soul searching on this one... cwm6.gif



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Originally posted by attomic:

. And what REALLY sucks is that PVD is @ Space this week and you know its just gonna be:

1. rediculous cover

2. wack-ass, vibe wrecking followers

3. stupid door/security

4. over crowded

I'm gonna have to do some soul searching on this one... cwm6.gif

indeed, my friend. that's why im not sure if i really even want to go...

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Originally posted by sgtfury:

all forms of media will be used..letters, faxes, emails, phone calls, the miami herald will be contacted, channel 7, Help Me Howard!!..The sarge is putting out a call to all of his troops-- lets oust this tyrant!!

Help me Howard......ROFL I can just see that, I'd love to turn on channel 7 news and see Howard tackling the morons out front at Space.....hell, I wish ALL the morons could be exposed for what they are! Does a club in Miami exist that has nice, friendly laid-back people working the door on a regular basis, who always try to get people in as quick as possible? Can you name ONE where this is the case? Clubbing is just such a horrible pain in the ass around here.....if I don't have some special hookup, I don't even bother going, and even then it's too much of a pain. Afterhours at Space sounds nice, but the whole dress thing is just so stupid......I can't imagine being out on the patio with the intense humidity and summer sun starting to beat down on me, and I'm standing out there like a dumb-ass with all the other dumb-asses in hot button-down shirts and slacks! Clubbing in Miami = TOTAL pain in the ass. It's a shame, too, because I love the music. I like this one little hole in the wall club in Key West (yeah, mostly gay, but whatever), they play house music all night, never a problem or anything at the door, the guy is friendly and just waves me on in.....I can wear shorts, t-shirt, trainers, whatever, it's not a problem, whatever I'm comfortable in.....drinks are actually reasonably affordable, I can buy a couple vodka red bulls without breaking the bank.......it's just SO much more laid-back.....I hate it here.

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i never saw the black haired bitch at Space, well once we left Level and got free passes for the afterhours at Space so we decided to go and when we got there (we were 7 people) a bitch at the door told us to give her 20 bucks and she would let us in and we got free passes huh? so i am sure it was that black haired bitch though i don't remember cuz i was fucked up. Anyways, whenever i go on Fridays to Space, we are always welcomed by the nice blonde , her name is Cher, i think she is cool but i still wonder who the black haired bitch is but then who the hell cares right?

Question : Does anybody here have the hook up at Opium; we are trying it on Saturday, let me know please.

PeEz and much PLUR (Peace Love Unity and Respect) cwm35.gif

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