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I just received a message from Edgar V and i have to thank him for getting back to me regarding a DJ question....he always takes the time... I say lets help Edgar out....if anyone has any opinions about his not playing at Space on Saturdays anymore...drop him a pm or better yet, call or email Space...he has given a lot to the club community...lets help him out!!!

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Originally posted by sgtfury:

I just received a message from Edgar V and i have to thank him for getting back to me regarding a DJ question....he always takes the time... I say lets help Edgar out....if anyone has any opinions about his not playing at Space on Saturdays anymore...drop him a pm or better yet, call or email Space...he has given a lot to the club community...lets help him out!!!

madlove for edgar...

hey... if he's interested, i could hook him up w/ a guestspot at a lounge in jersey...

some contacts w/ subliminal records too...

edgar if your out there send me a pm... or get my number from rene or stacey!



~ you see house is a feeling ~

~ the dj, the music, and me ~

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Edgar will always be tops on my list..

And in a few months when he starts spinning a more house oriented vibe, he's really gonna be the shit..

Cause if anybody knows todays good house music its Edgar V.

Hes been Space's resident longer than anyone else and has witnessed first hand what DJs like Deep Dish, Danny T, Carl Cox, Josh Wink, Darren Emmerson, Dave Seaman etc. etc. Have accomplished on his dancefloor spinning some frikin wicked house sets...

You go Edgar Break out the REAL SHIT. Don't be afraid of the minority Kendall crowd that will wonder what you are doing while they try to blow up. Remember theirs a whole other world outside Florida, and its livin in 2001..

Luv ya, see you in a few minutes......

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Whats up Mr acasta,

man if I remember correctly, last time I was on the board you were a newbie with like 3 posts.

Wow, you've come a long way buddy. Got alot of time on your hands huh.

Keep it up bro, soon you'll pass nolimit and acquire the title of "Super God King Clubber"

But its all good, cause looks like you're the board comedian.

Keep us smiling acasta......


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Edgar V is our little secret down here. doesn’t matter what he throws down; I know it will be kicking. having him spin one nite a week; is a waste of a great talent.

we should express our support for Edgar V. hit space up with you opinions..

Space contact info:

Emi Guerra / e-mail : contactus@clubspace.com

Fax (305) 372 – 9378

peace, sobeton

ga > check your pm's kidd !!!



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 06-09-2001).]

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You guys want to help Edgar out???

Go support him on Fridays where he needs you!

You guys make it seem like Edgar isnt playing at Space anymore. Edgar is and always has been the Resident on Friday nights. He works his ass off every Friday for 9 or 10 hours bangin it out.What nobody is talking about on this board is that Fridays are hurting at Space. Fridays used to be the biggest night at Space. Where is everybody? I went last week for Alex Gold (Edgar tore it up BTW smile.gif) and it wasnt that crowded. If you guys love Edgar V. like I do, you should come hear him ALL NIGHT LONG on Fridays. Everybody abandoned the awesome Friday night for the now trendy Saturday afterhours. Lets put our money where our mouth is and support Edgar where he needs us!

PEACE smile.gif

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Originally posted by kingstreet:

You guys want to help Edgar out???

Go support him on Fridays where he needs you!

You guys make it seem like Edgar isnt playing at Space anymore. Edgar is and always has been the Resident on Friday nights. He works his ass off every Friday for 9 or 10 hours bangin it out.What nobody is talking about on this board is that Fridays are hurting at Space. Fridays used to be the biggest night at Space. Where is everybody? I went last week for Alex Gold (Edgar tore it up BTW smile.gif) and it wasnt that crowded. If you guys love Edgar V. like I do, you should come hear him ALL NIGHT LONG on Fridays. Everybody abandoned the awesome Friday night for the now trendy Saturday afterhours. Lets put our money where our mouth is and support Edgar where he needs us!

PEACE smile.gif

I agree!!!!


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Originally posted by kingstreet:

You guys want to help Edgar out???

Go support him on Fridays where he needs you!

You guys make it seem like Edgar isnt playing at Space anymore. Edgar is and always has been the Resident on Friday nights. He works his ass off every Friday for 9 or 10 hours bangin it out.What nobody is talking about on this board is that Fridays are hurting at Space. Fridays used to be the biggest night at Space. Where is everybody? I went last week for Alex Gold (Edgar tore it up BTW smile.gif) and it wasnt that crowded. If you guys love Edgar V. like I do, you should come hear him ALL NIGHT LONG on Fridays. Everybody abandoned the awesome Friday night for the now trendy Saturday afterhours. Lets put our money where our mouth is and support Edgar where he needs us!

PEACE smile.gif

kingstreet ,

listen bro. nobody is saying we won't support him on friday. I'm just saying it is a waste to have him, spin one nite a week. hell have him spin trance on friday, and house on saturday. just let him tear it up both nites. one nite will work, but two would be better. nough said.. peace,sobeton

p.s. traditionally, I don’t go out friday nites. I bust my a*s at work all week, and I’m usually out of gas, and just want to vegetate friday nite. I’m sure, I’m not alone.



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 06-09-2001).]

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I'm with ya, I gotta work on saturday too, so that sux




Respect the Floor.i.d.a scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


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Well said Kingstreet....

Sobe, the problem is that Space is only open 2 nights, Edgar is Friday resident and Oscar is Saturday resident, whats wrong with that? Sounds pretty fair to me.

Sorry man but DJs don't get much better than Oscar G, so if anyone should be argueing for mor spin time it should be him.

We are not living in the year 2000 anymore, fashions change, trends change, SOUNDS CHANGE, and people become more educated.

I would say around 95% of my friends that were heavy into the hard german shit this time last year are now into Steve Lawler, Deep Dish, Danny T etc etc.

And I will quote Edgar V when interviewed by D VOX magazine for the WMC 2001 D-guide,

volume 7 #26

DVOX; Edgar, what do you see in the future of electronic dance music?

Edgar V; "Right now the future is very weird, I think everything is going back to HOUSE and everything is getting deeper with more of a HOUSE Sound".....

From the mouth of Edgar V himself...He is not only talented but a smart smart person..


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Originally posted by aztec-mystic:

Sobe, the problem is that Space is only open 2 nights, Edgar is Friday resident and Oscar is Saturday resident, whats wrong with that? Sounds pretty fair to me.

two nites & two dj's . use them on "both" nites. what's wrong with that ??

that's not "trendy" just good business sense.. Laterz



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I wish Edgar was on during Saturday nights/Sunday mornings, pretty much cause I work hard all week, and I tend to use Friday as my sleep day. Call me selfish, but in my opinion, Saturday is the better night for clubbing smile.gif.

From a business standpoint, Edgar should be on on Saturdays though...a la the old schedule. smile.gif

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Originally posted by pod:

Call me selfish, but in my opinion, Saturday is the better night for clubbing smile.gif.

true dat




Respect the Floor.i.d.a scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


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Guess it's time for me to open my mouth once more.

Problem I have with music (and DJs) is that I form "relationships" with both -- sounds /and/ people. And, moreover, in doglike fashion, I form loyalties as well.

People keep talking about whether Edgar should drop Trance and bang it up on Fridays, or House and keep it dark on Saturdays or whatever the fuck else they want to hear. Cool beans. We each want to hear what /we/ want to hear. My problem, though, is that while I generally sway toward House myself (no shit!), I go to Space to hear /Edgar/ ... not necessarily "Trance" music or "House" music per se. I'm there for the DJ.

That said, when asked what kind of music I want to hear, the best answer I can come up with is "Whatever the fuck EDGAR wants to play for me." If I have any objection at all it is to ties that bind -- I don't want Edgar stuck playing Trance, for example, because management (or us or whomever) dictates that Fridays are for Trance; I want Edgar playing whatever tickles his fancy.

That's when I enjoy myself... not when a DJ is being pushed toward a sound, but when a DJ is giving you a piece of himself. Legitimately giving, not when s/he's -told- what to give. While I don't know the particulars involved in being a DJ in a Club like Space, I can only hope that one thing that isn't lost during the process is freedom/creativity. If Edgar wants to drop "Give it all you Got" atop a House track, so be it; if he wants to toss in some breaks b/c that's the kind of mood he's in, better. PLAY, man. HAVE your fun. Nothing better than when a DJ is laughing and dancing along with you on the floor...

Beign told what to do is what I get at work. I don't want Edgar (or anyone) to have to look at their time on the tables the way I look at work; I do it because I have to, not because I love to!

(Oh, yeah... if I'm not making much sense it's because I only woke up about 20 mintues ago... it's been a long week.)

Anyhow, that said, Edgar -- keep it real. You know I love ya, man.


(Pssst... did I mention that I love when you drop $%#^@?)


ICQ: 72151193 // AIM: Reennneeee // ReneM@the-beach.net

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Damn Rene, that is an awesome fucking post. He finally put it in a way that all of us can appreciate. I completely and whole heartedly agree with renee. DJ's are experts and it's thier taste that we are paying to listen to. EV has been rocking it for many years.....the first time I heard him was KGB and his sound back then was way ahead of it's time. I wonder if urie1620 was at that club?

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I will send an e-mail to space.

Suggestion - Edgar , why dont you update your website and put a messageboard so people can be informed on your gigs , plans ...etc?

I know it takes time but i bet that people on this board would help .

Count on me , i do web-graphics .



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