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A NYC Review of SPACE


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Being from Boston, and just visiting SoBe for the first time last weekend, and having visited Twilo on many an occasions I would like to put my .02 in if I could. First, I would like to say there is no comparing Twilo to any other club in the US, it was one of a kind and nothing can compare, it would just be unfair to compare two places. They are both unique in their own ways.

But went to Crobar friday night, then to Space. I was blown away when I first got there, Edgar V. was off the F'ing hook, he played some really great music, love that truck horn. I also got to hang in the DJ booth for a bit, and got to meet Edgar. He was a really nice guy. But the vibe and music where alot like the Twilo vibe that I so often have felt. Two thumbs up!

Then I went to Shadow Lounge and then to Space for afterhours on saturday night, and it was a totally different place. The music wasn't nearly as good and the vibe just wasn't there. But overall I would have to say I had a really good time in SoBe last week!

One thing I would have to say is that I have seen Sobeton posting here for the past two months and wondered when I was in Space if he was there too, now I know he was. Wish we could have met.


Music makes the world turn, for without it we are nothing.

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Originally posted by prplhz:

One thing I would have to say is that I have seen Sobeton posting here for the past two months and wondered when I was in Space if he was there too, now I know he was. Wish we could have met.




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


AIM: digit960

[This message has been edited by digital7 (edited 06-28-2001).]

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i guess all these comparisons are good in a way (we can learn from one another) but i just hate it when it gets over-competitive and people start being harsh to one another.

i was in south beach memorial day and all i can say is THANK GOD for Space & Shadow. as many of you know it was rap/hip hop weekend and we were quite dismayed when we found that out. going to space to hear max graham and jonathon peters was a blast, the crowd & vibe was awesome and i loved the club!!! that outdoor patio rocks!!! saturday night we went to shadow for george acosta and it was more fun that i ever imagined it could be. what a beautiful club (too many vip areas though!). acosta will be in nyc sept. 2 and i can't wait!!!

we should just all be glad that we have both miami & nyc just a few short hours flight time away from one another and learn to honor & respect the differences. shroomy, come visit us up here and you'll see that not all new yorkers are rude!!!

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Originally posted by prplhz:

One thing I would have to say is that I have seen Sobeton posting here for the past two months and wondered when I was in Space if he was there too, now I know he was. Wish we could have met.

check your pm's .. wink.gif peace, sobeton



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Did anyone here used to go to The Edge afterhours in Ft. Lauderdale like 6 years ago?......what happened to break-beat nation? That was a vibe and a half back then......I went to Space for the first time last weekend(Sunday morning)....I must say that the music in the main room was OK. The music in the side room was OK....but the outside area was jamming some serious chilling house music at around 9am....I really enjoyed that.......I do miss those breakbeat parties though....

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Originally posted by meng:

Did anyone here used to go to The Edge afterhours in Ft. Lauderdale like 6 years ago?......what happened to break-beat nation? That was a vibe and a half back then......I went to Space for the first time last weekend(Sunday morning)....I must say that the music in the main room was OK. The music in the side room was OK....but the outside area was jamming some serious chilling house music at around 9am....I really enjoyed that.......I do miss those breakbeat parties though....

everyone seems to mention the edge parties when referring to the "vibe" that once existed in sfl. it was pretty much all sfl had. florida pretty much put breakbeat on the map. but as more people tuned it, the vibe tuned out. those who were "with it" either moved to lamesville, otown or ny. simons was the phattest club in florida (music wise). the scene in miami/ftlaud was infiltrated by a trendy/ghetto scene that eventually led to the downfall of the edge. which imo, had some of the best parties florida has seen. (except for club aahzz and the reunion parties in orlando. now that was a PHAT time). i mean when fights and circles start busting out...u know shit is wack. it's a shame that things turned out like they did, but it's inevitable down here. we just need to keep acting the way we do (us for example), represent whenever possible and just spread OUR vibe around. if people don't catch on...well that's their loss.

btw - the breakbeat nation is in full effect. although the sound that comes out of miami is catered more towards the younger crowd...it's still out there on a weekly basis. i for one am not a big fan of florida breaks...but bring around any of the nu skool breaks dj's from the uk...and I'M THERE. now THAT'S some serious shit! freeland, burridge, richards, pilgrem, mcmillan, middleton...names to look out for!

cha-ching...ringin in the .02



AIM: Phatskils2

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I went to the edge a couple of times and they played some killer break beats. The vibe was good it just seemed like the emphasis was more on the drugs then the music. The edge had an underground feel to it that you can't find in clubs nowadays. In that sense I would have to say I was pretty lucky to experience it.

However, sometimes the memory of something is better then the reality of it. I don't think the edge was amazing.....it was just something new and fun to do at the time. Just like the recent renassiance in house music is something new and fun to be a part of now.

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you are absolutely right, phrankadelic......and as far as the edge being more about drugs than the music....that may be so, but those times were the times that made me aware of breakbeats and how awesome they are...even though the good breaks are extremely hard to find these days.....they're out there...and the edge was kinda like Cheers: where evrybody knows your name....whether or not they were on drugs or not......it was generally an all around good vibe....


Hers is my review as posted on another message board:

Non stop, track after track of serious, intese, uplifting, progressive music. Digweed was RELENTLESS......never a dull moment.....for at least 4 hours he was blowing up the club with no time to rest. His set was being transmitted in both of the main rooms of Space(of course.....you think one of the resident DJ's at Space would be able to hang with Diggers playing at the same time in the other room????..NOT!....are you fucking kidding????!!!!!).......

I have never.........EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER felt or heard such incredible house or trance or whatever the fuck you wanna call it......the crowd had hands up in the air almost all the time and were cheering Diggers on constantly.....and I'm not talking about Oakenfold-drama queen-commercial trance hands up in the air crap.......this was some serious shit. I was blown away to say the LEAST!

And Digweed's expressions on his face were minimal. He would just focus on the records and would occassionally peek upwards into the crowd to check the dancefloor situation......even when the tracks would blow up....he would keep the same demeanor about him.....no head bobbing, nothing.....just looking at the records, occasianlly peeking out into the crowd for a split-second and then taking a drink of his beer. The guy is now #1 on my people mover list. I've never seen any DJ move people like that. The mixing was flawless throughout his entire set. I am now aware of why he is considered to be one of the top DJ's in the world for I had never experienced such a thing. Digweed is definitely a Tiger Woods or a Michael Jordan in the DJ world. I think it took about 1 hour into his set for me to realize he is now my favorite DJ. I have been taken to school and I have a lot of homework to do(I'm a DJ myself)........I highly reccomend you catch John Digweed whenever he comes to your town. If you've never seen him, then get ready to fasten your seat belt. Digweed does not fuck around!


[This message has been edited by meng (edited 07-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by meng:

you are absolutely right, phrankadelic......and as far as the edge being more about drugs than the music....that may be so, but those times were the times that made me aware of breakbeats and how awesome they are...even though the good breaks are extremely hard to find these days.....they're out there...and the edge was kinda like Cheers: where evrybody knows your name....whether or not they were on drugs or not......it was generally an all around good vibe....

I agree, I first got to see Icee and Baby Anne at the Edge, those were some good times. I also got to recognize who Bruce Wilcox was, some good stuff ...




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

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